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Apache2 Buddy (2018-09-26)
eval "use diagnostics; 1" or die("\n[ FATAL ] Could not load the Diagnostics module.\n\nTry:\n\n sudo apt-get install perl-modules\n\nThen try running this script again.\n\n");
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling pass_through);
use POSIX;
use strict;
use File::Find;
# __ ___ __ __ __ __
# ____ ____ ____ ______/ /_ ___ |__ \ / /_ __ ______/ /___/ /_ __ ____ / /
# / __ `/ __ \/ __ `/ ___/ __ \/ _ \__/ // __ \/ / / / __ / __ / / / / / __ \/ /
# / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /__/ / / / __/ __// /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / /
# \__,_/ .___/\__,_/\___/_/ /_/\___/____/_.___/\__,_/\__,_/\__,_/\__, (_) .___/_/
# /_/ /____/ /_/
# author: richard forth
# description: apache2buddy, a fork of apachebuddy that caters for apache2, obviously.
# Github Page:
# Please only make pull requests from staging branch.
# [ INFO ] is a fork of
# [ INFO ] MD5SUMs now availiable at
# [ INFO ] SHA256SUMs now availiable at
# [ INFO ] is now released under the Apache 2.0 License. See
# [ INFO ] is now hosted from github. See
# [ INFO ] Changelogs and updates in github. See
# L I C E N S E
# Copyright 2016 Richard Forth
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# The copyright line reads as my name, because I did a lot of work in making
# this fork a whole new beast, and the previous project was never distributed
# under any official license, I did get the blessing from Gus Maskowitz to
# publish it under the Apache License 2.0.
# The purpose of the license is to ensure that free software remains free, not
# as in "free beer" but in "freedom". The freedom to derive new software from
# this and to keep that software "free" too.
# But it is important to acknowldege too, that this is a derivative work from
# Even though it is not being maintained any more, I would like
# to acknowledge the talents of a few people:
# Major Hayden - for his inspiring work on
# Jacob Walcik - who is the credited author of (see the first
# few lines of the original script code at http://
# Gus Maskowitz - for his work on the script, though it is no longer maintained
# Will Parsons - for hosting the original script at
# Here I note that I also do not maintain the old project, this is a complete
# fork and revamp of the original code, and is maintained separately.
# Please keep any and all credits in the source code, and if you derive a new
# software from it, by all means add your own credits.
# D I S C L A I M E R
# ==============================================================
# There are no plans to make this script automatically change any apache configuration settings, as this
# could prove disasterous in production environments.
# Needless to say this script comes without any warranty or fitness for a particular use and you run it
# at your own risk.
# Every care has been taken to make sure this does nothing bad, it should only be reading configuration
# files, and doing a bit of maths, and printing out a shiny report.
# Nothing more nothing less.
# Please pay special attention and review the source code before deciding whether you should run this on
# your systems.
# I am not responsible for any damage caused to your data, systems or hardware, loss of business, your
# marriage breaking down, getting your car or house reposessed, or ending up in prison or losing your job
# and drug habits developing , insolvency, bankruptcy, personal hygiene issues, disease or death that may
# stem as a direct result of running this script.
# Note:
# If you really want to read all of the source code, I suggest that you start from the comment:
# ########################
# ########################
# Because everything from this point to that, is just a bunch of subroutines that the script needs in order
# to be able to run, and it won't flow or make any sense until you start from the "start".
## print usage
sub usage {
our $usage_output = <<'END_USAGE';
Usage: [OPTIONS]
If no options are specified, the basic tests will be run.
-h, --help Print this help message
-p, --port=PORT Specify an alternate port to check (default: 80)
--pid=PID Specify a PID to bypass the "Multiple PIDS listening on port 80" error.
-v, --verbose Use verbose output (this is very noisy, only useful for debugging)
-n, --nocolor Use default terminal color, dont try to be all fancy!
-H, --noheader Do not show header title bar.
-N, --noinfo Do not show informational messages.
-K, --no-ok Do not show OK messages.
-W, --nowarn Do not show warning messages.
-L, --light-term Show colours for a light background terminal.
-r, --report Implies -HNWK or --noinfo --nowarn --no-ok --noheader --skip-maxclients --skip-php-fatal --skip-updates
-P, --no-check-pid DON'T Check the Parent Pid File Size (only use if desperate for more info, results may be skewed).
--skip-maxclients Skip checking in maxclients was hit recently, can be slow, especialy if you have large log files.
--skip-php-fatal Skip checking for PHP FATAL errors, can be slow, especialy if you have large log files.
--skip-updates Skip checking for package updates, can be slow or problematic, causing the script to hang.
[ -- ] = Information
[ @@ ] = Advisory
[ >> ] = Warning
[ !! ] = Critical
print $usage_output;
# if help is not asked for, we do not give it
my $help = "";
# by default, assume the terminal has dark background, eg putty
my $LIGHTBG = 0;
# if no port is specified, we default to 80
my $port = 80;
# if no pid is specified, we default to 0
our $pid = 0;
# by default, do not use verbose output
our $VERBOSE = "";
# by default, use color output
our $NOCOLOR = 0;
# by default, show news messages
our $NONEWS = 0;
# by default, show informational messages
our $NOINFO = 0;
# by default, show ok messages
our $NOOK = 0;
# by default, show warnings
our $NOWARN = 0;
# by default, show full output
our $REPORT = 0;
# by default, show header
our $NOHEADER = 0;
# by default, check pid size
our $NOCHKPID = 0;
# add 'skip section' options...
# by default, do not skip maxclients check
# by default, do not skip php fatal errors check
# by default, do not skip updates check
# grab the command line arguments
'help|h' => \$help,
'port|p:i' => \$port,
'pid:i' => \$pid,
'verbose|v' => \$VERBOSE,
'nocolor|n' => \$main::NOCOLOR,
'noinfo|N' => \$NOINFO,
'nowarn|W' => \$NOWARN,
'report|r' => \$REPORT,
'light-term|L' => \$LIGHTBG,
'no-ok|K' => \$NOOK,
'noheader|H' => \$NOHEADER,
'no-check-pid|P' => \$NOCHKPID,
'skip-maxclients' => \$SKIPMAXCLIENTS,
'skip-php-fatal' => \$SKIPPHPFATAL,
'skip-updates' => \$SKIPUPDATES,
'nonews' => \$NONEWS
# check for invalid options, bail if we find any and print the usage output
if ( @ARGV > 0 ) {
print "Invalid option: ";
foreach (@ARGV) {
print $_." ";
print "\n";
if ( $REPORT ) {
$NOINFO = 1;
$NONEWS = 1;
$NOWARN = 1;
$NOOK = 1;
# Declare constants such as ANSI COLOR schemes.
# TO SAVE CODE and thus also massively cut down on the file size, Ive decided to handle NOCOLOR here,
# instead of on every single line where I need to print something. it seems much simpler and cleaner
# to print an empty string rather than an escape sequence, rather than doubling up on print() statements.
our $RED;
our $GREEN;
our $YELLOW;
our $BLUE;
our $PURPLE;
our $CYAN;
our $ENDC;
our $BOLD;
if ( ! $NOCOLOR ) {
if ( ! $LIGHTBG ) {
$RED = "\033[91m";
$GREEN = "\033[92m"; # Like a light green color, not good for light terminals, but perfect for dark, eg PuTTY, terminals.
$YELLOW = "\033[93m"; # Like a yellow color, not good for light terminals, but perfect for dark, eg PuTTY, terminals.
$BLUE = "\033[94m";
$PURPLE = "\033[95m"; # technically its Magento...
$CYAN = "\033[96m"; # Like a light blue color, not good for light terminals, but perfect for dark, eg PuTTY, terminals.
} else {
$RED = "\033[1m"; # bold all the things!
$GREEN = "\033[1m"; # bold all the things!
$YELLOW = "\033[1m"; # bold all the things!
$BLUE = "\033[1m"; # bold all the things!
$PURPLE = "\033[1m"; # bold all the things!
$CYAN = "\033[1m"; # bold all the things!
$ENDC = "\033[0m"; # reset the terminal color
$BOLD = "\033[1m"; # what it says on the tin, you can double up eg make a bold red: ${BOLD}${RED}Something${ENDC}
$UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"; # again you can double this one up.
} else {
sub get_os_platform_older {
our $python;
my $raw_platform = `$python -c 'import platform ; print (platform.dist())'`;
# ('CentOS Linux', '7.3.1611', 'Core')
$raw_platform =~ s/[()']//g;
my @platform = split(", ", $raw_platform);
my $distro = @platform[0];
my $version = @platform[1];
my $codename = @platform[2];
return ($distro, $version, $codename);
sub get_os_platform {
our $python;
my $raw_platform = `$python -c 'import platform ; print (platform.linux_distribution())'`;
# ('CentOS Linux', '7.3.1611', 'Core')
$raw_platform =~ s/[()']//g;
my @platform = split(", ", $raw_platform);
my $distro = @platform[0];
my $version = @platform[1];
my $codename = @platform[2];
return ($distro, $version, $codename);
sub check_os_support {
my ($distro, $version, $codename) = @_;
# Please dont make pull requests to add your distro to this list, that doesnt make it supported.
# The following distros are what I use to test and deploy apache2buddy and only these distro's are supported.
my @supported_os_list = ('Ubuntu',
'Red Hat Enterprise Linux',
'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server',
'CentOS Linux',
'Scientific Linux');
my %sol = map { $_ => 1 } @supported_os_list;
my @ubuntu_os_list = ('Ubuntu', 'ubuntu');
my %uol = map { $_ => 1 } @ubuntu_os_list;
my @debian_os_list = ('Debian', 'debian');
my %dol = map { $_ => 1 } @debian_os_list;
my @redhat_os_list = ('Red Hat Enterprise Linux', 'redhat', 'CentOS Linux', 'Scientific Linux');
my %rol = map { $_ => 1 } @redhat_os_list;
my @debian_supported_versions = ('8','9');
my %dsv = map { $_ => 1 } @debian_supported_versions;
my @ubuntu_supported_versions = ('14.04','16.04','18.04');
my %usv = map { $_ => 1 } @ubuntu_supported_versions;
if (exists($sol{$distro})) {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "This distro is supported by\n" }
# If the OS is deemed unsupported, we still run, but you may get errors, however any github issues raised will not
# be entertained for unsupported or EOL OS releaases.
if (exists($dol{$distro})) {
my @debian_version = split('\.', $version);
if ( $VERBOSE ) {
foreach my $item (@debian_version) {
print "VERBOSE: ". $item . "\n";
my $major_debian_version = $debian_version[0];
if (exists($dsv{$major_debian_version})) {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "This distro version is supported by\n" }
} else {
show_crit_box(); print "${RED}This distro version (${CYAN}$version${ENDC}${RED}) is not supported by${ENDC}\n";
# list supported debian versions
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}Supported Debian versions:${ENDC} '${CYAN}" . join("${ENDC}', '${CYAN}", @debian_supported_versions) . "${ENDC}'.\n"}
} elsif (exists($uol{$distro})) {
if (exists($usv{$version})) {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "This distro version is supported by\n" }
} else {
show_crit_box(); print "${RED}This distro version (${CYAN}$version${ENDC}${RED}) is not supported by${ENDC}\n";
# list supported debian versions
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}Supported Ubuntu (LTS ONLY) versions:${ENDC} '${CYAN}" . join("${ENDC}', '${CYAN}", @ubuntu_supported_versions) . "${ENDC}'.\n"}
} elsif (exists($rol{$distro})) {
# for red hat versions is not so clinical regarding the specific versions, however we need to be mindful of EOL versions eg RHEL 3, 4, 5
# get mavjor version from version string. note that redhatm centos and scientifc are al rebuilds of the same sources, variables therefore
