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Created February 20, 2017 01:04
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Example of a global chat room listener for Minecraft using the PEWS API
* This is a basic example of a global chatroom for Minecraft PE/Win10 made
* using the Pocket Edition WebSocket API.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.Scanner;
import mcpews.MCClient;
import mcpews.MCListener;
import mcpews.MCSocketServer;
import mcpews.command.SayCommand;
import mcpews.event.EventType;
import mcpews.event.PlayerMessageEvent;
import mcpews.logger.LogLevel;
import mcpews.message.MCCommand;
import mcpews.message.MCEvent;
import mcpews.message.MCMessage;
public class ChatListener implements MCListener {
private MCSocketServer server;
* This listener requires a reference to the server in-order to get all
* conncted clients.
public ChatListener(MCSocketServer server) {
this.server = server;
* Sends a message using /say to a specific client only.
private void sendMessageToClient(MCClient client, String message) {
if (server == null) {
// Create a new /say command and send it to the client
MCCommand say = new SayCommand(message);
* Sends a message using /say to all connected clients except the sender.
private void sendMessageToOthers(MCClient sender, String message) {
if (server == null) {
// Create a new /say command
MCCommand say = new SayCommand(message);
// Send the command to all connected clients except the sender
Collection<MCClient> clients = server.getClients();
synchronized (clients) {
for (MCClient client : clients) {
// Ignore if the client is the sender
if (!client.equals(sender)) {
// Optional: log the chat message
server.getLog().log(LogLevel.CHAT, message);
* This method is called anytime a new client connects to the server
public void onConnected(MCClient client) {
// Subscribe to player message events to recieve messages from the clien
// Send a greeting to the newly connected client
sendMessageToClient(client, "§eWelcome to §bPEWS§e chat! Say hi!");
// Inform other clients someone has connected
sendMessageToOthers(client, "§eSomeone has joined the chat!");
* This method is called >after< a client disconnects from the server.
public void onDisconnected(MCClient client) {
// Inform other clients that someone has disconnected
sendMessageToOthers(client, "§eSomeone has left the chat!");
* This method is called whenever the server recieves an Event message.
* The eventMessage parameter will contain an MCEvent as the body.
public void onEvent(MCClient client, MCMessage eventMessage) {
MCEvent event = (MCEvent) eventMessage.getBody();
switch (event.getEventType()) {
if (event instanceof PlayerMessageEvent) {
PlayerMessageEvent pme = (PlayerMessageEvent) event;
// Ignore the event if the sender is named External
if (!pme.getSender().equals("External")) {
sendMessageToOthers(client, pme.getSender() + ": " + pme.getMessage());
* This method is called whenever the server recieves a command response.
* The responseMessage parameter will contain an MCResponse as the body.
* The requestMessage parameter is the original MCCommand request that
* triggered the response.
public void onResponse(MCClient client, MCMessage responseMessage, MCMessage requestMessage) {
* This method is called whenever the server recieves an error from a client.
* The errorMessage parameter will contain an MCError as the body.
* The requestMessage parameter is the original MCCommand request that
* triggered the error.
public void onError(MCClient client, MCMessage errorMessage, MCMessage requestMessage) {
// Proper way to stop a server
public static void stopServer(MCSocketServer server) {
server.getLog().log(Level.INFO, "Stopping server: {0}:" + server.getAddress().getPort(), server.getAddress().getHostString());
MCCommand cm = new SayCommand("§cPEWS chat server is shutting down...");
Collection<MCClient> con = server.getClients();
synchronized (con) {
for (MCClient client : con) {
client.send(cm); // Send warning to the client
// Close the client using the /closewebsocket command
// Also unsubscribes the client from all subscribed events
try {
// Wait half a second to ensure all closing requests get sent to clients
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
try {
// Give the server 5 seconds to fully shutdown
} catch (IOException ex) {
server.getLog().log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
server.getLog().log(Level.SEVERE, "Server shutdown was interrupted.", ex);
* Creates a new MCSocketServer and adds a ChatListener to the server
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {
//String host = "localhost";
String host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
int port = 1789;
MCSocketServer server = new MCSocketServer(new InetSocketAddress(host, port));
server.addListener(new ChatListener(server));
// Start the server on a new thread
Thread t = new Thread(server);
Scanner cmdline = new Scanner(;
// Continue until "stop" is typed in the command line
while(!"stop")) {}
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