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10 things that MOST excite me:
- Dream up the future of Zapier, inspire and motivate your teammates
- Implement a successful remote team design process
- Authoritatively write about your design process
- Implement a design in HTML
- Implement a design in CSS, SASS, or LESS
- Run a design workshop
- Interview and decide from a list of designers to hire
- Figure out what a new product should do through user research
- Create high-fidelity mocks of new UI for the product
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am jodiprkr on github.
* I am jodiprkr ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is FA39 1F1E CBA5 BF31 3607 D8BA 9DA9 F0CE 214C 6C55
To claim this, I am signing this object: