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Created November 9, 2009 13:49
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Ruby benchmark: Array#each vs for x in array
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
require "benchmark"
TIMES = 100_000
ARRAY = (1..1_000).to_a do |b| "each" do
TIMES.times do |i|
ARRAY.each do |element|
end "for ... in" do
TIMES.times do |i|
for x in ARRAY
user system total real
each 9.710000 0.010000 9.720000 ( 9.740620)
for ... in 7.460000 0.000000 7.460000 ( 7.475158)
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jc00ke commented Oct 9, 2013

∴ ./each_bm.rb 
                                     user     system      total        real
each                             6.890000   0.010000   6.900000 (  6.910201)
for ... in                       6.390000   0.000000   6.390000 (  6.410597)

A lot closer for me.

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ralavay commented Feb 8, 2014

How could it be? I still think each better than for. Here my bench with ruby 1.9.3

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             7.850000   0.000000   7.850000 (  7.858244)
for ... in                       9.270000   0.000000   9.270000 (  9.287104)

and here for 2.0.0

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             7.630000   0.000000   7.630000 (  7.658610)
for ... in                       9.010000   0.000000   9.010000 (  9.024356)

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                                 user     system      total        real
each                             3.390000   0.000000   3.390000 (  3.383373)
for ... in                       3.720000   0.000000   3.720000 (  3.718571)

Yup, each is faster.

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With ruby 2.1.2, each is faster, but the good old i = 0; while i < limit; i+= 1; end beats the lot hands down (ugly is still sometimes faster)!

Note, I assign the value from the array to make sure that it isn't optimised away.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
require "benchmark"

TIMES = 100_000
ARRAY = (1..1_000).to_a do |b| "each" do
    TIMES.times do |i|
      t = 0
      ARRAY.each do |element|
        t = element
  end "for ... in" do
    TIMES.times do |i|
      t = 0
      for x in ARRAY
        t = x
  end "for ... in 0..limit" do
    TIMES.times do |i|
      limit = ARRAY.size - 1
      t = 0
      for i in 0..limit
        t = ARRAY[i]
  end "while i <ARRAY.size" do
    TIMES.times do |i|
      t = 0
      i = 0
      while i < ARRAY.size
        t = ARRAY[i]
        i += 1
  end "while i <limit" do
    TIMES.times do |i|
      limit = ARRAY.size
      t = 0
      i = 0
      while i < limit
        t = ARRAY[i]
        i += 1


I ran it three times to make sure, as the first time I had weird results, possibly from the cpu frequency ramping up. 2nd time

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             4.400000   0.010000   4.410000 (  4.400051)
for ... in                       4.760000   0.010000   4.770000 (  4.766783)
for ... in 0..limit              5.340000   0.000000   5.340000 (  5.341970)
while i <ARRAY.size              3.040000   0.010000   3.050000 (  3.040795)
while i <limit                   2.720000   0.000000   2.720000 (  2.715845)

3rd time

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             4.540000   0.000000   4.540000 (  4.532571)
for ... in                       4.730000   0.010000   4.740000 (  4.738334)
for ... in 0..limit              5.380000   0.000000   5.380000 (  5.370768)
while i <ARRAY.size              3.050000   0.000000   3.050000 (  3.058212)
while i <limit                   2.710000   0.010000   2.720000 (  2.704505)

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                                     user     system      total        real
each                             5.970000   0.030000   6.000000 (  6.044845)
for ... in                       6.170000   0.020000   6.190000 (  6.244391)

ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877)

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Ruby 2.2.0

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             6.010000   0.020000   6.030000 (  6.041084)
for ... in                       6.450000   0.020000   6.470000 (  6.498104)
for in limit                     6.140000   0.020000   6.160000 (  6.182828)

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guizmaii commented Dec 10, 2018

With JRuby

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             3.580000   0.000000   3.580000 (  3.552550)
for ... in                       3.410000   0.010000   3.420000 (  3.368357)
for ... in 0..limit              4.390000   0.020000   4.410000 (  4.285572)
while i <ARRAY.size              2.990000   0.010000   3.000000 (  2.913514)
while i <limit                   1.910000   0.010000   1.920000 (  1.888160)

I tuned a bit the @ianheggie code because the JVM needs to be hot to give the best perfs possible:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
require "benchmark"

