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Last active April 25, 2023 16:17
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  • Save joefaron/c8362025d84075a0de12773c0616ff2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joefaron/c8362025d84075a0de12773c0616ff2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// host on own server, just replace getUrl() to properly get/cache html from magicseaweed which has closed down it's api
// create custom "My Data" function that calls this script.. works nice.
// Lametric TIME clock custom app for displaying surf swell, tide, sea temp data..
// smart clock:
/* example return: (displays current sea temp, current swell, current wind, next best day in next 4 days)
{"frames":[{"text":"60\u00b0 sea","icon":10497},{"text":"9a 2.6f","icon":19478},{"text":"8 se","icon":20015},{"text":"Fri 6a","icon":7756},{"text":"3.1f\u26054","icon":19479},{"text":"8a .2f","icon":19480},{"index":6,"chartData":[0,0,1,3,4,6,7,8]},{"text":"3p 2.6f","icon":19481}]}
$html=getUrl("",3600*12);//cache the curl call for 12 hours..
foreach($s as $ss){$c=0;
foreach($ss->getElementsByTagName('strong') as $span){$c++;
$e=explode("forecast: ",$html);
foreach($forecasts as $forecast){
//get timestamp
if($forecast['threeHourTimeText']=='12am'||$forecast['threeHourTimeText']=='3am'||$forecast['threeHourTimeText']=='9pm'){//skip these times
}elseif($forecast['timestamp'] > time()+(86400*4)){
//get highest rating in next 4 days?
if($rating > $highest_rating){
//take closest time
foreach($forecast_diffs as $forecast){
function getRating($forecast){
$ret= $forecast['solidRating']+($forecast['fadedRating']/2);
//instead make it range from 0-9? easier display..
return $ret;
function forecastToNice($f,$is_best=0,$part=0,$icons){
//strip last character off.. always an "m"
if($is_best){//need to add in date to front? whats shortest? 2 letter day? MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU
$nice=date("D", $f['timestamp'])." ".$nice;
$swell=str_replace("0.",".",round( ($f['swell']['absMinBreakingHeight']+$f['swell']['absMaxBreakingHeight'])/2,1)+0);
if($part==1) {
$nice = "";
$rating = getRating($f);//if it's a .5, instead display a plus?
if (strstr($rating, ".5")) {
$rating = "☆".str_replace(".5", "", ceil($rating));// half star and round it up.
$nice .= " $swell$rating";
$nice.=" $swell";
$text= $nice;
if($is_best && $part==0) {
$icon = $icons['flame'];
return array('text'=>$text,
'text'=>$sea_temp."° sea",
// get current wind
//if its three characters strip first char
'text'=> $wind_text." ".$wind,
$e=explode("tide: ",$html);
$time=strtotime(date("Y-m-d H").":00:00");//get current hour..
foreach($tides as $date=>$tide){
// get current tide and then the next 8 hrs? for tide chart?
foreach($tide['levels'] as $level){
if($last_shift < $level['shift']){
if($time > $level['unixtime']){//skip
}elseif($time+(3600*8) > $level['unixtime']) {
$current_tide=$level;// up or down?
$tideChart[] = (round($level['shift'], 2) + 0);
//get the min/max, and normalize it from 1-8
foreach($tideChart as $k=>$v){
// display the final tide?
echo json_encode(array("frames"=>$frames));
function tideToNice($tide,$icons){
return array(
"text"=>rtrim(date("ga",$tide['unixtime']),"m")." ".$ft."f",
function query($html,$path){
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$x = new DOMXPath($dom);
// }
return $x->query($path);
function getUrl($url,$cache_time){
// my code saves url to memcache for $cache_time.... don't want to keep calling magicseaweed, as they may rate limit you
return file_get_contents($url);
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