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Last active July 22, 2017 17:19
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CHANCOIN Community Update Log
July 22 2017
Apologies for the relative lack of updates - if you've been on the (official) discord you know things have been insanely busy. Here's some news:
- Moderators have been added to the discord (finally!) - this frees up a certain developer to focus on higher-level community stuff as well as actually developing - not that shitposting with you all isn't the best thing ever
- We CRYPTOPIA now - Finally! Volume is up since we got onto Cryptopia, and so is the price - but don't forget we're still on TradeSatoshi and Nova if you want to buy cheap - if you don't know how buy orders work, ask someone to help!
- Andy has finished the DGW patch but we might switch up algos entirely based on Name's work, if not we'll probably use Lyra2RE algo - and testing still has to be done, so patience!
- In the meantime, blockchain issues do continue to occur - this is bound to happen, it will get better, don't worry.
I know theres not much exciting stuff in this update but we're trying to finalize some things so please be patient. :)
For past bulletins, see:
July 14 2017
- New website is almost done - should be up in the next two days (by the end of weekend US time)
- We're researching ways to mitigate ASICs beyond just implementing DGW
- Roadmap should be done by the time the site is up too
- Our plans for the Premine - THIS IS BIG - an additional 175k will be burned to bring us under 20%
- The remainder of the premine goes into a multi-sig managed by the dev team - likely 3 of 7 required to withdraw.
- Specifics of the premine fund management are not final, details may change.
- Andy's working on getting us into cryptopia.
For past bulletins, see:
July 11 2017
Apologies for the lapse in updates - its been a quiet week, and I've been busy wagecucking at my daygig. Here's dev news!
- Andy (that's CHANCOIN) is working on getting us onto Cryptopia. He has been in contact with other exchanges as well, not 100% sure on which ones so I'll leave it there. Also, vote for us on C-Cex - - Andy offers a 5 chan bounty on each vote
- Andy is _ALSO_ reaching out to crypto youtubers, to get the word out. Awesome.
- Meta is still on vacation - he's been quiet so I trust he's been enjoying himself, as he should be. Good.
- Leeves is working on BLACKJACK for you sleazeballs! And some other things. But BLACKJACK!
- Leeves and Edgar are also working on finishing the roadmap, which we will put on bitcointalk and our site, and everywhere else we can think of.
- The site is changing - I'm going to do the work tonight, but nameserver switch means the new site might not propagate until tomorrow.
- I'm also working more on the user portal, wallet, developer API etc proof of concept.
- Edgar is inspiring some amazing memes.
- I plan on fleshing out our trello board with a ton of stuff tonight, if I can get to it. The link to that should be on the website. If you can't find it, just ping me.
For past bulletins, see:
July 8 2017, Part III
- We discussed tentative plans for completing the coin burn necessary to bring us to 20% premine, as well as tentative plans for setting up a sort of 'escrow fund' which is overseen by dev team members plus community stakeholders, in order to fund future projects - this is still very vague talk, but the upshot is everyone on the team agrees we want to be able to keep the goodwill of the community while engaging new investors, rewarding community contributors and making sure that this project benefits the anons it was built by and for (thats you slags, btw).
- Theres a lot more work that needs to be done - I'm working on the first draft of a development roadmap right now. That's going to take some time, I'm afraid, but I hope to present a draft to the dev team by the end of the weekend. At the end of the day we want to improve the ecosystem, make it easier for anons to get started developing for chancoin, and make the currency more attractive.
- I'll be distributing coins for the competition shortly.
Please ping me if you have any additional questions - I'll be up for a little bit working.
For past bulletins see -
July 8 2017, Part II - Blockchan Boogaloo
Current Soundtrack -
We'll, we've already announced the winner of the logo contest - @Kaleidoscope! Her green >implying coin was definitely the favorite of the dev teaml, although there were a lot of entries we really dug. Thanks to everyone who took the time to put something together - to those who stole stock photos or cribbed something from some random site - don't expect any coins.
I'll be distributing rewards tonight, they'll probably take a bit to come through because of the FUCKING BLOCKCHAIN
On to the results of our dev meeting today:
- We've decided to implement a Digishield-type gravity-well equation to readjust difficulty on the blockchain. See here for a starting point if you're interested in researching WTF that means:
Basically, this should mitigate the effects of difficulty fluctuations. Since Metagame is the one implementing this and he's on vacation for the next week and change, the dev team will be relentlessly renting hash power in the meantime to keep the blockchain moving smoothly. I encourage anyone who is mining to do so via pool.
- We also discussed the roadmap, the various interests and strengths of the dev team members' skill sets and how we'll be incentivizing work among the dev team by redistributing our premine as work proceeds.