TIMES = 100_000
ARRAY = (1..1_000).to_a

10.times do do |b| "each" do
      TIMES.times do |i|
        t = 0
        ARRAY.each do |element|
          t = element
    end "for ... in" do
      TIMES.times do |i|
        t = 0
        for x in ARRAY
          t = x
    end "for ... in 0..limit" do
      TIMES.times do |i|
        limit = ARRAY.size - 1
        t = 0
        for i in 0..limit
          t = ARRAY[i]
    end "while i <ARRAY.size" do
      TIMES.times do |i|
        t = 0
        i = 0
        while i < ARRAY.size
          t = ARRAY[i]
          i += 1
    end "while i <limit" do
      TIMES.times do |i|
        limit = ARRAY.size
        t = 0
        i = 0
        while i < limit
          t = ARRAY[i]
          i += 1

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guizmaii commented Dec 10, 2018

Message deleted because my comment wasn't relevent. See

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headius commented Dec 10, 2018

This is more likely a side effect of how the JIT optimizes one block of code and then the other block of code. These two pieces of code compile to the exact same IR and bytecode.

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ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux]

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             4.910000   0.000000   4.910000 (  4.916322)
for ... in                       6.780000   0.000000   6.780000 (  6.783303)
for ... in 0..limit              8.390000   0.000000   8.390000 (  8.396801)
while i <ARRAY.size              7.920000   0.000000   7.920000 (  7.936485)
while i <limit                   6.100000   0.000000   6.100000 (  6.101939)

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Ruby 2.7.0

each                             2.158537   0.000000   2.158537 (  2.159440)
for ... in                       2.278251   0.000000   2.278251 (  2.279027)
for ... in 0..limit              2.698481   0.000000   2.698481 (  2.699452)
while i <ARRAY.size              1.650970   0.000000   1.650970 (  1.651618)
while i <limit                   1.560133   0.000000   1.560133 (  1.560785)

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mtunjic commented Jul 25, 2021

ruby 3.0.2p107 (2021-07-07 revision 0db68f0233) [x86_64-linux]

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             2.767563   0.001415   2.768978 (  2.769054)
for ... in                       2.910278   0.000017   2.910295 (  2.910301)
for ... in 0..limit              3.669667   0.000005   3.669672 (  3.669689)
while i < ARRAY.size             2.346777   0.000007   2.346784 (  2.346790)
while i < limit                  1.973913   0.000000   1.973913 (  1.973939)

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ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-linux]

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             6.655506   0.011998   6.667504 (  6.668422)
for ... in                       7.203961   0.008000   7.211961 (  7.212894)
for ... in 0..limit              8.075872   0.012000   8.087872 (  8.088514)
while i <ARRAY.size              4.219771   0.008000   4.227771 (  4.227991)
while i <limit                   3.359660   0.003999   3.363659 (  3.363865)

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ruby 3.2.1 (2023-02-08 revision 31819e82c8) [x86_64-linux]

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             2.052966   0.000207   2.053173 (  2.053209)
for ... in                       2.225467   0.000006   2.225473 (  2.225489)
for ... in 0..limit              2.478339   0.000000   2.478339 (  2.478365)
while i <ARRAY.size              1.727570   0.000000   1.727570 (  1.727601)
while i <limit                   1.469423   0.000001   1.469424 (  1.469439)

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ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x64-mingw-ucrt]

                                   user     system      total        real
each                             4.203000   0.000000   4.203000 (  4.222868)
for ... in                       4.562000   0.000000   4.562000 (  4.583148)
for ... in 0..limit              5.047000   0.000000   5.047000 (  5.050032)
while i <ARRAY.size              2.219000   0.000000   2.219000 (  2.235048)
while i <limit                   1.984000   0.000000   1.984000 (  2.017428)

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mkweick commented Jun 2, 2024

ruby 3.3.1 (2024-04-23 revision c56cd86388) [x86_64-linux]

                                     user     system      total        real
each                             3.574591   0.000000   3.574591 (  3.586114)
for ... in                       3.879859   0.000000   3.879859 (  3.892989)
for ... in 0..limit              4.631031   0.000000   4.631031 (  4.637611)
while i <ARRAY.size              2.519849   0.000000   2.519849 (  2.520258)
while i <limit                   1.927129   0.000000   1.927129 (  1.927600)

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