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Created September 23, 2020 13:36
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Stream<T> transformInto<T, Y>(Stream<Y> stream, T Function(Y item) fn,
{bool? cancelOnError}) {
StreamSubscription<T> _change(Stream<Y> input, bool cancelOnError) {
late StreamSubscription<Y> subscription;
// Create controller that forwards pause, resume and cancel events.
final controller = StreamController<T>(
onPause: () {
onResume: () {
onCancel: () => subscription.cancel(),
sync: true); // "sync" is correct here, since events are forwarded.
// Listen to the provided stream using `cancelOnError`.
subscription = input.listen((data) {
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
// Return a new [StreamSubscription] by listening to the controller's
// stream.
return stream.transform(
StreamTransformer<Y, T>(_change));
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