# use the generic 'redhat' reference.
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "VERBOSE -> RedHat Version: ". $version . "\n"}
my @redhat_version = split('\.', $version);
if ( $VERBOSE ) {
foreach my $item (@redhat_version) {
print "VERBOSE: ". $item . "\n";
my $major_redhat_version = $redhat_version[0];
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "VERBOSE -> Major RedHat Version Detected ". $major_redhat_version . "\n"}
if ($major_redhat_version lt 6 ) {
show_crit_box(); print "${RED}This distro version (${CYAN}$version${ENDC}${RED}) is not supported by${ENDC}\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "This distro version is supported by\n" }
} else {
show_crit_box(); print "${RED}This distro is not supported by${ENDC}\n";
# list supported OS distros
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}Supported Distro's:${ENDC} '${CYAN}" . join("${ENDC}', '${CYAN}", @supported_os_list) . "${ENDC}'.\n"}
sub systemcheck_large_logs {
my ($logdir) = @_;
if ( -d $logdir ) {
my @logs;
my $logfiles_raw = find(sub {push @logs, $File::Find::name if -s >= 1024000000;}, $logdir);
foreach my $log (@logs) {
my $size = -s $log;
my $humansize = sprintf "%.2f", $size/1024/1024/1024;
show_crit_box(); print $log . " --> " . $humansize . "GB\b\n";
if (@logs == 0) {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "${GREEN}No large logs files were found in ${CYAN}$logdir${ENDC}.\n"; }
} else {
show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}Consider setting up a log rotation policy.${ENDC}\n";
show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}Note: Log rotation should already be set up under normal circumstances, so very${ENDC}\n";
show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}Large error logs can indicate a fundmental issue with the website / web application.${ENDC}\n";
# silently proceed if the folder doesnt exist
# here we're going to build a list of the files included by the Apache
# configuration
sub build_list_of_files {
my ($base_apache_config,$apache_root) = @_;
# these to arrays will contain lists of Apache configuration files
# this is going to be the ultimate list of files that will be parsed
# searching for arguments
my @master_list;
# this will be a "scratch" space to store a list of files that
# currently need to be searched for more "include" lines
my @find_includes_in;
# put the main configuration file into the list of files we're going
# to include
# put the main configuratino file into the list of files we need to
# search for include lines
#get the Include lines from the main apache config
@master_list = find_included_files(\@master_list,\@find_includes_in,$apache_root);
# here we're going to build an array holding the content of all of the
# available configuration files
sub build_config_array {
my ($base_apache_config,$apache_root) = @_;
# these to arrays will contain lists of Apache configuration files
# this is going to be the ultimate list of files that will be parsed
# searching for arguments
my @master_list;
# this will be a "scratch" space to store a list of files that
# currently need to be searched for more "include" lines
my @find_includes_in;
# put the main configuration file into the list of files we're going
# to include
# put the main configuratino file into the list of files we need to
# search for include lines
#get the Include lines from the main apache config
@master_list = find_included_files(\@master_list,\@find_includes_in,$apache_root);
# this will find all of the files that need to be included
sub find_included_files {
my ($master_list, $find_includes_in, $apache_root) = @_;
# get the number of elements in the array
my $count = @$find_includes_in;
# this array will eventually hold the entire apache configuration
my @master_config_array;
# while there are still entries in this array, keep processing
while ( $count > 0 ) {
my $file = $$find_includes_in[0];
print "VERBOSE: Processing ".$file."\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
if(-d $file && $file !~ /\*$/) {
print "VERBOSE: Adding glob to ".$file.", is a directory\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
$file .= "/" if($file !~ /\/$/);
$file .= "*";
# open the file
open(FILE,$file) || die("Unable to open file: ".$file."\n");
# push the file into an array
my @file = <FILE>;
# put the file in the master configuration array
# close the file
# search the file for includes
foreach (@file) {
# this will be used to store a list of any new include
# lines found
# my @new_includes;
# if the line looks like an include, then we want to examine it
if ( $_ =~ m/^\s*include\s+/i ) {
# grab the included file name or file glob
$_ =~ s/\s*include\s+(.+)\s*/$1/i;
# strip out any quoting
$_ =~ s/['"]+//g;
# prepend the Apache root for files or
# globs that are relative
if ( $_ !~ m/^\// ) {
$_ = $apache_root."/".$_;
# check for file globbing
if(-d $_ && $_ !~ /\*$/) {
print "VERBOSE: Adding glob to ".$_.", is a directory\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
$_ .= "/" if($_ !~ /\/$/);
$_ .= "*";
if ( $_ =~ m/.*\*.*/ ) {
my $glob = $_;
my @include_files;
# if the include is a file glob,
# expand it and add the files
# to the list
my @new_includes = expand_included_files(\@include_files, $glob, $apache_root);
else {
# if it is not a glob, push the
# line into the configuration
# array
# This extra bit of code is required for apache 2.4's new directive "IncludeOptional"
if ( $_ =~ m/^\s*includeoptional\s+/i ) {
# grab the included file name or file glob
$_ =~ s/\s*includeoptional\s+(.+)\s*/$1/i;
# strip out any quoting
$_ =~ s/['"]+//g;
# prepend the Apache root for files or
# globs that are relative
if ( $_ !~ m/^\// ) {
$_ = $apache_root."/".$_;
# check for file globbing
if(-d $_ && $_ !~ /\*$/) {
print "VERBOSE: Adding glob to ".$_.", is a directory\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
$_ .= "/" if($_ !~ /\/$/);
$_ .= "*";
if ( $_ =~ m/.*\*.*/ ) {
my $glob = $_;
my @include_files;
# if the include is a file glob,
# expand it and add the files
# to the list
my @new_includes = expand_included_files(\@include_files, $glob, $apache_root);
else {
# if it is not a glob, push the
# line into the configuration
# array
# trim the first entry off the array now that we have
# processed it
# get the new count of files left to look at
$count = @$find_includes_in;
# return the config array with the included files attached
return @master_config_array;
# this will expand a glob into a list of individual files
sub expand_included_files {
my ($include_files, $glob, $apache_root) = @_;
# use a call to ls to get a list of the files from the glob
my @files = `ls $glob 2> /dev/null`;
# add the files from the glob to the array we're going to pass back
foreach(@files) {
print "VERBOSE: Adding ".$_." to list of files for processing\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
# return the include_files array with the files from the glob attached
return @$include_files;
# search the configuration array for a defined value that is not inside of a
# virtual host
sub find_master_value {
my ($config_array, $model, $config_element) = @_;
# store our results in an array
my @results;
# used to control whether or not we are currently ignoring elements
# while searching the array
my $ignore = 0;
my $ignore_by_model = 0;
my $ifmodule_count = 0;
# apache has four available models - prefork, worker, event, and itk. only one can be
# in use at a time. we have already determined which model is being used. We also only
# support PreFork, any any one time three MPM's will need to be ignored.
my $ignore_model1;
my $ignore_model2;
my $ignore_model3; # always ignore MPM ITK
if ( $model =~ m/.*worker.*/i ) {
$ignore_model1 = "prefork";
$ignore_model2 = "event";
$ignore_model3 = "itk";
} elsif ( $model =~ m/.*event.*/i ) {
$ignore_model1 = "worker";
$ignore_model2 = "prefork";
$ignore_model3 = "itk";
} else {
# default to prefork
$ignore_model1 = "worker";
$ignore_model2 = "event";
$ignore_model3 = "itk";
print "VERBOSE: Searching Apache configuration for the ".$config_element." directive\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
# search for the string in the configuration array
foreach (@$config_array) {
# ignore lines that are comments
if ( $_ !~ m/^\s*#/ ) {
# we ignore lines that are within a Directory, Location,
# File, or Virtualhost block
# check to see if we have an opening tag for one of the
# block types listed above
if ( $_ =~ m/^\s*<(directory|location|files|virtualhost|ifmodule\s.*$ignore_model1|ifmodule\s.*$ignore_model2|ifmodule\s.*$ignore_model3)/i ) {
#print "Starting to ignore lines: ".$_."\n";
$ignore = 1;
# check for a closing block to stop ignoring lines
if ( $_ =~ m/^\s*<\/(directory|location|files|virtualhost|ifmodule)/i ) {
#print "Starting to watch lines: ".$_."\n";
$ignore = 0;
# if we're not ignoring lines, check and see if we've
# found the configuration element we're looking for
if ( $ignore != 1 ) {
# if we find a match
if ( $_ =~ m/^\s*$config_element\s+.*/i ) {
$_ =~ s/^\s*$config_element\s+(.*)/$1/i;
$_ =~ s/\r//g;
# if we find multiple definitions for the same element, we should
# return the last one
my $result;
if ( @results > 1 ) {
$result = $results[@results - 1];
else {
$result = $results[0];
#Result not found
if (@results == 0) {
$result = "CONFIG NOT FOUND";
print "VERBOSE: $result \n" if $main::VERBOSE;
# Ubuntu does not store the Apache user, group, or pidfile definitions
# in the apache2.conf file. instead, variables are in the configuration
# file and the real values are in /etc/apache2/envvars. this is a
# workaround for that behavior.
if ( $config_element =~ m/[users|group|pidfile]/i && $result =~ m/^\$/i ) {
if ( -e "/etc/debian_version" && -e "/etc/apache2/envvars") {
print "VERBOSE: Using Ubuntu workaround for: ".$config_element."\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Processing /etc/apache2/envvars\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
open(ENVVARS,"/etc/apache2/envvars") || die "Could not open file: /etc/apache2/envvars\n";
my @envvars = <ENVVARS>;
# change "pidfile" to match Ubuntu's "pid_file"
# definition
if ( $config_element =~ m/pidfile/i ) {
$config_element = "pid_file";
foreach (@envvars) {
if ( $_ =~ m/.*$config_element.*/i ) {
$_ =~ s/^.*=(.*)\s*$/$1/i;
$result = $_;
# return the value to the main program
return $result;
# this will examine the memory usage of the apache processes and return one of
# three different outputs: average usage across all processes, the memory usage
# by the largest process, or the memory usage by the smallest process
sub get_memory_usage {
my ($process_name, $apache_user, $search_type) = @_;
my (@proc_mem_usages, $result);
# get a list of the pid's for apache running as the appropriate user
my @pids = `ps aux | grep $process_name | grep -v root | grep $apache_user | awk \'{ print \$2 }\'`;
