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Last active June 24, 2024 21:17
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import time
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
import psutil
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F
from import DataLoader, Dataset
from torchtune.datasets import instruct_dataset, PackedDataset
from torchtune.models.llama3 import llama3_tokenizer
from torchtune.utils import get_world_size_and_rank, padded_collate
from tqdm import tqdm
class OldPackedDataset(Dataset):
Performs greedy sample packing on a provided dataset. This is done as a single
preprocessing step before training begins. Shuffling is done outside of this
class on packed samples with a ``Sampler`` as part of the dataloader. Currently,
this only supports in-memory map-style datasets.
The class loads, tokenizes, and packs examples on initialization - no tokenization is done during training.
The general flow on initialization is: load tokenized sample -> add to buffer ->
when buffer is long enough, add to ``self.packs``.
During training, returns self.packs[idx] as input, label, attention mask, and
position ids. The attention mask is a lower triangular block mask to prevent
samples from cross-attending within a pack. The position ids indicate the position
of each token relative to its sample within a pack. These are all padded to max
sequence length, so a batch-wise collator is not needed.
A packed sample is made up of individual smaller sequence length samples jammed together
within ``max_seq_len``. For example, if max_seq_len is 6 and there are varied
length samples::
tokens = [
[S1, S1, S1, S2, S2, pad],
[S3, S3, S4, S4, pad, pad],
To prevent cross-contamination, the following mask would be returned for the
first pack in the example::
mask = [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
The position ids would be::
input_pos = [
[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3],
The identity matrix is used in the mask for pad tokens instead of a causal mask.
For position ids for pad tokens, we simply continue to increment from the previous
sample normally.
ds (Dataset): dataset to sample pack. This should return a dictionary with field
"tokens" and "labels" containing the tokenized and label samples.
max_seq_len (int): Maximum number of tokens to pack
max_packs (Optional[int]): maximum number of packs. Default is None, which will create as many
packs as possible.
split_across_pack (bool): if the last sample in a pack does not fit in ``max_seq_len``,
split the sample into the next pack, or move it entirely to the beginning of the next pack.
For pre-training, typically this is set to True for general text completion. For
fine-tuning, typically this is set to False to avoid truncating sentences in instruct
tuning. Default is False.
def __init__(
ds: Dataset,
max_seq_len: int,
max_packs: Optional[int] = None,
split_across_pack: bool = False,
) -> None:
self.ds = ds
self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len
self.max_packs = max_packs
self.split_across_pack = split_across_pack
# where final samples will be held
self.packs: List[Dict[str, List[int]]] = []
def _pack(self) -> None:
Iterate through the dataset. Use a buffer to hold samples until max_seq_len,
then append the buffer to self.packs as a single "packed" sample. Continue
until max_packs or end of dataset.
# buffer to hold samples until they are long enough to be added to self.packs
current_pack = {
"tokens": [],
"labels": [],
"mask": [],
"input_pos": [],
# Keep track of what index the previous sample ends in case we need
# to end a pack early
previous_sample_boundary = 0
# Only show progress bar on rank 0
_, rank = get_world_size_and_rank()
if rank == 0:
pbar = tqdm(total=len(self.ds), desc="Packing dataset", dynamic_ncols=True)
for sample in self.ds:
tokens, labels = sample["tokens"], sample["labels"]
# If the dataset outputs samples that are larger than the specified
# max_seq_len and we're unable to split it, user needs to modify
# one of the two parameters
seq_len = len(tokens)
if seq_len > self.max_seq_len and not self.split_across_pack:
raise ValueError(
f"Dataset sample is too long ({len(tokens)} > {self.max_seq_len}). "
"Please set `split_across_pack=True` or increase `max_seq_len`."
# Create integer mask and position ids for current sample and extend
# current pack
current_sample = {
"tokens": tokens,
"labels": labels,
# Mask is simply a causal mask within this sample length
"mask": [torch.tril(torch.ones(seq_len, seq_len, dtype=torch.bool))],
"input_pos": list(range(seq_len)),
current_pack = {k: v + current_sample[k] for k, v in current_pack.items()}
# If the current pack is long enough, add it to self.packs and retain
# any truncated samples for next pack, if splitting samples
if len(current_pack["tokens"]) > self.max_seq_len:
current_pack = self._add_pack(
if self.split_across_pack
else previous_sample_boundary
if rank == 0:
previous_sample_boundary = len(current_pack["tokens"])
if self.max_packs is not None and len(self.packs) >= self.max_packs:
# Add the last pack with remaining samples that did not fit in previous
if len(current_pack["tokens"]) > 0 and (
self.max_packs is None or len(self.packs) < self.max_packs
current_pack = self._add_pack(
current_pack=current_pack, boundary=len(current_pack["tokens"])
assert len(current_pack["tokens"]) == 0
def _add_pack(
self, current_pack: Dict[str, List[int]], boundary: int
) -> Dict[str, List[int]]:
Pad and add the current pack to self.packs and return what's remaining.
