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Created November 15, 2013 07:21
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$(function () {
var inStoreReportApp = (function () {
// Handle user's motion on DOM
controller = {
// Click specific button to submit form
onFormSubmit: function ( ) {
.add( view.$exportButton ).on( 'click', function () {
// Decide which workflow by button been clicked
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'submit' ) ) {
view.$bExportInput.val( 0 );
} else {
view.$bExportInput.val( 1 );
model._dynamic.bExport = view.$bExportInput.val();
return this;
// Bind ajaxForm on assign form
onFormAjaxform: function () {
url: model._const.sSubmitUrl,
success: function ( res ) {
if ( (model._dynamic.bExport == 0) ) {
controller.getSearchResponse( res )
.onTableSorterPager( view.$resRight.find( 'table' ) );
} else {
controller.downloadInstoreXls( res );
return this;
// Download the instore xls we search for
downloadInstoreXls: function ( res ) {
return window.location = res;
// Refresh the right part with response from ajaxForm
getSearchResponse: function ( res ) {
// Trim space in response
var res = res.replace( /^\s*|\s*$/g, "" );
view.$resRight.html( res );
return controller.onOpenDetailDialog( view.$resRight.find( 'button' ) );
// Open detail dialog, the dialog is init at
onOpenDetailDialog: function ( e ) {
e.on( 'click', function () {
model._dynamic.nGoodsPassportId = $( this ).data( 'id' );
$.post( model._const.sOneGoodsDetailUrl , model._dynamic, function ( res ) {
view.$detailGoodsDialog.html( res );
view.$detailGoodsDialog.children( 'div' ).tabs(
heightStyle: 'content'
view.$detailGoodsDialog.dialog( 'open' );
return this;
// Bind tablesorter and tablepager
onTableSorterPager: function ( e ) {
if ( (e.find('tbody>tr').length == 0) ) {
return this;
'position': 'static'
return this;
// Count the total cost
countTotalGoodsCost: function () {
var $goodsCostTd = view.$resRight.find( '.goodsCost' );
model._dynamic.nTotalCost = 0;
$goodsCostTd.each( function () {
model._dynamic.nTotalCost = parseInt( $( this ).data( 'cost' ) ) + parseInt( model._dynamic.nTotalCost );
return this;
// Update the span( or other element ) text ,set it be total cost
updateViewTotalCost: function () {
this.countTotalGoodsCost( view.$resRight );
view.$resRight.find( '.nTotalCost' ).text( model._dynamic.nTotalCost );
return this;
// DOM init and setup
view = {
setup: function ( tab ) {
// The tabs where we are
this.$tab = tab;
// Search response show here,
// and add tabs UI prevent broken when ajax finish later
this.$resRight = this.$tab.find( '.ajaxResMsgRight' );
// The div of set condition to search
this.$panel = this.$tab.find( '.operatePanel' );
// The form of search condition will submit
this.$form = this.$panel.find( 'form' );
// The inputs of form
this.$input = this.$form.find( 'input' );
// The bExport input , to decide work flow in controller
this.$bExportInput = this.$input.filter( '[name="bExport"]' );
// The div where render select in
this.$selectDiv = this.$form.find( 'div' );
// The brand about select, contains Brand, BrandType, BrandSn
this.$select = this.$selectDiv.find( 'select' );
// The brand select, and prepend a null option to find all
this.$brandSelect = $( '[name="base_ajax_brand[]"]' ).prepend( '<option vale="0" selected>不限</option>' );
// All buttons
this.$button = this.$form.find( 'button' );
// Useless button
this.$deleteButton = this.$button.filter( '.delete_parent_div' ).remove();
// Button clicked to submit form , search
this.$submitButton = this.$button.filter( '.submit' ).button();
// Button clicked to submit form , export
this.$exportButton = this.$button.filter( '.export' ).button();
// Goods detail dialog init at order.financia.html.twig
this.$detailGoodsDialog = $( '.detail_of_custom_goods' );
return this;
// Data of business logic
model = {
// Constant value
'_const': {
'sSubmitUrl': Routing.generate( 'instore_report_search' ),
'sOneGoodsDetailUrl': Routing.generate( 'goods_one_detail_info' )
// Value will change with DOM action
'_dynamic': {
'nTotalCost': 0,
'nGoodsPassportId': '',
'bExport': 0
return {
initialize: function ( tab ) {
view.setup( tab );
inStoreReportApp().initialize( $( '#orders-instore' ) );
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