# if length of @pids is still zero then die with an error.
if (@pids == 0) {
show_crit_box(); print ("Error getting a list of PIDs\n");
print ("DEBUG -> Process Name: ".$process_name."\nDEBUG -> Apache_user: ".$apache_user."\nDEBUG -> Search Type: ".$search_type."\n\n");
exit 1;
# figure out how much memory each process is using
foreach (@pids) {
# pmap -d is used to determine the memory usage for the
# individual processes
my $pid_mem_usage = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 pmap -d $_ | egrep "writeable/private" | awk \'{ print \$4 }\'`;
$pid_mem_usage =~ s/K//;
print "VERBOSE: Memory usage by PID ".$_." is ".$pid_mem_usage."K\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
# on a busy system, the grep output will return the pid for the
# grep process itself, which will be gone by the time we get
# around to running pmap
if ( $pid_mem_usage ne "" ) {
push(@proc_mem_usages, $pid_mem_usage);
# examine the array
if ( $search_type eq "high" ) {
# to find the largest process, sort the values from largest to
# smallest and take the first one
@proc_mem_usages = sort { $b <=> $a } @proc_mem_usages;
$result = $proc_mem_usages[0] / 1024;
if ( $search_type eq "low" ) {
# to find the smallest process, sort the values from smallest to
# largest and take the first one
@proc_mem_usages = sort { $a <=> $b } @proc_mem_usages;
$result = $proc_mem_usages[0] / 1024;
if ( $search_type eq "average" ) {
# to get the average, add up the total amount of memory used by
# each process, and then divide by the number of processes
my $sum = 0;
my $count;
foreach (@proc_mem_usages) {
$sum = $sum + $_;
# our result is in kilobytes, convert it to megabytes before
# returning it
$result = $sum / $count / 1024;
# round off the result
$result = round($result);
return $result;
# this function accepts the path to a file and then tests to see whether the
# item at that path is an Apache binary
sub test_process {
my ($process_name) = @_;
# Reduce to only aphanumerics, to deal with "nginx: master process" or any newlnes
$process_name = `echo -n $process_name | sed 's/://g'`;
# the first line of output from "httpd -V" should tell us whether or
# not this is Apache
our @output;
if ( $process_name eq '/usr/sbin/httpd' ) {
@output = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $process_name -V 2>&1 | grep "Server version"`;
print "VERBOSE: First line of output from \"$process_name -V\": $output[0]\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
} elsif ( $process_name eq '/usr/sbin/httpd.worker' ) {
# Handle Worker processes better
# BUGFIX, first identified by C. Piper Balta
@output = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $process_name -V 2>&1 | grep "Server version"`;
print "VERBOSE: First line of output from \"$process_name -V\": $output[0]\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
} elsif ( $process_name eq '/usr/sbin/apache2' ) {
@output = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -V 2>&1 | grep "Server version"`;
print "VERBOSE: First line of output from \"/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -V\": $output[0]\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
} elsif ( $process_name eq '/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd' ) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_warn_box(); print "${RED}Apache seems to have been installed from source, its technically unsupported, we may get errors${ENDC}\n" }
@output = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $process_name -V 2>&1 | grep "Server version"`;
print "VERBOSE: First line of output from \"/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -V\": $output[0]\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
} else {
# this catchall should cover all other possibilities, such as
# nginx, varnish, etc.
# BUGFIX, first identified by C. Piper Balta.
my $return_val = 0;
return $return_val;
my $return_val = 0;
#if ( $output eq '' ) {
# $return_val = 0;
# check for output matching Apache'
if ( $output[0] =~ m/^Server version.*Apache\/[0-9].*/ ) {
$return_val = 1;
return $return_val;
# this will return the pid for the process listening on the port specified
sub get_pid {
my ( $port ) = @_;
# find the pid for the software listening on the specified port. this
# might return multiple values depending on Apache's listen directives
my @pids = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 netstat -ntap | egrep "LISTEN" | grep \":$port \" | awk \'{ print \$7 }\' | cut -d / -f 1`;
print "VERBOSE: ".@pids." found listening on port 80\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
# set an initial, invalid PID.
my $pid = 0;;
foreach (@pids) {
$_ =~ s/(.*)\/.*/$1/;
if ( $pid == 0 ) {
$pid = $_;
elsif ( $pid != $_ ) {
print "There are multiple PIDs listening on port $port.";
else {
$pid = $_;
# return the pid, or 0 if there is no process found
if ( $pid eq '' ) {
$pid = 0;
print "VERBOSE: Returning a PID of ".$pid."\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
return $pid;
# this will return the path to the application running with the specified pid
sub get_process_name {
my ( $pid ) = @_;
print "VERBOSE: Finding process running with a PID of ".$pid."\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
# based on the process name, we can figure out where the binary lives
my $process_name = `ps ax | grep "\^[[:space:]]*$pid\[[:space:]]" | awk \'{print \$5 }\'`;
print "VERBOSE: Found process ".$process_name."\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
# return the process name, or 0 if there is no name found
if ( $process_name eq '' ) {
$process_name = 0;
return $process_name;
# this will return the apache root directory when given the full path to an
# Apache binary
sub get_apache_root {
our ( $process_name ) = @_;
our $apache_root;
# use the identified Apache binary to figure out where the root directory is
# for the Apache instance
if ( $process_name eq "/usr/sbin/apache2") {
# use apache2ctl instead ...
$apache_root = `apache2ctl -V 2>&1 | grep \"HTTPD_ROOT\"`;
$apache_root =~ s/.*=\"(.*)\"/$1/;
} else {
$apache_root = `$process_name -V 2>&1 | grep \"HTTPD_ROOT\"`;
$apache_root =~ s/.*=\"(.*)\"/$1/;
if ( $apache_root eq '' ) {
$apache_root = 0;
return $apache_root;
# this will return the apache configuration file, relative to the apache root
# for the provided apache binary
sub get_apache_conf_file {
our $apache_conf_file;
my ( $process_name ) = @_;
if ( $process_name eq "/usr/sbin/apache2") {
# use apache2ctl instead ...
$apache_conf_file = `apache2ctl -V 2>&1 | grep \"SERVER_CONFIG_FILE\"`;
$apache_conf_file =~ s/.*=\"(.*)\"/$1/;
} else {
$apache_conf_file = `$process_name -V 2>&1 | grep \"SERVER_CONFIG_FILE\"`;
$apache_conf_file =~ s/.*=\"(.*)\"/$1/;
# return the apache configuration file, or 0 if there is no result
if ( $apache_conf_file eq '' ) {
$apache_conf_file = 0;
return $apache_conf_file;
sub itk_detect {
my ($model) = @_;
if ( $model =~ /(.*)itk(.*)/) {
show_crit_box(); print "MPM ITK was detected, does odd things so we quit. Sorry.\n";
show_advisory_box(); print "MPM ITK is not supported. Unload the module and try again.\n\n";
# this will determine whether this apache is using the worker or the prefork
# model based on the way the binary was built
sub get_apache_model {
our $model;
my ( $process_name ) = @_;
if ( $process_name eq "/usr/sbin/apache2") {
# In apache2, worker / prefork / event are no longer compiled-in.
# Instead, with is a loaded in module
# differing from httpd / httpd24u's process directly, in ubuntu we need to run apache2ctl.
$model = `apache2ctl -M 2>&1 | egrep "worker|prefork|event|itk"`;
# if we detect itk module, we need to stop immediately:
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: $model" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: $model" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: $model\n" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: REGEX Filter started.\n" }
$model =~ s/\s*mpm_(.*)_module\s*\S*/$1/;
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: REGEX Filter finished.\n" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: $model\n" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Return Value: $model\n" }
return $model;
} else {
$model = `apachectl -M 2>&1 | egrep "worker|prefork|event|itk"`;
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: $model" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: $model\n" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: REGEX Filter started.\n" }
$model =~ s/\s*mpm_(.*)_module\s*\S*/$1/;
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: REGEX Filter finished.\n" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: $model\n" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Return Value: $model\n" }
return $model;
# this will get the Apache version string
sub get_apache_version {
my ( $process_name ) = @_;
# set a default value
our $version = 0;
# check for red hat style spache installs
if ( $process_name eq '/usr/sbin/httpd' || $process_name eq '/usr/sbin/httpd.worker' ) {
$version = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $process_name -V 2>&1 | grep "Server version"`;
$version =~ s/.*:\s(.*)$/$1/;
} elsif ( $process_name eq '/usr/sbin/apache2' ) {
# ubuntu has to be different, so...
$version = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -V 2>&1 | grep "Server version"`;
$version =~ s/.*:\s(.*)$/$1/;
} else {
# check for compiled from source versions
$version = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $process_name -V 2>&1 | grep "Server version"`;
$version =~ s/.*:\s(.*)$/$1/;
return $version;
# this will us ps to determine the Apache uptime. it returns an array
sub get_apache_uptime {
my ( $pid ) = @_;
# this will return the running time for the given pid in the format
# "days-hours:minutes:seconds"
my $uptime = `ps -eo \"\%p \%t\" | grep $pid | grep -v grep | awk \'{ print \$2 }\'`;
print "VERBOSE: PID passed to uptime function: $pid\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Raw uptime: $uptime\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
# check to see if we've been running for multiple days
my ($days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
if ( $uptime =~ m/^.*-.*:.*:.*$/ ) {
$days = $uptime;
$days =~ s/([0-9]*)-.*/$1/;
# trim the days off of our uptime value
$uptime =~ s/.*-(.*)/$1/;
($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = split(':', $uptime);
elsif ( $uptime =~ m/^.*:.*:.*/ ) {
$days = 0;
($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = split(':', $uptime);
elsif ( $uptime =~ m/^.*:.*/) {
$days = 0;
$hours = 0;
($minutes, $seconds) = split(':', $uptime);
else {
$days = 0;
$hours = 0;
$minutes = 00;
$seconds = 00;
# push everything into an array to pass back
my @apache_uptime = ( $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds );
return @apache_uptime;
# return the global value for a PHP setting
sub get_php_setting {
my ( $php_bin, $element ) = @_;
# this will return an array with all of the local and global PHP
# settings
# code to address bug raised in issue #197 (cli memory limits on debian / ubuntu)
# sanity check if we are using cli or apache
my $config = `php -r "phpinfo(1);" | grep -i config | grep -i loaded`;
chomp ($config);
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: PHP: $config\n" }
if ( $config =~ /cli/ ) {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: PHP: Attempting to find real apache php.ini file...\n" }
# try to find the apache2 one
if ( -f "/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini" ) {
our $real_config = "/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini";
} elsif ( -f "/etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini") {
our $real_config = "/etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini";
} elsif ( -f "/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini") {
our $real_config = "/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini";
} elsif ( -f "/etc/php/7.1/apache2/php.ini") {
our $real_config = "/etc/php/7.1/apache2/php.ini";
} elsif ( -f "/etc/php/7.1/fpm/php.ini") {
our $real_config = "/etc/php/7.1/fpm/php.ini";
} elsif ( -f "/etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini") {
our $real_config = "/etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini";
} elsif ( -f "/etc/php/7.2/fpm/php.ini") {
our $real_config = "/etc/php/7.2/fpm/php.ini";
our $real_config;
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: PHP: Real apache php.ini file is $real_config, using that...\n" }
our @php_config_array = `php -c $real_config -r "phpinfo(4);"`;
} else {
our @php_config_array = `php -r "phpinfo(4);"`;
my @results;
# search the array for our desired setting
our @php_config_array;
foreach (@php_config_array) {
if ( $_ =~ m/^\s*$element\s*/ ) {
$_ =~ s/.*=>\s+(.*)\s+=>.*/$1/;
push(@results, $_);
# if we find multiple definitions for the same element, we should
# return the last one (just in case)
my $result;
if ( @results > 1 ) {
$result = $results[@results - 1];
else {
$result = $results[0];
# some PHP directives are measured in MB. we want to trim the "M" off
# here for those that are
$result =~ s/^(.*)M$/$1/;
# return the value to the main program
return $result;
sub generate_standard_report {
my ( $available_mem,
$gluster_memory_usage_mbytes) = @_;
our @apache_uptime;
# print a report header
print "\n\n";
our $servername;
our $public_ip_address;
print " report for server: ${CYAN}$servername${ENDC} \(${CYAN}$public_ip_address${ENDC}\):\n";
# show what we're going to use to generate our numbers
print "\nSettings considered for this report:\n"; # exempt from NOINFO directive.
