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Last active June 12, 2018 08:59
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AHK marble X*Y scroll emulation
;; Emulate_Scrolling_Middle_Button.ahk
;; Author: Erik Elmore <>
;; Version: 1.1 (Aug 16, 2005)
;; Enables you to use any key with cursor movement
;; to emulate a scrolling middle button. While
;; the TriggerKey is held down, you may move the
;; mouse cursor up and down to send scroll wheel
;; events. If the cursor does not move by the
;; time the TriggerKey is released, then a middle
;; button click is generated. I wrote this for my
;; 4-button Logitech Marble Mouse (trackball),
;; which has no middle button or scroll wheel.
;; Configuration
;; Higher numbers mean less sensitivity
esmb_Threshold = 5
;; This key/Button activates scrolling
esmb_TriggerKey = XButton1
;; End of configuration
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
Hotkey, *%esmb_TriggerKey%, esmb_TriggerKeyDown
HotKey, *%esmb_TriggerKey% Up, esmb_TriggerKeyUp
esmb_KeyDown = n
SetTimer, esmb_CheckForScrollEventAndExecute, 10
esmb_Moved = n
esmb_FirstIteration = y
esmb_KeyDown = y
MouseGetPos, esmb_OrigX, esmb_OrigY
esmb_XAccu = 0
esmb_YAccu = 0
esmb_KeyDown = n
;; Send a middle-click if we did not scroll
if esmb_Moved = n
MouseClick, Middle
if esmb_KeyDown = n
MouseGetPos, esmb_X, esmb_Y
esmb_XAccu := esmb_XAccu + esmb_X - esmb_OrigX
esmb_YAccu := esmb_YAccu + esmb_Y - esmb_OrigY
if (esmb_XAccu or esmb_YAccu)
esmb_Moved = y
esmb_XScroll := (esmb_XAccu // esmb_Threshold)
esmb_YScroll := (esmb_YAccu // esmb_Threshold)
esmb_XAccu := esmb_XAccu - esmb_XScroll * esmb_Threshold
esmb_YAccu := esmb_YAccu - esmb_YScroll * esmb_Threshold
esmb_XDir := "WheelRight"
if (esmb_XScroll < 0) {
esmb_XDir := "WheelLeft"
esmb_XScroll := (-1 * esmb_XScroll)
esmb_YDir := "WheelDown"
if (esmb_YScroll < 0) {
esmb_YDir := "WheelUp"
esmb_YScroll := (-1 * esmb_YScroll)
;; Do not send clicks on the first iteration
if esmb_FirstIteration = y
esmb_FirstIteration = n
else {
Loop, %esmb_YScroll% {
MouseClick, %esmb_YDir%
Loop, %esmb_XScroll% {
MouseClick, %esmb_XDir%
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