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Last active October 23, 2017 23:22
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use std::io;
use bytes::Bytes;
use tokio_service::Service;
use tokio_proto::streaming::{Message, Body};
use futures::{future, Future, Stream};
use futures::sync::oneshot;
use model::request::SmtpCommand;
use model::response::SmtpReply;
pub struct SmtpService;
impl Service for SmtpService {
// For non-streaming protocols, service errors are always io::Error
type Error = io::Error;
// These types must match the corresponding protocol types:
type Request = Message<SmtpCommand, Body<Bytes, Self::Error>>;
type Response = Message<SmtpReply, Body<SmtpReply, Self::Error>>;
// The future for computing the response; box it for simplicity.
type Future = Box<Future<Item = Self::Response, Error = Self::Error>>;
// Produce a future for computing a response from a request.
fn call(&self, command: Self::Request) -> Self::Future {
info!("Received {:?}", command);
match command {
Message::WithBody(cmd, cmd_body) => {
match cmd {
SmtpCommand::Data => {
// start => SmtpReply::StartMailInputChallenge
// ok => SmtpReply::OkInfo
// err => SmtpReply::TransactionFailure
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let fut = cmd_body
.inspect(|chunk| info!("data: {:?}", chunk))
.map(|_| tx.send(SmtpReply::OkInfo))
.map_err(|_| tx.send(SmtpReply::TransactionFailure))
.map(|_| Body::from(rx));
// ??? How to wire the fut future into the response message?
let msg = Message::WithBody(SmtpReply::StartMailInputChallenge, fut);
Box::new(future::ok(msg)) as Self::Future
_ => Box::new(future::ok(Message::WithoutBody(
Message::WithoutBody(cmd) => {
Box::new(future::ok(Message::WithoutBody(match cmd {
SmtpCommand::Connect { peer_addr, .. } => SmtpReply::ServiceReadyInfo(
format!("Hi {:?}!", peer_addr),
_ => SmtpReply::CommandNotImplementedFailure,
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