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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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case class HttpRequest(path:String, queryStrings:Map[String,List[String]]) {
def getPath() : String Or String = if(path.length>0) Good(path) else Bad("path cannot be empty.")
def getQueryStrings() : ((List[String], Int), String) Or Every[String] = {
validateKeyword(queryString.get("keyword")) zip validateNumber(queryString.get("number")) zip validateGender(queryString.get("gender"))
def validateKeyword(value:Option[List[String]]) : List[String] Or One[String] = {
if(value.isDefined && value.get.length>0) Good(value.get) else Bad(One("No keyword."))
def validateNumber(value:Option[List[String]]) : Int Or One[String] = {
if(value.isDefined && value.get.length>0) Good(value.get.headOption.get.toInt) else Bad(One("No Number."))
case ex:Exception => Bad(One("Wrong Number."))
def validateGender(value:Option[List[String]]) : String Or Every[String] = {
val gender = if(value.isDefined && value.get.length>0) Good(value.get.headOption.get) else Bad(One("No keyword."))
def checkGenderValue(gender:String) : Validation[String] = {
gender.toLowerCase match {
case "male" | "female" => Pass
case _ => Fail("Wrong gender.")
object TestApp {
def run = {
val dummyRequest = HttpRequest(
"keyword" -> List("joe")
// res: org.scalactic.Or[String,String] = Good(
// res: org.scalactic.Or[((List[String], Int), String),org.scalactic.Every[String]] = Bad(Many(No Number., No keyword.))
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