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Created November 24, 2018 20:27
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Working on elm
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, input, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)
import Regex exposing (..)
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
type Password = Pwd String
type PasswordError = NoPassword | NoSymbol | NoNumber | NoCapital
type alias User =
{ name : String
, typedPassword: String
, password: Password
digit : Regex.Regex
digit =
Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <|
Regex.fromString "[0-9]"
capital : Regex.Regex
capital =
Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <|
Regex.fromString "[A-Z]"
symbol : Regex.Regex
symbol =
Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <|
Regex.fromString "[!@#$%^&*(){}:;'<>,./?\"]"
init : User
init =
{ name = ""
, typedPassword = ""
, password = initPwd ""
initPwd : String -> Password
initPwd pass =
Pwd ""
checkPassword : String -> Result PasswordError Password
checkPassword pass =
-- test that we have a capital, number, and symbol
if Regex.contains digit pass == False then
Err (NoNumber)
else if Regex.contains capital pass == False then
Err (NoCapital)
else if Regex.contains symbol pass == False then
Err (NoSymbol)
Ok (Pwd pass)
testPassword: String -> String
testPassword pass =
case (checkPassword pass) of
Err NoPassword ->
"Please enter a password"
Err NoNumber ->
"Passwords must contain number"
Err NoCapital ->
"Passwords must contain a capital letter"
Err NoSymbol ->
"Passwords must contain a symbol"
Ok newPassword ->
"Valid password"
type Msg
= TestPassword String
update : Msg -> User -> User
update msg model =
case msg of
TestPassword newPassword ->
{ model | typedPassword = newPassword }
case checkPassword newPassword of
Ok pwd ->
{ model | password = pwd }
Err _ ->
{ model | password = initPwd ""}
view : User -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ input [ placeholder "Name", value ] []
, input [ type_ "password", placeholder "Password", value "", onInput TestPassword ] []
, div [] [ text (testPassword model.typedPassword) ]
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Getting a ParseError on line 93.

I realized that with a concrete Password type that errors on invalid input, I needed to also store the string that the user types in to even pass it around to the multiple places that will want to perform that test. I already have a label testing for it, I am also imaging a button, that is unclickable until it is valid that submits a form, etc.

I'm realizing that initPass is dumb and I should use a Maybe instead.

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