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Last active October 10, 2017 10:39
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Immutable tree "updateIn"
function updateIn(tree, indexPath, replacement, childrenKey = 'children', depth = 0) {
function insert(ins) {
return tree
.slice(0, indexPath[depth])
.concat(tree.slice(indexPath[depth] + 1));
const lastDepth = indexPath.length - 1;
// Edge case: reached the leaf node.
if (depth === lastDepth) {
if (replacement === null) {
// Remove the node at last index
return tree.filter((el, idx) => idx !== indexPath[depth]);
return insert(replacement);
let node = tree[indexPath[depth]];
if (node[childrenKey] && depth < lastDepth) {
// Recursive case: we've hit a Block along the index path
node = {
[childrenKey]: updateIn(node.children, indexPath, replacement, childrenKey, depth + 1),
// Return case
return insert(node);


Replaces a node in a tree's given index path, and returns a new object. Reuses existing objects where possible.

Useful for updating recursive & immutable data structures in React or Redux.


const tree = [
    name: 'parent',
    children: [
        name: 'child 1',
        name: 'child 2',
    name: 'another parent',
    children: null,

const newTree = updateIn(tree, [0, 1], { name: 'child 2a' });

// newTree shape:
// [
//   {
//     name: 'parent',
//     children: [
//       {
//         name: 'child 1',
//       },
//       {
//         name: 'child 2a',
//       },
//     ],
//   },
//   {
//     name: 'another parent',
//     children: null,
//   },
// ]

// equality:
// newTree !== tree
// newTree[0] !== tree[0]
// newTree[0].children[0] === tree[0].children[0]
// newTree[0].children[1] !== tree[0].children[1]
// newTree[1] === tree[1]

removing a node

const newTree = updateIn(tree, [0, 1], null);
  • pass null as the replacement
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