if ( $apache_uptime[0] == "0" ) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) {
show_crit_box(); print "${RED}*** LOW UPTIME ***${ENDC}.\n";
show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}The following recommendations may be misleading - apache has been restarted within the last 24 hours.${ENDC}\n\n";
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%d %2s${CYAN}\n", "\tYour server's physical RAM:", $available_mem, "MB"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
my $memory_remaining = $available_mem - $mysql_memory_usage_mbytes - $java_memory_usage_mbytes - $redis_memory_usage_mbytes - $memcache_memory_usage_mbytes - $varnish_memory_usage_mbytes - $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes- $gluster_memory_usage_mbytes;
printf ("${BOLD}%-62s${ENDC} ${CYAN}%d %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tRemaining Memory after other services considered:", $memory_remaining, "MB"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%-8d${ENDC} %-30s\n", "\tApache's MaxRequestWorkers directive:", $maxclients, "<--------- Current Setting"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
} else {
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%-8d${ENDC} %-30s\n", "\tApache's MaxClients directive:", $maxclients, "<--------- Current Setting"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%s${ENDC}\n", "\tApache MPM Model:", $model); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%d %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tLargest Apache process (by memory):", $apache_proc_highest, "MB") }
if ($model eq "prefork") {
# based on the Apache memory usage (size of the largest process,
# check to see if the maxclients setting for Apache is sane
our $max_rec_maxclients = $memory_remaining / $apache_proc_highest;
$max_rec_maxclients = floor($max_rec_maxclients);
our $tolerance = 0.90;
our $min_rec_maxclients = floor($max_rec_maxclients*$tolerance);
# determine the maximum potential memory usage by Apache
my $max_potential_usage = $maxclients * $apache_proc_highest;
our $max_potential_usage_pct_avail = round(($max_potential_usage/$available_mem)*100);
our $max_potential_usage_pct_remain = round(($max_potential_usage/$memory_remaining)*100);
if ( $maxclients >= $min_rec_maxclients and $maxclients <= $max_rec_maxclients ) {
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_shortok_box(); print "\t${GREEN}Your MaxRequestWorkers setting is within an acceptable range.${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_shortok_box(); print "\t${GREEN}Your MaxClients setting is within an acceptable range.${ENDC}\n" }
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
printf ("${YELLOW}%-75s${ENDC} %-38s\n", "\tYour recommended MaxRequestWorkers setting is between $min_rec_maxclients and $max_rec_maxclients${ENDC}.", "<------- Acceptable Range (10% of MAX)");
} else {
printf ("${YELLOW}%-75s${ENDC} %-38s\n", "\tYour recommended MaxClients setting is between $min_rec_maxclients and $max_rec_maxclients${ENDC}.", "<------- Acceptable Range (10% of MAX)");
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%d %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tMax potential memory usage:", $max_potential_usage, "MB"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%3.2f %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tPercentage of TOTAL RAM allocated to Apache:", $max_potential_usage_pct_avail, "%"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%3.2f %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tPercentage of REMAINING RAM allocated to Apache:", $max_potential_usage_pct_remain, "%"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
} elsif ( $maxclients < $min_rec_maxclients ) {
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
show_crit_box(); print "\t${RED}Your MaxRequestWorkers setting is too low.${ENDC}\n"; # exempt from NOINFO directive.
} else {
show_crit_box(); print "\t${RED}Your MaxClients setting is too low.${ENDC}\n"; # exempt from NOINFO directive.
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
printf ("${YELLOW}%-75s${ENDC} %-38s\n", "\tYour recommended MaxRequestWorkers setting is between $min_rec_maxclients and $max_rec_maxclients${ENDC}.", "<------- Acceptable Range (10% of MAX)");
} else {
printf ("${YELLOW}%-75s${ENDC} %-38s\n", "\tYour recommended MaxClients setting is between $min_rec_maxclients and $max_rec_maxclients${ENDC}.", "<------- Acceptable Range (10% of MAX)");
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%d %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tMax potential memory usage:", $max_potential_usage, "MB"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%3.2f %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tPercentage of TOTAL RAM allocated to Apache:", $max_potential_usage_pct_avail, "%"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
printf ("%-62s ${CYAN}%3.2f %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tPercentage of REMAINING RAM allocated to Apache:", $max_potential_usage_pct_remain, "%"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
} else {
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
show_crit_box(); print "\t${RED}Your MaxRequestWorkers setting is too high.${ENDC}\n"; # exempt from NOINFO directive.
} else {
show_crit_box(); print "\t${RED}Your MaxClients setting is too high.${ENDC}\n"; # exempt from NOINFO directive.
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
printf ("${YELLOW}%-75s${ENDC} %-38s\n", "\tYour recommended MaxRequestWorkers setting is between $min_rec_maxclients and $max_rec_maxclients${ENDC}.", "<------- Acceptable Range (10% of MAX)");
} else {
printf ("${YELLOW}%-75s${ENDC} %-38s\n", "\tYour recommended MaxClients setting is between $min_rec_maxclients and $max_rec_maxclients${ENDC}.", "<------- Acceptable Range (10% of MAX)");
printf ("%-62s ${RED}%d %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tMax potential memory usage:", $max_potential_usage, "MB"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
printf ("%-62s ${RED}%3.2f %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tPercentage of TOTAL RAM allocated to Apache:", $max_potential_usage_pct_avail, "%"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
printf ("%-62s ${RED}%3.2f %2s${ENDC}\n", "\tPercentage of REMAINING RAM allocated to Apache:", $max_potential_usage_pct_remain, "%"); # exempt from NOINFO directive.
# make a logfile entry at /var/log/apache2buddy.log
open (LOGFILE, ">>/var/log/apache2buddy.log");
sub date {
my $current_date = `date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"`;
$current_date = substr($current_date,0,-1);
return $current_date;
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
print LOGFILE (date()." Model: \"Prefork\" Memory: \"$available_mem MB\" MaxRequestWorkers: \"$maxclients\" Recommended: \"$max_rec_maxclients\" Smallest: \"$apache_proc_smallest MB\" Avg: \"$apache_proc_average MB\" Largest: \"$apache_proc_highest MB\" Highest Pct Remaining RAM: \"$max_potential_usage_pct_remain%\" \($max_potential_usage_pct_avail% TOTAL RAM)\n");
} else {
print LOGFILE (date()." Model: \"Prefork\" Memory: \"$available_mem MB\" Maxclients: \"$maxclients\" Recommended: \"$max_rec_maxclients\" Smallest: \"$apache_proc_smallest MB\" Avg: \"$apache_proc_average MB\" Largest: \"$apache_proc_highest MB\" Highest Pct Remaining RAM: \"$max_potential_usage_pct_remain%\" \($max_potential_usage_pct_avail% TOTAL RAM)\n");
if ($model eq "worker") {
print "\t${CYAN}Apache appears to be running in worker mode.\n";
print "\tPlease check manually for backend processes such as PHP-FPM and pm.max_children.\n";
print "\tApache2buddy does not calculate maxclients for worker model.${ENDC}\n";
# make a logfile entry at /var/log/apache2buddy.log
open (LOGFILE, ">>/var/log/apache2buddy.log");
sub date {
my $current_date = `date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"`;
$current_date = substr($current_date,0,-1);
return $current_date;
print LOGFILE (date()." Model: \"Worker\" Memory: \"$available_mem MB\" Maxclients: \"$maxclients\" Recommended: \"N\\A\" Smallest: \"$apache_proc_smallest MB\" Avg: \"$apache_proc_average MB\" Largest: \"$apache_proc_highest MB\"\n");
if ($model eq "event") {
print "\t${CYAN}Apache appears to be running in event mode.\n";
print "\tPlease check manually for backend processes such as PHP-FPM and pm.max_children.\n";
print "\tApache2buddy does not calculate maxclients for worker model.${ENDC}\n";
# make a logfile entry at /var/log/apache2buddy.log
open (LOGFILE, ">>/var/log/apache2buddy.log");
sub date {
my $current_date = `date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"`;
$current_date = substr($current_date,0,-1);
return $current_date;
print LOGFILE (date()." Model: \"Event\" Memory: \"$available_mem MB\" Maxclients: \"$maxclients\" Recommended: \"N\\A\" Smallest: \"$apache_proc_smallest MB\" Avg: \"$apache_proc_average MB\" Largest: \"$apache_proc_highest MB\"\n");
our $phpfpm_detected;
if ( $phpfpm_detected ) {
print "${RED}PHP-FPM DETECTED: The results shown may be skewed, check /etc/php-fpm.d/<pool>.conf\nfor and calculate pm.max_children separately.${ENDC}\n";
print "${RED}Check out Pieter's PHP-FPMPAL (at your own risk) at:\n\n\n\nFor advice on your PHP-FPM Pools.${ENDC}\n";
if ( ! $NOINFO ) {
print "A log file entry has been made in: /var/log/apache2buddy.log for future reference.\n\n";
print "Last 5 entries:\n\n";
my $entries = `tail -5 /var/log/apache2buddy.log`;
print $entries."\n";
# this rounds a value to the nearest hundreth
sub round {
my ( $value ) = @_;
# add five thousandths
$value = $value + 0.005;
# truncat the result
$value = sprintf("%.2f", $value);
return $value;
# print a header
sub print_header {
my ($servername, $ipaddr) = @_;
if ( ! $NOHEADER ) {
my $headerstring = " report for $servername ($ipaddr)";
my $hrline = "#" x length($headerstring);
print ${GREEN} . $hrline . ${ENDC} . "\n";
print $headerstring . "\n";
print ${GREEN} . $hrline . ${ENDC} . "\n";
sub show_debug_box {
print "[ ${BOLD}${BLUE}??${ENDC} ] ";
sub show_advisory_box {
print "[ $BOLD${YELLOW}\@\@${ENDC} ] ";
sub show_info_box {
print "[ ${BOLD}${BLUE}--${ENDC} ] ";
sub show_ok_box {
print "[ ${BOLD}${GREEN}OK${ENDC} ] ";
sub show_warn_box {
print "[ ${BOLD}${YELLOW}>>${ENDC} ] ";
sub show_crit_box {
print "[ ${BOLD}${RED}!!${ENDC} ] ";
sub show_shortok_box {
print "[ ${GREEN}OK${ENDC} ]";
sub show_important_message {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) {
print "\n${YELLOW}** IMPORTANT MESSAGE **\nImportant messages go here.${ENDC}\n";
sub insert_hrule() {
print "-" x 80;
print "\n";