- We discussed tentative plans for completing the coin burn necessary to bring us to 20% premine, as well as tentative plans for setting up a sort of 'escrow fund' which is overseen by dev team members plus community stakeholders, in order to fund future projects - this is still very vague talk, but the upshot is everyone on the team agrees we want to be able to keep the goodwill of the community while engaging new investors, rewarding community contributors and making sure that this project benefits the anons it was built by and for (thats you slags, btw).
- Theres a lot more work that needs to be done - I'm working on the first draft of a development roadmap right now. That's going to take some time, I'm afraid, but I hope to present a draft to the dev team by the end of the weekend. At the end of the day we want to improve the ecosystem, make it easier for anons to get started developing for chancoin, and make the currency more attractive.
- I'll be distributing coins for the competition shortly.
Please ping me if you have any additional questions - I'll be up for a little bit working.
For past bulletins see -
July 8 2017
Good morning - the shitposting is off to a roaring start today (or tonight for most of you in Yurop or Dingoland). I've got some meatspace (real world) things happening today but here's the skinny on whats happening:
- CHANCOIN returns home from vacation! Not that it will help to dispell the myth that we are the same person.
- The dev team has a conference sometime this evening (July 8, evening US time, July 9 AM AUS) - we're going to discuss a lot of things, too many to list here, but the upshot should be efficiency gains for the team and clarification on a few questions we need answered to move forward with some of our projects.
- I spent last night getting a bunch of cloud infrastructure set up for the project. We've managed to get a lot of cool projects online (dice, discord bot, website) but we have yet to consolidate our infrastructure, so hopefully this will allow us to do so - to the extent that the other team members wish to do so at present.
- Meeting topics _will include_ the issues with blockchain speed, so don't worry.
Thats about it for now - if I think of anything else I'll post it later.
July 7 2017
Well, its the weekend! Today we managed to get over the difficulty hump that kept us from finding a block for the better part of a day - I personally have rented three mining rigs of varying size and cost today, and have spent some time getting old GPUs set up to mine. I also caved and bought an ASIC on ebay - I blame @spuro.
Here's whats happening:
- LOGO CONTEST ENDS AT MIDNIGHT GMT! I don't know when we're going to announce a winner per se, but I can't wait to chat with the rest of the dev team about the entries. We've had so many - SO MANY - dope-ass ideas come through it really underscores how talented all you nerds are.
- Dev team is having a conference call Saturday. I don't think this one will be public, but one thing I'll put on the agenda is releasing and/or streaming periodic meetings, because I know some people have expressed interest in that. We'll be discussing a lot of things
- Leeves is still building his den of filth and depra- i mean, his casino site. He's not stopping with dice. He's working to fix the faucet and add new games.
- Michael is working on something top secret and possibly paranormal :levitate:
- Meta is still on vacation but checking in frequently.
- Acid is iterating on his own logo ideas very quickly. I think he's going to be the most relieved when the re-brand is done.
- I'm heads down on spinning up servers, securing them, setting up project infrastructure and putting together a first draft of a roadmap - that'll be a big deal, and it'll take lots of input from all the team members so please be patient.
On a side note, I love how you all have been wagering coins on chess games. I myself want to use this project as an excuse to build some web-based games, so I'm glad to see you all using the coins for that of your own accord.
OK Thats all for now, please feel free to PM me if you have questions, or just post em in the devs channel on discord. And thank you again for being such an energetic and chill bunch of anons.
For past bulletins check
July 6 2017
Not a heck of a lot happened today - except a nice rally for CHANCOIN on TradeSatoshi. Too bad their site is still impossible to use. We're working on more exchanges, trust me.
There's lots of awesome entries in the logo contest, looking forward to seeing who wins. Remember, hard cutoff for entries is End of Day Friday GMT.
Here's what's happening for the dev team right now:
- We're setting up a conference call for all of us this weekend - the first time we'll all speak synchronously via voice chat. Among other things, we'll discuss:
- (re)distribution of premine
- additional burns to meet bittrex standards
- team organization, roles and engagement
- Dev priorities
- Leeves has a dice site up! No domain name yet but you should check it out - ask in chat for the IP, or just Ctrl-F it.
- Meta is on vacation, and CHANCOIN is still on vacay as well.
- I'm working on tooling for the team, to get us organized, as well as infrastructure and medium-term platform design ideas.
- Michael is mostly working on antagonizing me because i use emacs.
I know this is a short one, but its been a quiet day - Ping me with any questions!
For past bulletins check
July 5 2017 - Part I
Today I return to wagecucking after a long weekend, so this will be short, though I will attempt to post a second bulletin later today:
- We burnin coins! We burned 3 mil yesterday, @CHANCOIN may have burned some more while I was asleep, I don't know, I'll find out.
