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Christian Lisangola jochri3

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jochri3 / sass-7-1-pattern.scss
Created January 5, 2021 09:09 — forked from rveitch/sass-7-1-pattern.scss
Sass 7-1 Pattern
|– base/
| |– _reset.scss # Reset/normalize
| |– _typography.scss # Typography rules
| ... # Etc…
|– components/
| |– _buttons.scss # Buttons
| |– _carousel.scss # Carousel
jochri3 /
Created August 27, 2020 19:39 — forked from lancejpollard/
What is your folder-structure preference for a large-scale Node.js project?

What is your folder-structure preference for a large-scale Node.js project?

0: Starting from Rails

This is the reference point. All the other options are based off this.

|-- app
|   |-- controllers
|   |   |-- admin
jochri3 / variousCountryListFormats.js
Created May 15, 2020 12:05 — forked from incredimike/variousCountryListFormats.js
Country list as javascript array (alphabetical)
// Lists of countries with ISO 3166 codes, presented in various formats.
// Last Updated: Nov 15, 2019
// If you're using PHP, I suggest checking out:
// JS developers can check out:
// List of all countries in a simple list / array.