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Created October 2, 2015 21:11
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  • Save jodyHamilton/5ab1bab4fa25a6a98616 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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- zivtech8x.sql.gz
- name: Setup working directory
command: "drush fec --json-config='{\"settings_php.snippets\": []}' --local-environment=probo zivtech 7 "
- name: Import the database
command: 'gunzip -c $ASSET_DIR/zivtech8x.sql.gz | `drush --root=/var/www/zivtech/webroot sql-connect` ; rm $ASSET_DIR/zivtech8x.sql.gz'
- name: Move code in place
command: 'rm -rf /var/www/zivtech/code ; mv $SRC_DIR /var/www/zivtech/code'
- name: Rewrite settings.php file and repair symlinks
command: 'drush fetcher-task ensure_settings_file zivtech ; drush fet ensure_sym_links zivtech'
- name: Running module database updates
command: 'drush --root="/var/www/zivtech/webroot" updb -y'
- name: Enable stage_file_proxy
command: 'drush --root="/var/www/zivtech/webroot" en stage_file_proxy -y'
- name: Revert all features
command: 'drush --root="/var/www/zivtech/webroot" fra -y'
- name: Fix permissions
command: 'chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/zivtech/public_files'
- name: Generate login link
command: 'cd /var/www/zivtech/code ; drush uli'
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