sub preflight_checks {
# There will be other showstoppers that become apparent as the script develops in execution,
# however we can capture the common "basic errors" here, and gracefully exit with useful errors.
# Check 1
# make sure the script is being run as root.
# we need to run as root to ensure that we can access all of the appropriate
# files
my $uid = `id -u`;
print "VERBOSE: UID of user is: ".$uid."\n" if $VERBOSE;
if ( $uid ne '0' ) {
print "This script must be run as root.\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "This script is being run as root.\n" }
# Check 2
# this script uses pmap to determine the memory mapped to each apache
# process. make sure that pmap is available.
our $pmap = `which pmap`;
# make sure that pmap is available within our path
if ( $pmap !~ m/.*\/pmap/ ) {
print "Unable to locate the pmap utility. This script requires pmap to analyze Apache's memory consumption.\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "The utility 'pmap' exists and is available for use: ${CYAN}$pmap${ENDC}\n" }
# Check 2.1
# this script uses netstat to determine the port that apache is listening on
# process. make sure that netstat is available.
our $netstat = `which netstat`;
# make sure that netstat is available within our path
if ( $netstat !~ m/.*\/netstat/ ) {
print "Unable to locate the netstat utility. This script requires netstat to determine the port that apache is listening on.\n";
show_info_box(); print "${YELLOW}To fix this make sure the net-tools package is installed.${ENDC}\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "The utility 'netstat' exists and is available for use: ${CYAN}$netstat${ENDC}\n" }
# Check 3
# make sure PHP is available before we proceed
# check to see if there is a binary called "php" in our path
my $check = `which php`;
chomp ($check);
if ( $check !~ m/.*\/php/ ) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) {
print "${YELLOW}Unable to locate the PHP binary. PHP specific checks will be skipped.${ENDC}\n";
our $PHP = 0;
my $path = `echo \$PATH`;
print "VERBOSE: Path: $path\n" if $VERBOSE;
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "'php' exists and is available for use: ${CYAN}$check${ENDC}\n" }
our $PHP = 1;
# check 3.1
# Check for which apachectl we are to use
# check to see if there is a binary called "apachectl" in our path
our $apachectl= `which apachectl`;
if ( $apachectl !~ m/.*\/apachectl/ ) {
print "Unable to locate the apachectl utility. This script requires apachectl to analyze Apache's vhost configurations.\n";
print "Not fatal yet, trying to locate the apache2ctl utility instead.\n";
# check to see if there is a binary called "apache2ctl" in our path
our $apachectl= `which apache2ctl`;
if ( $apachectl !~ m/.*\/apache2ctl/ ) {
print "Unable to locate the apache2ctl utility. This script now requires apache2ctl to analyze Apache's vhost configurations.\n";
print "It looks like you might be running something else, other than apache..\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "The utility 'apache2ctl' exists and is available for use: ${CYAN}$apachectl${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "The utility 'apachectl' exists and is available for use: ${CYAN}$apachectl${ENDC}\n" }
# check 3.2
# Check for python (new in Debian 9 as it doesnt come with it out of the box)
our $python = `which python`;
if ( $python !~ m/.*\/python/ ) {
print "Unable to locate the python binary.\n";
print "Trying for python3...\n";
our $python = `which python3`;
if ( $python !~ m/.*\/python3/ ) {
print "Unable to locate the python3 binary. This script requires python to determine the Operating and Version.\n";
show_info_box(); print "${YELLOW}To fix this make sure the python or python3 package is installed.${ENDC}\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "The 'python' binary exists and is available for use: ${CYAN}$python${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "The 'python' binary exists and is available for use: ${CYAN}$python${ENDC}\n" }
# Check 4
# Check for valid port
if ( $port < 0 || $port > 65534 ) {
print "INVALID PORT: $port. ";
print "Valid port numbers are 1-65534.\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "The port \(port ${CYAN}$port${ENDC}\) is a valid port.\n" }
# Check 5
# Get OS Name and Version
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "We are attempting to discover the operating system type and version number ...\n" }
my ($distro, $version, $codename) = get_os_platform();
if ( $distro ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Distro: ${CYAN}" . $distro . "${ENDC}\n"}
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Version: ${CYAN}" . $version . "${ENDC}\n"}
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Codename: ${CYAN}" . $codename . "${ENDC}\n"}
check_os_support($distro, $version, $codename);
} else {
# fallback when python fails to deliver - eg on CentOS5 which is EOL anyway, we get:
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<string>", line 1, in ?
# AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'linux_distribution'
# This is dues to Python 2.4.3 being used, which is too old.
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "${YELLOW}Couldnt determine OS version as your python version is too old, trying older python code...${ENDC}\n" }
my ($distro, $version, $codename) = get_os_platform_older();
if ( $distro ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Distro: ${CYAN}" . $distro . "${ENDC}\n"}
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Version: ${CYAN}" . $version . "${ENDC}\n"}
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Codename: ${CYAN}" . $codename . "${ENDC}\n"}
check_os_support($distro, $version, $codename);
# get our hostname
our $servername = get_hostname();
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Hostname: ${CYAN}$servername${ENDC}\n" }
# get our ip address
our $public_ip_address = get_ip();
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Primary IP: ${CYAN}$public_ip_address${ENDC}\n" }
# Check 6
# first thing we do is get the pid of the process listening on the
# specified port
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "We are checking the service running on port ${CYAN}$port${ENDC}...\n" }
our $pid;
if (! $pid ) {
our $pid = get_pid($port);
print "VERBOSE: PID is ".$pid."\n" if $VERBOSE;
if ( $pid eq 0 ) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) {
show_warn_box; print "${YELLOW}Nothing seems to be listening on port $port.${ENDC} Falling back to process list...\n";
my @process_info = split(' ', `ps -C 'httpd httpd.worker apache apache2' -f | grep '^root'`);
$pid = $process_info[1];
if ( not $pid ) {
show_crit_box; print "apache process not found.\n";
} else {
my $command = `netstat -plnt | egrep "httpd|apache2"`;
if ( $command =~ /:+(\d+)/ ) { our $real_port = $1 }
our $real_port;
our $process_name = get_process_name($pid);
our $apache_version = get_apache_version($process_name);
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "Apache is actually listening on port ${CYAN}$real_port${ENDC}\n" }
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "The process running on port ${CYAN}$real_port${ENDC} is ${CYAN}$apache_version${ENDC}.\n" }
} else {
# now we get the name of the process running with the specified pid
our $process_name = get_process_name($pid);
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "The process listening on port ${CYAN}$port${ENDC} is ${CYAN}$process_name${ENDC}\n" }
if ( $process_name eq 0 ) {
print "Unable to determine the name of the process. Is apache running on this server?\n";
# Check 7
# check to see if the process we have identified is Apache
our $is_it_apache = test_process($process_name);
if ( $is_it_apache == 1 ) {
our $apache_version = get_apache_version($process_name);
print "VERBOSE: Apache version: $apache_version\n" if $VERBOSE;
# if we received a "0", just print "Apache"
if ( $apache_version eq 0 ) {
$apache_version = "Apache";
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "The process running on port ${CYAN}$port${ENDC} is ${CYAN}$apache_version${ENDC}.\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "The process running on port $port is not Apache. Falling back to process list...\n" }
my @process_info = split(' ', `ps -C 'httpd httpd.worker apache apache2' -f | grep '^root'`);
$pid = $process_info[1];
if ( !$pid ) {
print "Could not find Apache process. Exiting...\n";
} else {
# If we found it, then reset the proces_name, and version.
$process_name = get_process_name($pid);
our $apache_version = get_apache_version($process_name);
# also report what port apache is actually listening on.
my $command = `netstat -plnt | egrep "httpd|apache2"`;
if ( $command =~ /:+(\d+)/ ) { our $real_port = $1 }
our $real_port;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "Apache is actually listening on port ${CYAN}$real_port${ENDC}\n" }
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "The process running on port ${CYAN}$real_port${ENDC} is ${CYAN}$apache_version${ENDC}.\n" }
# Check 8
# Due to logic error, moved this check to 13.2
# Check apache uptime needs parent PID not a child pid.
# Check 9
# find the apache root
our $process_name;
our $apache_root = get_apache_root($process_name);
print "VERBOSE: The Apache root is: ".$apache_root."\n" if $VERBOSE;
# check 10
# find the apache configuration file (relative to the apache root)
our $apache_conf_file = get_apache_conf_file($process_name);
print "VERBOSE: The Apache config file is: ".$apache_conf_file."\n" if $VERBOSE;
# check 11
# piece together the full path to the configuration file, if a server
# does not have the HTTPD_ROOT value defined in its apache build, then
# try just using the path to the configuration file
our $full_apache_conf_file_path;
if ( -e $apache_conf_file ) {
$full_apache_conf_file_path = $apache_conf_file;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "The full path to the Apache config file is: ${CYAN}$full_apache_conf_file_path${ENDC}\n" }
} elsif ( -e $apache_root."/".$apache_conf_file ) {
$full_apache_conf_file_path = $apache_root."/".$apache_conf_file;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "The full path to the Apache config file is: ${CYAN}$full_apache_conf_file_path${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
print "Apache configuration file does not exist: ".$full_apache_conf_file_path."\n";
# check 12
# find out what model we are running
our $model = get_apache_model($process_name);
if ( $model eq 0 ) {
print "Unable to determine whether Apache is using worker or prefork\n";
} else {
# account for '\x{d}' strangeness
$model =~ s/\x{d}//;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Apache is using ${CYAN}$model${ENDC} model.\n" }
# Check 13
# get the entire config, including included files, into an array
our @config_array = build_config_array($full_apache_conf_file_path,$apache_root);
# determine what user apache runs as
our $apache_user = find_master_value(\@config_array, $model, 'user');
# account for 'apache\x{d}' strangeness
$apache_user =~ s/\x{d}//;
$apache_user =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;; # address issue #19, strip whitespace from both sides.
