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jocap / Go to Reference.js
Last active December 17, 2023 02:17
DEVONthink 3 JXA for finding the selected citation in the reference list of the current document.
let dt3 = Application("DEVONthink 3");
dt3.includeStandardAdditions = true;
var sel =[0].selectedText()
if (sel) {
sel = sel.replace(/ +and +/, " ")
sel = sel.replace(/ +och +/, " ")
sel = sel.replace(/ +& +/, " ")
sel = sel.replace(/, +/, " ")
jocap / Toggle Info.js
Last active December 17, 2023 01:03
Toggle the Info panel in DEVONthink 3, automatically resizing the window.
let dt3 = Application("DEVONthink 3");
dt3.includeStandardAdditions = true;
let se = Application("System Events")
let p = se.processes.byName("DEVONthink 3")
let win =[0]
let toggle ="Tools").menus.byName("Tools")
jocap / Create Tag Groups.scpt
Last active December 13, 2023 17:16
AppleScript for DEVONthink 3 that creates smart groups for all tags in the currently displayed group.
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
tell application "DEVONthink 3"
set theGroup to root of front window
set theRecordTags to tags of children of theGroup & tags of children of children of theGroup & tags of children of children of children of theGroup & tags of children of children of children of children of theGroup
set theDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 0
set theTags to text items of (theRecordTags as string)
jocap / userChrome.css
Created March 14, 2021 11:25
Tabs on bottom for Firefox 60, Mac OS X version (InterWeb)
@namespace url("");
/* TABS on bottom */
#navigator-toolbox toolbar:not(#nav-bar):not(#toolbar-menubar) {
-moz-box-ordinal-group: 10;
#TabsToolbar {
-moz-box-ordinal-group: 1000 !important;
-moz-appearance: none !important;
background: url(chrome://browser/skin/Toolbar-background-noise.png) hsl(0,0%,83%) !important;
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument characterp "Fabians anteckningar 22 mars.pdf")
mapconcat(#[257 "\2119\203 \300!\207\211\247\203\301!\207\207" [symbol-name number-to-string] 3 "\n\n(fn I)"] (("Fabians anteckningar 22 mars.pdf") ("Forelasning 29 mars 1861-1917.pdf") ("Forelasning 5 april Sovjetunionens uppgang och fall.pdf") ("Forelasning Den aldsta ryska historien 1 feb.pdf") ("Forelasning Ikoner 22 mars.pdf") ("Forelasning Introduktion 25 jan.pdf") ("Forelasning Katarina II - 1800-talets forsta halft 15 feb.pdf") ("Forelasning Ryskt 1600-tal 8 feb.pdf") ("Forelasning Ryskt 1700-tal Peter den store 8 feb.pdf") ("Musikhistoria Ryssland Uppsala 2017 Musiklista.pdf") ("Naverbrev-Novgorod.pdf") ("Tentamen 151127.pdf") ("Tentamen 160513.pdf") ("Tentamen 161214.pdf") ("")) "\n")
helm-init-candidates-in-buffer(global (("Fabians anteckningar 22 mars.pdf") ("Forelasning 29 mars 1861-1917.pdf") ("Forelasning 5 april Sovjetunionens uppgang och fall.pdf") ("Forelasning Den aldsta ryska
jocap / MathLayer.ahk
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
The Space Cadet `Top` key for Windows. (Inspired by
; MathLayer.ahk
; Created by John Ankarström (jocap)
; Inspired by Steve Losh:
; Compatible with US key layout
; Todo: Caps Lock support
; Issues: Selecting with LShift + arrow keys doesn't work great, RShift + arrow keys doesn't work at all
global MathMode := 0
jocap / draw_line_between.js
Created March 27, 2014 01:04
Draw a line between two coordinates (pixels). According to my calculations, Dx should be divided by 2, but for some reason in reality, it shouldn't. Hm.
function draw_line_between(ax, ay, bx, by)
var comp_x = ax - bx
var comp_y = ay - by
var _angle = Math.atan(comp_y/comp_x)*180/Math.PI // Yes, I like my angles in degrees...
var _distance = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(comp_x*comp_x + comp_y*comp_y))
var div = document.createElement("div")
var Dy = Math.cos((180-90-_angle)*(Math.PI/180))*(_distance/2);
var Dx = Math.sin((90-(180-_angle)/2)*(Math.PI/180))*Math.sin((_angle/2)*(Math.PI/180))*(_distance)
jocap / ArmaDev.bat
Last active December 24, 2015 06:09
Arma + Sublime Text Development Environment Change all three of E:\Doccuments\Arma... to your Arma missions path. Make sure that your Sublime Text installation directory is in your PATH (add ;your_install_dir to Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> PATH -> Edit)
@echo off
set /a c=1
for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b "E:\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\JohnAJ\missions"`) do (
set files[!c!]=%%f
echo !c!, %%f
set /a c+=1
get '/archive' do
@articles = Article.all :limit => 10, :order => 'created_at'
erb :articles # or haml, whatever
get '/archive/:permalink' do |permalink|
@article = Article.first :permalink => permalink
erb :article
def text(text, htmloutput = true)
if htmloutput
return text.rm_ln
return text.rm_ln!