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Created March 27, 2014 17:47
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package com.boyzoid
class ScottsRoundRobiner {
static final DEFAULT_TEAM_COUNT = 7
static final DEFAULT_HOLE_COUNT = 9
List makeSchedule( List teams, Integer holeCount ) {
List schedule = []
// Checked against
if ( teams.size() % 2 ) {
teams << [ id: '0', name: 'BYE']
def half = teams.size() / 2
def round = 0
while ( round < teams.size() - 1 ) {
// Create a random list of holes
List holes = (1..holeCount).collect{ it }
def pairings = []
for ( int i=0; i<half; i++) {
pairings << [
teamOne: teams[i],
teamTwo: teams.getAt( teams.size() - ( i + 1 ) ),
hole: holes.pop() // grab the last hole from the random list, removing it from the list
// reorder the teams - inefficent, but who cares?
List newTeams = [ teams.first(), teams.last() ]
teams.findAll {
!newTeams.contains( it )
}.each {
newTeams << it
teams = newTeams
// add it to the schedule
schedule << [
round: round,
pairings: pairings
return schedule
List makeSchedule() {
List teams = []
teams << makeTeam(it)
makeSchedule( teams, DEFAULT_HOLE_COUNT )
Map makeTeam(id) {
return [
id:id + 1,
name: "Team " + ( id + 1 )
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