unless ($apache_user eq "apache" or $apache_user eq "www-data") {
my $apache_userid = `id -u $apache_user`;
# account for 'apache\x{d}' strangeness
$apache_user =~ s/\x{d}//;
show_warn_box(); print ("${RED}Non-standard apache set-up, apache is running as UID: ${CYAN}$apache_userid${RED} (${CYAN}$apache_user${RED}). Expecting UID 48 ('apache' or 'www-data').${ENDC}\n");
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Apache runs as ${CYAN}$apache_user${ENDC}.\n" }
if (length($apache_user) > 8) {
# Now we have to keep the first 7 characters and change the 8th character to a + sign, eg 'developer' becomes 'develop+'
my $original_user = $apache_user;
$apache_user = substr($original_user, 0, 7)."+";
# Check 13.1
# Determine the size of the parent process
# Bug Out if greater than 50MB
if ( ! $NOCHKPID) {
our $pidfile_cfv = find_master_value(\@config_array, $model, 'pidfile');
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "pidfile setting is ${CYAN}$pidfile_cfv${ENDC}.\n" }
# addressing issue #84, I realised this whole block of code is guessing, I inderstand why, but its not sane.
# for example what we need to do is first check if the path is a relative path or absolute path.
# If it is an absolute path, lets check that first, which will cut out a lot of unnescesary code,
# otherwise we can start guessing based on common relative paths.
# Fix for Issue #222 strip any quotes from returned string
# "/var/run/" becomes /var/run/
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Stripping any quotes from string ...\n" }
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: BEFORE ($pidfile_cfv).\n" }
$pidfile_cfv =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$pidfile_cfv =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: AFTER ($pidfile_cfv).\n" }
if ( -f $pidfile_cfv ) {
our $pidfile =$pidfile_cfv;
} else {
if ($pidfile_cfv eq "run/") {
# it could be in a couple of places, so lets test!
if (-f "/var/run/httpd/") {
our $pidfile = "/var/run/httpd/";
} elsif (-f "/run/httpd/") {
our $pidfile = "/run/httpd/";
} elsif (-f "/var/run/") {
our $pidfile = "/var/run/";
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_crit_box; print "${RED}Unable to locate pid file${ENDC}. Exiting.\n" }
} elsif ($pidfile_cfv eq "/var/run/apache2/apache2\$") {
our $pidfile = "/var/run/apache2/";
} elsif ($pidfile_cfv eq "/var/run/apache2\$") {
our $pidfile = "/var/run/";
} elsif ($pidfile_cfv eq "/var/run/apache2\$SUFFIX/") {
our $pidfile = "/var/run/apache2/";
} else {
# revert to a find command as a last ditch effort to find the pid
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Looking for pid file ...\n" }
if ( -d "/var/run/apache2") {
our $pidguess = `find /var/run/apache2 | grep pid`;
} elsif ( -d "/run/httpd") {
our $pidguess = `find /run/httpd | grep pid`;
} elsif ( -d "/var/run/httpd") {
our $pidguess = `find /var/run/httpd | grep pid`;
} else {
show_crit_box; print "${RED}Unable to locate pid file${ENDC}. Exiting.\n";
our $pidguess;
if ( -f $pidguess ) {
our $pidfile = $pidguess;
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Located pidfile at $pidfile.\n" }
} else {
show_crit_box; print "${RED}Unable to locate pid file${ENDC}. Exiting.\n";
our $pidfile;
if (-f $pidfile) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "Actual pidfile is ${CYAN}$pidfile${ENDC}.\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_crit_box; print "${RED}Unable to open pid file $pidfile${ENDC}. Exiting.\n" }
# get pid
our $pidfile;
our $parent_pid = `cat $pidfile`;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box; print "Parent PID: ${CYAN}$parent_pid${ENDC}.\n" }
my $ppid_mem_usage = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 pmap -d $parent_pid | egrep "writeable/private" | awk \'{ print \$4 }\'`;
$ppid_mem_usage =~ s/K//;
if ($ppid_mem_usage > 50000) {
show_crit_box; print "${RED}Memory usage of parent PID is greater than 50MB: $ppid_mem_usage Kilobytes${ENDC}.\n";
show_info_box; print "For more information, see\n";
show_advisory_box; print "If you are desperate, try -P or --no-check-pid.\n";
show_info_box; print "Exiting.\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box; print "Memory usage of parent PID is less than 50MB: ${CYAN}$ppid_mem_usage Kilobytes${ENDC}.\n" }
# Check 13.2
# determine the Apache uptime
our $parent_pid;
our @apache_uptime = get_apache_uptime($parent_pid);
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Apache has been running ${CYAN}$apache_uptime[0]${ENDC}d ${CYAN}$apache_uptime[1]${ENDC}h ${CYAN}$apache_uptime[2]${ENDC}m ${CYAN}$apache_uptime[3]${ENDC}s.\n" }
if ( $apache_uptime[0] == "0" ) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) {
show_crit_box(); print "${RED}*** LOW UPTIME ***${ENDC}.\n";
show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}The following recommendations may be misleading - apache has been restarted within the last 24 hours.${ENDC}\n";
# check 13.3
# figure out how much RAM is in the server
our $available_mem = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 free | grep \"Mem:\" | awk \'{ print \$2 }\'` / 1024;
$available_mem = floor($available_mem);
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Your server has ${CYAN}$available_mem MB${ENDC} of PHYSICAL memory.\n" }
# Check 14
# Get serverlimit value
our $serverlimit = find_master_value(\@config_array, $model, 'serverlimit');
if($serverlimit eq 'CONFIG NOT FOUND') {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_warn_box; print "ServerLimit directive not found, assuming default values.\n" }
our $model;
if ( $model eq "prefork") {
# Default for prefork - see
$serverlimit = 256; # yes, yes I know, but keeping the variable name saves a whole bunch of code just for semantics.
} else {
# Default for Worker
$serverlimit = 16; # yes, yes I know, but keeping the variable name saves a whole bunch of code just for semantics.
# account for '\x{d}' strangeness
$serverlimit =~ s/\x{d}//;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Your ServerLimit setting is ${CYAN}$serverlimit${ENDC}.\n" }
# Check 15
# calculate ThreadsPerChild. This is useful for the worker MPM calculations
if ( $model eq "worker" || $model eq "event" ) {
our $threadsperchild = find_master_value(\@config_array, $model, 'threadsperchild');
if($threadsperchild eq 'CONFIG NOT FOUND') {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_warn_box; print "ThreadsPerChild directive not found, assuming default values.\n" }
$threadsperchild = 25;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Your ThreadsPerChild setting is ${CYAN}$threadsperchild${ENDC}.\n" }
our $threadsperchild;
if ($model eq "worker" || $model eq "event" ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Your ThreadsPerChild setting for worker MPM is ".$threadsperchild."\n" }
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Your ServerLimit setting for worker MPM is ".$serverlimit."\n" }
# Check 16
# determine what the max clients setting is
# if apache2.4 get maxrequestworkers
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
our $maxclients = find_master_value(\@config_array, $model, 'maxrequestworkers');
if($maxclients eq 'CONFIG NOT FOUND') {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_warn_box; print "MaxRequestWorkers directive not found, assuming default values.\n" }
if ( $model eq "prefork") {
# Default for prefork - see
$maxclients = 256; # yes, yes I know, but keeping the variable name saves a whole bunch of code just for semantics.
} else {
# Default for Worker
$maxclients = $serverlimit * $threadsperchild; # yes, yes I know, but keeping the variable name saves a whole bunch of code just for semantics.
# account for '\x{d}' strangeness
$maxclients =~ s/\x{d}//;
$maxclients =~ s/\s//;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Your MaxRequestWorkers setting is ${CYAN}$maxclients${ENDC}.\n" }
} else {
# otherwise, assume 2.2 and get maxclients
our $maxclients = find_master_value(\@config_array, $model, 'maxclients');
if($maxclients eq 'CONFIG NOT FOUND') {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_warn_box; print "MaxClients directive not found, assuming default values.\n" }
if ( $model eq "prefork") {
# Default for prefork - see
$maxclients = 256; # yes, yes I know, but keeping the variable name saves a whole bunch of code just for semantics.
} else {
# Default for Worker
$maxclients = $serverlimit * $threadsperchild; # yes, yes I know, but keeping the variable name saves a whole bunch of code just for semantics.
# account for '\x{d}' strangeness
$maxclients =~ s/\x{d}//;
$maxclients =~ s/\s//;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Your MaxClients setting is ${CYAN}$maxclients${ENDC}.\n" }
# Check 16.01
# Check if maxclients is more than ServerLimit
# Then set maxclients to serverlimit if serverlimit is LESS than MaxClients
our $maxclients;
our $serverlimit;
if ($maxclients > $serverlimit) {
$maxclients = $serverlimit;
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_warn_box; print "MaxClients directive is higher than ServerLimit, using ServerLimit ($serverlimit) to apply calculations.\n" }
# Check 16.1
# Get current number of running apache processes
# This resolves Issue #15:
our $maxclients;
our $current_proc_count = `ps aux | egrep "httpd|apache2" | grep -v apache2buddy | grep -v grep | wc -l`;
chomp ($current_proc_count);
if ($current_proc_count >= $maxclients) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_warn_box(); print "Current Apache Process Count is ${RED}$current_proc_count${ENDC}, including the parent PID.\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "Current Apache Process Count is ${CYAN}$current_proc_count${ENDC}, including the parent PID.\n"}
# Check 16.2
# Get current number of vhosts
# This addresses issue #5 'count of vhosts':
# address Plesk vhost counts always out
our $vhost_count = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $apachectl -S 2>&1 | egrep -v "lists|default|webmail" | grep -c "[ ]\\{1,\\}port [0-9]\\{1,\\}"`;
# split this total into port 80 and 443 vhosts respectively:
our $port80vhost_count = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $apachectl -S 2>&1 | egrep -v "lists|default|webmail" | grep -c "port 80 "`;
our $port443vhost_count = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $apachectl -S 2>&1 | egrep -v "lists|default|webmail" | grep -c "port 443 "`;
our $port7080vhost_count = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $apachectl -S 2>&1 | egrep -v "lists|default|webmail" | grep -c "port 7080 "`;
our $port7081vhost_count = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $apachectl -S 2>&1 | egrep -v "lists|default|webmail" | grep -c "port 7081 "`;
# in case apache2ctl not working, try apachectl
chomp ($vhost_count);
chomp ($port80vhost_count);
chomp ($port443vhost_count);
chomp ($port7080vhost_count);
chomp ($port7081vhost_count);
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Number of vhosts detected: ${CYAN}$vhost_count${ENDC}.\n" }
if ($port80vhost_count gt 0 ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print " |________ of which ${CYAN}$port80vhost_count${ENDC} are HTTP (specifically, port 80).\n" }
if ($port443vhost_count gt 0 ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print " |________ of which ${CYAN}$port443vhost_count${ENDC} are HTTPS (specifically, port 443).\n" }
if ($port7080vhost_count gt 0 ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print " |________ of which ${CYAN}$port7080vhost_count${ENDC} are HTTP (specifically, port 7080).\n" }
if ($port7081vhost_count gt 0 ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print " |________ of which ${CYAN}$port7081vhost_count${ENDC} are HTTPS (specifically, port 7081).\n" }
our $real_port;
if ($real_port) {
if ( not( $real_port =~ /^(80|443|7080|7081)$/ )) {
our $portXvhost_count = `LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 $apachectl -S 2>&1 | egrep -v "lists|default|webmail" | grep -c "port $real_port "`;
chomp ($portXvhost_count);
if ($portXvhost_count gt 0 ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print " |________ of which ${CYAN}$portXvhost_count${ENDC} are listening on nonstandard port ${CYAN}$real_port${ENDC}.\n" }
if ($vhost_count >= $maxclients) {
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}Current Apache vHost Count is greater than maxrequestworkers, which is unusual, but can be valid in some scenarios.${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}Current Apache vHost Count is greater than maxclients, which is unusual, but can be valid in some scenarios.${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( our $apache_version =~ m/.*\s*\/2.4.*/) {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "Current Apache vHost Count is ${CYAN}less than maxrequestworkers${ENDC}.\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "Current Apache vHost Count is ${CYAN}less than maxclients${ENDC}.\n" }
if ( $vhost_count == 0 ) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}vHost Count works only when we have NameVirtualHosting enabled, check config manually, they may only have the default vhost.${ENDC}\n" }
# Check 17
# show MaxRequestsPerChild (applies only to PreFork model)
if ( $model eq "prefork") {
our $maxrequestsperchild = find_master_value(\@config_array, $model, 'MaxRequestsPerChild');
if($maxrequestsperchild eq 'CONFIG NOT FOUND') {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_warn_box; print "MaxRequestsPerChild directive not found.\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Your MaxRequestsPerChild setting is ${CYAN}$maxrequestsperchild${ENDC}.\n" }