# So far we've kept a list of causal masks, one for each sample in the pack.
# Now we need to combine them into a single mask for the entire pack.
packing_mask = torch.block_diag(*current_pack["mask"])
pack = {
"tokens": current_pack["tokens"][:boundary],
"labels": current_pack["labels"][:boundary],
"mask": packing_mask[:boundary, :boundary],
"input_pos": current_pack["input_pos"][:boundary],
# Resultant shapes after padding
# tokens: [max_seq_len, ]
# labels: [max_seq_len, ]
# mask: [max_seq_len, max_seq_len]
# input_pos: [max_seq_len, ]
padded_pack = self._pad_pack(pack)
# Keep sample that did not fit or got truncated for the next pack
updated_pack = {
"tokens": current_pack["tokens"][boundary:],
"labels": current_pack["labels"][boundary:],
"mask": [packing_mask[boundary:, boundary:]],
"input_pos": current_pack["input_pos"][boundary:],
return updated_pack
def _pad_pack(
sample: Dict[str, Any],
padding_idx: int = 0,
ignore_idx: int = CROSS_ENTROPY_IGNORE_IDX,
) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
"""Pad a group of packed sequences to max sequence length in the group, and
convert integer lists to tensors. Account for attention mask and position
This is a sample-wise collator and should not be used with the dataloader.
Sample should look like::
"tokens": List[int],
"labels": List[int],
"mask": Tensor,
"input_pos": List[int],
sample (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary containing tokens, labels, mask,
and position ids
padding_idx (int): Padding index for input ids. Defaults to 0.
ignore_idx (int): Padding index for labels. Defaults to -100.
Collated tokens, labels, mask, and position ids.
tokens = sample["tokens"]
labels = sample["labels"]
mask = sample["mask"]
input_pos = sample["input_pos"]
# Pad to max sequence length
tokens = F.pad(
torch.tensor(tokens), (0, self.max_seq_len - len(tokens)), value=padding_idx
labels = F.pad(
torch.tensor(labels), (0, self.max_seq_len - len(labels)), value=ignore_idx
# For attention mask, simply use identity matrix for the pad tokens
mask_pad = torch.eye(self.max_seq_len - mask.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool)
mask = torch.block_diag(mask, mask_pad)
# For position ids, continue to increment for pad tokens
next_pos = input_pos[-1] + 1
input_pos_pad = torch.arange(
next_pos, next_pos + self.max_seq_len - len(input_pos)
# Do not go beyond max_seq_len - 1
input_pos_pad = input_pos_pad.clamp(max=self.max_seq_len - 1)
input_pos =
assert tokens.shape == labels.shape == input_pos.shape
assert tokens.shape[0] == mask.shape[0]
return {
"tokens": tokens,
"labels": labels,
"mask": mask,
"input_pos": input_pos,
def __len__(self):
return len(self.packs)
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Dict[str, List[int]]:
return self.packs[index]
tokenizer = llama3_tokenizer("./model/original/tokenizer.model")
dataset = instruct_dataset(
"instruction": "question",
"output": "answer",
baseline_virtual_memory_used = psutil.virtual_memory().used
# Pack using the new impl
start_pack = time.time()
new_packed_dataset = PackedDataset(
end_pack = time.time()
f"New implementation packed in: {end_pack - start_pack} with {(psutil.virtual_memory().used - baseline_virtual_memory_used) / 1e9} GB"
# Load using the new impl
for bs in [4, 8, 32, 64, 128, 256]:
for batch in DataLoader(new_packed_dataset, batch_size=bs):
# Pack using the old impl
start_pack = time.time()
old_packed_dataset = OldPackedDataset(
end_pack = time.time()
f"Old implementation packed in: {end_pack - start_pack} with {(psutil.virtual_memory().used - baseline_virtual_memory_used) / 1e9} GB"
# Load using the old impl
for bs in [4, 8, 32, 64, 128, 256]:
for batch in DataLoader(old_packed_dataset, batch_size=bs):
# Plot memory usage
f"Total memory used: {(psutil.virtual_memory().used - baseline_virtual_memory_used) / 1e9} GB"
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