- LOGO CONTEST - Submit your logos in the #logocontest channel - 500 coins per person who enters (limit one per person) and 2500 coins for the one chosen! This will be the end of this logo nonsense!
- Dev priorities include website updates, setting up some new servers, finishing up security audits on a super secret new treat and some other stuff I'll write up later when I'm done wagecucking.
- In other news I am CHANCOIN, and CHANCOIN is I.
For past bulletins check
July 4 2017
Its national hot-dog eating day here in Burgerland, so I'll make this a quick one - happy 4th to any other anons from the US.
There's a ton going on, so I'm going to miss some things, but:
- We have a new block explorer thanks to @metagame:
- CHANCOIN has gotten us listed on cryptodao! That's _two_ exchanges this guy has gotten us onto _while he's on vacation!_ Don't ever say we don't love you bastards.
- As most of you know, we're re-branding to avoid any potential issues with 4chan as a private entity - stock tickers are changing (I believe to CHN) and the logo is changing as well - to a more generic design - check out the pins in #memes-only for the new logo. This is a work in progress so please be patient.
- CHANCOIN is coming back from vacation soon, and @metagame is going on a vacation of his own - meta has been working balls-out so please don't antagonize him too much if he gets on to answer some questions, dude needs rest.
- We're getting closer to finalizing plans for a coin burn (about 3 million coins are gonna go POOF) and for increased transparency into the allocation and spending of the premine - this has been an important ask for a lot of you, and its our top priority, along with the aforementioned re-branding. We're getting there, patience my memelords.
- Changes to the website are coming, @Acid is working hard on that.
- I, Gossamer, am going back to my day job tomorrow - and as such I will be less available during US business hours - @Long Morrison, our fearless Finn, is going to be picking up some of the slack, as is @Edgar, but if we're a little less responsive please be patient - I have mammals to feed and I like my job very much please thank you.
I think that's it for now, I'm sure I missed some stuff - I hope to do a little bit of stuff this evening, like improving the discord configuration to decrease noise, adding a channel for Community Q&A, etc - for now I've asked Edgar to coordinate a coin drop shortly. Thanks for being chill as always and as I said, bear with me as my availability goes back to normal after this long, long Weekend Of Chancoin.
July 3 2017
After a sweaty night of feverish dreams about memecoins chasing me, here's an update on what's happening today:
- We're listed on Novaexchange!
- Dev work on custom infrastructure (wallet stuff, explorer stuff, extension stuff, other more boring stuff) is proceeding rapidly
- I'll be doing a thorough coindrop as soon as I'm done with this update.
- A memecoin-based gaming site is being set up as we speak, so you can fritter away your memecoins on cee-lo or craps or Candyland or something I don't know exactly, ask @leeves
Another thing I hope to do today is maybe create another channel or two in the discord - general is getting pretty 'tism-tastic and noisy. Also, just a note on moderation policy: we obviously want to keep moderation as light as humanly possible since this is a bunch of anons, but outright shitberg trolling will get you kicked and/or banned at my or Edgar's discretion.
Finally, expect that during the work week the dev team will be less responsive since most (if not all) of us have dayjobs that we need to survive, some of us have pets that need feeding, and at least one of us has a wife that isn't a dakimakura.
All right that's it for today, check for past bulletins, and thank you for continuing to be such chill people.
July 2 2017
Good morning NEET Aristocrats and starry-eyed wagecucks! Just a quick update from me! As I mentioned yesterday, we will be streamlining the process of rewarding you all for your support of the memeconomy - we will be doing one, at most two meme-related airdrops per day, based on the volume and dankness of new memes posted in the #only-memes channel. We will also take a look at the newbie and miner-help channels to see who has been actively helping there. After these are complete we will ping @here in the #general channel and ask who wants a little something just for being awesome, or who we might have missed.
In the future we hope to automate some of this process, but that takes time and development effort, so your patience is appreciated.
Also I'd like to introduce @edgar as a community moderator - he's chill as fuck and he'll be helping with both the airdrops and with ridiculing and/or ejecting assholes from the chat like that rockoo fool yesterday.
As stated before, we're a small team and we've got jobs and shit too so help us help you and don't be dicks and give me ulcers. Thanks in advance.
Finally here's a list of some of the cool shit we're working on right now:
- Website revisions
- Memetastic Faucet
- Steganographic image-based wallet data/airdropping coins via image data
- More exchanges (Nova coming WHEN, fucking YOBIT email us back yo)
- Better discord bot (Michael is working his _ass_ off)
And some of the goals for the medium term (i.e. not today)
- Community consensus-gathering protocols (e.g. voting on shit)
- Memesmithing reward automation
- Web Wallet
I'll be trying to post these updates daily, and keeping a log of the past ones here:
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