# check #17a-1 detect control panels
# Check 17b
# Display the php memory limit
# Note that we do nothing with this in terms of calculations
# Use it as a conversation starter, esp if memory_limit is 3GB! as this is a per-process setting!
# get the PHP memory limit
# This has been abstracted to a separate subroutine
our $PHP;
if ($PHP) {
# Check 17c : Other Services
# This has been abstracted out into a separate subroutine
# Check 17d : Large Logs in /var/log
# Check 19 : Maxclients Hits
# This has been abstracted out into a separate subroutine
detect_maxclients_hits($model, $process_name)
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_advisory_box(); print "Skipping Maxclients Hits check.\n" }
# Check 20 : PHP Fatal Errors
# This has been abstracted out into a separate subroutine
# This addresses issue #6 'Check for and report on PHP Fatal Errors in the logs'
if ( ! $SKIPPHPFATAL ) {
if ($PHP) {
detect_php_fatal_errors($model, $process_name);
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_advisory_box(); print "Skipping PHP FATAL Errors check.\n" }
# Check 21 : Apache updates
if ( ! $SKIPUPDATES ) {
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_advisory_box(); print "Skipping Package Updates check.\n" }
sub detect_package_updates {
my ($distro, $version, $codename) = get_os_platform();
our $package_update = 0;
if (ucfirst($distro) eq "Ubuntu" or ucfirst($distro) eq "Debian" ) {
$package_update = `apt-get update 2>&1 >/dev/null && dpkg --get-selections | xargs apt-cache policy | grep -1 Installed | sed -r 's/(:|Installed: |Candidate: )//' | uniq -u | tac | sed '/--/I,+1 d' | tac | sed '\$d' | sed -n 1~2p | egrep "^php|^apache2"`;
} else {
$package_update = `yum check-update | egrep "^httpd|^php"`;
if ($package_update) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) {
show_crit_box(); print "${RED}Apache and / or PHP has a pending package update available.${ENDC}\n";
print "${YELLOW}$package_update${ENDC}";
} else {
if (-d "/usr/local/httpd" or -d "/usr/local/apache" or -d "/usr/local/apache2") {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) { show_warn_box(); print "${RED}It looks like apache was installed from sources. Skipping update checks.${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "${GREEN}No package updates found.${ENDC}\n" }
sub detect_cpanel_version {
our $cpanel = 0;
our $cpanel = 1 if -d "/usr/local/cpanel";
if ($cpanel) {
my $cpanel_version = 0;
$cpanel_version = `cat /usr/local/cpanel/version` if (-f "/usr/local/cpanel/version");
if ($cpanel_version) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "cPanel Version: ${CYAN}$cpanel_version${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "cPanel Version: ${CYAN}NOT FOUND${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "This server is NOT running cPanel.\n" }
sub detect_plesk_version {
our $plesk = 0;
our $plesk = 1 if -d "/usr/local/psa";
if ($plesk) {
my $plesk_version = 0;
$plesk_version = `cat /usr/local/psa/version` if (-f "/usr/local/psa/version");
if ($plesk_version) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Plesk Version: ${CYAN}$plesk_version${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Plesk Version: ${CYAN}NOT FOUND${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "This server is NOT running Plesk.\n" }
sub detect_virtualmin_version {
our $vmin = 0;
our $vmin = 1 if -f "/usr/sbin/virtualmin";
if ($vmin) {
my $vmin_version = 0;
$vmin_version = `/usr/sbin/virtualmin info | grep "virtualmin version" | awk -F":" '{ print \$2}'`;
my $wmin_version = 0;
$wmin_version = `/usr/sbin/virtualmin info | grep "webmin version" | awk -F":" '{ print \$2}'`;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Virtualmin Version: ${CYAN}$vmin_version${ENDC}\n" }
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "Webmin Version: ${CYAN}$wmin_version${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "This server is NOT running Virtualmin.\n" }
sub detect_php_fatal_errors {
print "VERBOSE: Checking logs for PHP Fatal Errors, this can take some time...\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
our $phpfpm_detected;
our ($model, $process_name) = @_;
if ($model eq "worker") {
if ($process_name eq "/usr/sbin/httpd" ) {
our $SCANDIR = "/var/log/httpd/";
} elsif ($process_name eq "/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd" ) {
our $SCANDIR = "/usr/local/apache/logs/";
} else {
our $SCANDIR = "/var/log/apache2/";
our %logfile_counts;
if ($phpfpm_detected) {
our $SCANDIR = "/var/log/php-fpm/";
our %logfile_counts;
our %logfile_counts;
if (%logfile_counts) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) {
print "${RED}PHP Fatal errors were found, see summaries below.${ENDC}\n";
show_advisory_box(); print "${YELLOW}Check the logs manually.${ENDC}\n";
while( my( $key, $value ) = each %logfile_counts ){
show_advisory_box(); print " - ${YELLOW}$key${ENDC}: ${CYAN}$value${ENDC}\n";
our $plesk;
if ($plesk) {
print "\n";
show_warn_box(); print "${YELLOW}Note: Plesk logs are NOT checked, as 100+ domains would generate 500+ lines of output, this is too much, so please check this manually:${ENDC}\n";
show_advisory_box(); print "Use this command to check ALL domains: ${CYAN}grep -Hi fatal /var/www/vhosts/*/statistics/logs/*${ENDC}\n";
show_advisory_box(); print "Use this command to check ONLY \"\": ${CYAN}grep -Hi fatal /var/www/vhosts/*${ENDC}\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) {
print "${GREEN}No PHP Fatal Errors were found.${ENDC}\n";
sub grep_php_fatal {
my ($SCANDIR) = @_;
our %logfile_counts;
my @logfile_list;
find(sub {push @logfile_list, $File::Find::name if ( -f $_ ) }, $SCANDIR);
foreach my $file (@logfile_list) {
our $phpfatalerror_hits = 0;
open(FILE, $file);
while (<FILE>) {
$phpfatalerror_hits++ if $_ =~ /php fatal/i;
if ($phpfatalerror_hits) { $logfile_counts{ $file } = $phpfatalerror_hits }
sub detect_maxclients_hits {
our ($model, $process_name) = @_;
if ($model eq "worker") {
our $hit = 0;
if ($process_name eq "/usr/sbin/httpd") {
our $maxclients_hits = `grep -i reached /var/log/httpd/error_log | egrep -v "mod" | tail -5`;
} elsif ($process_name eq "/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd") {
our $maxclients_hits = `grep -i reached /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log | egrep -v "mod" | tail -5`;
} else {
our $maxclients_hits = `grep -i reached /var/log/apache2/error.log | egrep -v "mod" | tail -5`;
our $maxclients_hits;
if ($maxclients_hits) {
$hit = 1;
our $hit;
if ($hit) {
if ( ! $NOWARN ) {
print "${YELLOW}MaxClients has been hit recently (maximum of 5 results shown), consider the dates and times below:${ENDC}\n";
print $maxclients_hits;
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) {
print "${GREEN}MaxClients has not been hit recently.${ENDC}\n";
sub detect_php_memory_limit {
if ( ! $NOINFO) {
our $apache_proc_php = get_php_setting('/usr/bin/php', 'memory_limit');
show_info_box(); print "Your PHP Memory Limit (Per-Process) is ${CYAN}".$apache_proc_php." MB${ENDC}.\n";
if ($apache_proc_php eq "-1") {
show_advisory_box(); print "You should set a PHP Memory Limit (-1 is ${CYAN}UNLIMITED${ENDC}) which is not recommended.\n";
sub get_service_memory_usage_mbytes {
my ( $svc ) = @_;
my @usage_by_pids = `ps -C $svc -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
our $usage_mbytes = 0;
foreach my $proc (@usage_by_pids) {
our $usage_mbytes += $proc / 1024;
our $usage_mbytes = round($usage_mbytes);
return $usage_mbytes;
sub detect_additional_services {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Begin detecting additional services...\n" }
our $servicefound_flag = 0; # we need this to give a message if nothing was found, otherwise it looks silly.
