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Last active February 5, 2018 22:52
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let id x = x
let const x _ = x
module type TYPE = sig type t end
module type FUNCTOR = sig
type 'a t
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
module IdFunctor = struct
type 'a t = 'a
let map f x = f x
module ConstFunctor (T : TYPE) = struct
type 'a t = T.t
let map _ x = x
type ('a, 'b) lens = {F : FUNCTOR} -> ('b -> 'b F.t) -> 'a -> 'a F.t
let view (type a) (type b) (l : (a, b) lens) (x : a) : b =
let module C = ConstFunctor (struct type t = b end) in
l {C} id x
let modify (type a) (type b) (l : (a, b) lens) (f : b -> b) (x : a) : a =
l {IdFunctor} f x
let set l x = modify l (const x)
let compose (l2 : ('b, 'c) lens) (l1 : ('a, 'b) lens) : ('a, 'c) lens =
fun { F : FUNCTOR } f x -> l1 {F} (l2 {F} f) x
let (//) l1 l2 = compose l2 l1
(* Examples *)
type address = { street : string ; number : int}
type person = { name : string; age : int; address : address }
type compnay = { name : string; ceo : person }
(* Lenses *)
let ceo { F : FUNCTOR } f x = (fun ceo -> { x with ceo }) @@ f
let address { F : FUNCTOR } f x = (fun address -> { x with address }) @@ f x.address
let street { F : FUNCTOR } f x = (fun street -> { x with street }) @@ f x.street
let my_company = {
name = "Lens Inc";
ceo = {
name = "Mary";
age = 62;
address = {
street = "Highstreet";
number = 13;
let my_company = set (ceo // address // street) "Wallstreet" company
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