# Detect Mysql
our $mysql_detected = 0;
our $mysql_detected = `ps -C mysqld -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
if ( $mysql_detected ) {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: MySQL Detected\n" }
our $servicefound_flag = 1;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}MySQL${ENDC} Detected => " }
# Get MySQL Memory Usage
our $mysql_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("mysqld");
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "Using ${CYAN}$mysql_memory_usage_mbytes MB${ENDC} of memory.\n" }
} else {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: MySQL NOT Detected\n" }
our $mysql_memory_usage_mbytes = 0;
# Detect Java
our $java_detected = 0;
$java_detected = `ps -C java -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
if ( $java_detected ) {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Java Detected\n" }
our $servicefound_flag = 1;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}Java${ENDC} Detected => " }
our $java_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("java");
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "Using ${CYAN}$java_memory_usage_mbytes MB${ENDC} of memory.\n" }
} else {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Java NOT Detected\n" }
our $java_memory_usage_mbytes = 0;
# Detect Varnish
our $varnish_detected = 0;
$varnish_detected = `ps -C varnishd -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
if ( $varnish_detected ) {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Varnish Detected\n" }
our $servicefound_flag = 1;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}Varnish${ENDC} Detected => " }
# Get varnish Memory Usage
our $varnish_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("varnishd");
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "Using ${CYAN}$varnish_memory_usage_mbytes MB${ENDC} of memory.\n" }
} else {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Varnish NOT Detected\n" }
our $varnish_memory_usage_mbytes = 0;
# Detect Redis
our $redis_detected = 0;
$redis_detected = `ps -C redis-server -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
if ( $redis_detected ) {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Redis Detected\n" }
our $servicefound_flag = 1;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}Redis${ENDC} Detected => " }
# Get Redis Memory Usage
our $redis_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("redis-server");
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "Using ${CYAN}$redis_memory_usage_mbytes MB${ENDC} of memory.\n" }
} else {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Redis NOT Detected\n" }
our $redis_memory_usage_mbytes = 0;
# Detect Memcache
our $memcache_detected = 0;
$memcache_detected = `ps -C memcached -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
if ( $memcache_detected ) {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Memcache Detected\n" }
our $servicefound_flag = 1;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}Memcache${ENDC} Detected => " }
# Get Memcache Memory Usage
our $memcache_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("memcached");
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "Using ${CYAN}$memcache_memory_usage_mbytes MB${ENDC} of memory.\n" }
} else {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Memcache NOT Detected\n" }
our $memcache_memory_usage_mbytes = 0;
# Detect PHP-FPM
our $phpfpm_detected = 0;
# Get PHP-FPM Memory Usage
$phpfpm_detected = `ps -C php-fpm -o rss | grep -v RSS` || `ps -C php5-fpm -o rss | grep -v RSS` || 0;
if ( $phpfpm_detected ) {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: PHP-FPM Detected\n" }
our $servicefound_flag = 1;
# Get PHP-FPM Memory Usage
our $phpfpm = 0;
our $phpfpm = `ps -C php-fpm -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
our $php5fpm = 0;
our $php5fpm = `ps -C php5-fpm -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
if ( $phpfpm ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}PHP-FPM${ENDC} Detected => " }
our $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("php-fpm");
} elsif ( $php5fpm ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}PHP5-FPM${ENDC} Detected => " }
our $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("php5-fpm");
our $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "Using ${CYAN}$phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes MB${ENDC} of memory.\n" }
} else {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: PHP-FPM NOT Detected\n" }
our $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes = 0;
# Detect Gluster
our $gluster_detected = 0;
$gluster_detected = `ps -C glusterd -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
if ( $gluster_detected ) {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Gluster Detected\n" }
our $servicefound_flag = 1;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}Gluster${ENDC} Detected => " }
# Get Gluster Memory Usage
our $glusterd_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("glusterd");
our $glusterfs_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("glusterfs");
our $glusterfsd_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("glusterfsd");
our $gluster_memory_usage_mbytes = $glusterd_memory_usage_mbytes + $glusterfs_memory_usage_mbytes + $glusterfsd_memory_usage_mbytes;
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "Using ${CYAN}$gluster_memory_usage_mbytes MB${ENDC} of memory.\n" }
} else {
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: Gluster NOT Detected\n" }
our $gluster_memory_usage_mbytes = 0;
if ( $servicefound_flag == 0 ) {
if ( ! $NOOK ) { show_ok_box(); print "${GREEN}No additional services were detected.${ENDC}\n" }
} else {
print "\n"; # add a aseparator before the next section
if ($VERBOSE) { print "VERBOSE: End detecting additional services...\n" }
sub get_hostname {
our $hostname = `which hostname`;
if ( $hostname eq '' ) {
print "Cannot find the 'hostname' executable.";
} else {
our $servername = `$hostname -f`;
return $servername;
sub get_ip {
our $curl = `which curl`;
chomp ($curl);
if ( $curl eq '' ) {
print "Cannot find the 'curl' executable.";
} else {
our $ip = `$curl -s`;
return $ip;
# if the user has added the help flag, or if they have defined a port
if ( $help eq 1 || $port eq 0 ) {
# print the header
my $hn = get_hostname();
my $ip = get_ip();
print_header($hn, $ip);
# do the preflight checks
our $hostname;
our $public_ip_address;
our @config_array;
our $apache_user;
our $model;
our $process_name;
our $available_mem;
our $maxclients;
our $flag_trigger = 0;
our $threadsperchild;
our $serverlimit;
our $mysql_detected;
our $mysql_memory_usage_mbytes;
our $java_detected;
our $java_memory_usage_mbytes;
our $redis_detected;
our $redis_memory_usage_mbytes;
our $memcache_detected;
our $memcache_memory_usage_mbytes;
our $varnish_detected;
our $varnish_memory_usage_mbytes;
our $phpfpm_detected;
our $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes;
our $gluster_memory_usage_mbytes;
# Detect httpd
our $httpd_detected = 0;
our $httpd_detected = `ps -C httpd -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
if ( $httpd_detected ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}httpd${ENDC} " }
# Get httpd Memory Usage
our $httpd_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("httpd");
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "is currently using ${CYAN}$httpd_memory_usage_mbytes MB${ENDC} of memory.\n" }
} else {
our $httpd_memory_usage_mbytes = 0;
# Detect apache2
our $apache2_detected = 0;
our $apache2_detected = `ps -C apache2 -o rss | grep -v RSS`;
if ( $apache2_detected ) {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "${CYAN}apache2${ENDC} " }
# Get apache2 Memory Usage
our $apache2_memory_usage_mbytes = get_service_memory_usage_mbytes("apache2");
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { print "is currently using ${CYAN}$apache2_memory_usage_mbytes MB${ENDC} of memory.\n" }
} else {
our $apache2_memory_usage_mbytes = 0;
my $apache_proc_highest = get_memory_usage($process_name, $apache_user, 'high');
my $apache_proc_lowest = get_memory_usage($process_name, $apache_user, 'low');
my $apache_proc_average = get_memory_usage($process_name, $apache_user, 'average');
if ( $model eq "prefork") {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "The smallest apache process is using ${CYAN}$apache_proc_lowest MB${ENDC} of memory\n" }
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "The average apache process is using ${CYAN}$apache_proc_average MB${ENDC} of memory\n" }
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "The largest apache process is using ${CYAN}$apache_proc_highest MB${ENDC} of memory\n" }
my $average_potential_use = $maxclients * $apache_proc_average;
$average_potential_use = round($average_potential_use);
my $average_potential_use_pct = round(($average_potential_use/$available_mem)*100);
# Calculate percentages of remaining RAM, after services considered:
print "VERBOSE: Available Mem: $available_mem\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Mysql Mem: $mysql_memory_usage_mbytes\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Java Mem: $java_memory_usage_mbytes\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Redis Mem: $redis_memory_usage_mbytes\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Memcache Mem: $memcache_memory_usage_mbytes\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Varnish Mem: $varnish_memory_usage_mbytes\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: PHP-FPM Mem: $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Gluster Mem: $gluster_memory_usage_mbytes\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
my $memory_remaining = $available_mem - $mysql_memory_usage_mbytes - $java_memory_usage_mbytes - $redis_memory_usage_mbytes -
$memcache_memory_usage_mbytes - $varnish_memory_usage_mbytes - $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes - $gluster_memory_usage_mbytes;
print "VERBOSE: Average Potential Use : $average_potential_use\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Mem Remaining: $memory_remaining\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
if ($memory_remaining < 0) {
show_crit_box(); print "${RED}ERROR: Memory Overload Error: Remaining RAM in negative numbers! Dumping memory report, and exiting...${ENDC}\n";
print "Available Mem: $available_mem\n";
print "----------------------------------------------\n";
print "Mysql Mem: $mysql_memory_usage_mbytes\n";
print "Java Mem: $java_memory_usage_mbytes\n";
print "Redis Mem: $redis_memory_usage_mbytes\n";
print "Memcache Mem: $memcache_memory_usage_mbytes\n";
print "Varnish Mem: $varnish_memory_usage_mbytes\n";
print "PHP-FPM Mem: $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes\n";
print "Gluster Mem: $gluster_memory_usage_mbytes\n";
print "----------------------------------------------\n";
print "Remaining Mem: $memory_remaining\n";
my $average_potential_use_pct_remain = round(($average_potential_use/$memory_remaining)*100);
if ( $average_potential_use_pct > 100 or $average_potential_use_pct_remain > 100 ) {
print "Going by the average Apache process, Apache can potentially use ${RED}$average_potential_use MB${ENDC} RAM:\n";
if ( $average_potential_use_pct > 100 ) {
print "\t\tWithout considering services: ${RED}$average_potential_use_pct \%${ENDC} of total installed RAM\n";
} else {
print "\t\tWithout considering services: ${CYAN}$average_potential_use_pct \%${ENDC} of total installed RAM\n";
if ( $average_potential_use_pct_remain > 100 ) {
print "\t\tConsidering extra services: ${RED}$average_potential_use_pct_remain \%${ENDC} of remaining RAM\n";
} else {
print "\t\tConsidering extra services: ${CYAN}$average_potential_use_pct_remain \%${ENDC} of remaining RAM\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) {
print "Going by the average Apache process, Apache can potentially use ${CYAN}$average_potential_use MB${ENDC} RAM:\n" .
"\t\tWithout considering services: ${CYAN}$average_potential_use_pct \%${ENDC} of total installed RAM\n" .
"\t\tConsidering extra services: ${CYAN}$average_potential_use_pct_remain \%${ENDC} of remaining RAM\n";
my $highest_potential_use = $maxclients * $apache_proc_highest;
$highest_potential_use = round($highest_potential_use);
my $highest_potential_use_pct = round(($highest_potential_use/$available_mem)*100);
# Calculate percentages of remaining RAM, after services considered:
print "VERBOSE: Highest Potential Use : $highest_potential_use\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
print "VERBOSE: Mem Remaining: $memory_remaining\n" if $main::VERBOSE;
my $highest_potential_use_pct_remain = round(($highest_potential_use/$memory_remaining)*100);
if ( $highest_potential_use_pct > 100 or $highest_potential_use_pct_remain > 100 ) {
print "Going by the largest Apache process, Apache can potentially use ${RED}$highest_potential_use MB${ENDC} RAM:\n";
if ( $highest_potential_use_pct > 100 ) {
print "\t\tWithout considering services: ${RED}$highest_potential_use_pct \%${ENDC} of total installed RAM\n";
} else {
print "\t\tWithout considering services: ${CYAN}$highest_potential_use_pct \%${ENDC} of total installed RAM\n";
if ( $highest_potential_use_pct_remain > 100 ) {
print "\t\tConsidering extra services: ${RED}$highest_potential_use_pct_remain \%${ENDC} of remaining RAM\n";
} else {
print "\t\tConsidering extra services: ${CYAN}$highest_potential_use_pct_remain \%${ENDC} of remaining RAM\n";
} else {
if ( ! $NOOK ) {
print "Going by the largest Apache process, Apache can potentially use ${CYAN}$highest_potential_use MB${ENDC} RAM:\n" .
"\t\tWithout considering services: ${CYAN}$highest_potential_use_pct %${ENDC} of total installed RAM\n" .
"\t\tConsidering extra services: ${CYAN}$highest_potential_use_pct_remain %${ENDC} of remaining RAM\n";
if ( $model eq "worker") {
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "The largest apache process is using ${CYAN}$apache_proc_highest MB${ENDC} of memory\n" }
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "The smallest apache process is using ${CYAN}$apache_proc_lowest MB${ENDC} of memory\n" }
if ( ! $NOINFO ) { show_info_box(); print "The average apache process is using ${CYAN}$apache_proc_average MB${ENDC} of memory\n" }
generate_standard_report($available_mem, $maxclients, $apache_proc_lowest, $apache_proc_average, $apache_proc_highest, $model, $threadsperchild, $mysql_memory_usage_mbytes, $java_memory_usage_mbytes, $redis_memory_usage_mbytes, $memcache_memory_usage_mbytes, $varnish_memory_usage_mbytes, $phpfpm_memory_usage_mbytes, $gluster_memory_usage_mbytes);
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