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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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An example of a genericized undo/redo in Elm
import List
import List ((::))
import Signal
import Signal ((<~), (~))
import Html
import Html (div, text, button, ul, input, li, p, label)
import Html.Attributes (disabled, type', name, id, value, checked)
import Html.Events (onClick, on, targetValue)
type Update =
TodoUpdate TodoUpdate_
| ToolbarUpdate ToolbarUpdate_
| QuickEntryUpdate QuickEntryUpdate_
| NoOp
type alias AppState =
{ todos : List Todo
, placeholderText : String
, undoHistory : StateHistory (List Todo)
startingState =
{ todos = []
, placeholderText = ""
, undoHistory = defaultHistory [] []
type LocalChannel a =
LocalChannel (a -> Signal.Message)
localize : (local -> general) -> Signal.Channel general -> LocalChannel local
localize generalize channel =
LocalChannel (\v -> Signal.send channel (generalize v))
send : LocalChannel a -> a -> Signal.Message
send (LocalChannel localizedSend) value =
localizedSend value
main =
container <~ process
updates = NoOp
container state =
let toolbarChannel = localize ToolbarUpdate updates
quickEntryChannel = localize QuickEntryUpdate updates
todoChannel = localize TodoUpdate updates
Html.toElement 500 500
<| Html.div
[ toolbar toolbarChannel True True
, quickEntry quickEntryChannel state.placeholderText
, todoList todoChannel state.todos
process =
Signal.foldp step startingState
<| Signal.subscribe updates
step : Update -> AppState -> AppState
step update state =
case update of
ToolbarUpdate Undo ->
TodoUpdate (ToggleComplete todo) ->
let updatedTodos = toggleOneCompleted todo state.todos
{ state | todos <- updatedTodos,
undoHistory <- recordPastEntry state.todos state.undoHistory }
QuickEntryUpdate (UpdatePlaceholder newText) ->
{ state | placeholderText <- newText }
QuickEntryUpdate AddTodo ->
let newTask = { startingTodo | name <- state.placeholderText }
{ state | todos <- newTask :: state.todos,
placeholderText <- "" }
NoOp -> state
type ToolbarUpdate_ =
| Redo
| NoOp'
toolbar channel undoEnabled redoEnabled =
Html.div []
[ button
[onClick <| send channel Undo
, disabled <| not undoEnabled ]
[ text "Undo" ]
, button
[ onClick <| send channel Redo
, disabled <| not redoEnabled
[ text "Redo" ]
type QuickEntryUpdate_ =
| UpdatePlaceholder String
| NoOp''
quickEntry channel placeholder =
Html.div []
[ input
[ type' "text"
, name "new-todo-entry"
, id "new-todo-entry"
, on "input" targetValue (\v -> send channel <| UpdatePlaceholder v)
, value placeholder
, button
[ onClick <| send channel AddTodo
[ text "Create task from entry" ]
todoList todoChannel todos =
ul [] <| (todo todoChannel) todos
type TodoUpdate_ =
| ToggleComplete Todo
| SortUp
| SortDown
| NoOp'''
type alias Todo =
{ name : String
, completed : Bool
, sort : Int
startingTodo =
{ name = ""
, completed = False
, sort = 0
toggleOneCompleted : Todo -> List Todo -> List Todo
toggleOneCompleted todo =
let toggleCompleted todo = { todo | completed <- not todo.completed }
in (\t -> if t == todo then toggleCompleted todo else t)
todo channel todo' =
li []
[ label []
[ type' "checkbox"
, name "complete-todo"
, checked todo'.completed
, onClick
<| send channel
<| ToggleComplete todo'
, text todo'.name
, button []
[ text "Move Up" ]
, button []
[ text "Move Down" ]
type alias StateHistory a =
{ past : List a
, future : List a
, current : a
, startingState : a
defaultHistory current starting =
{ past = []
, future = []
, current = current
, startingState = starting
resetHistory : StateHistory a -> StateHistory a
resetHistory history =
defaultHistory history.startingState history.startingState
recordPastEntry : a -> StateHistory a -> StateHistory a
recordPastEntry a history =
{ history | past <- a :: history.past }
runUndo : StateHistory a -> StateHistory a
runUndo history =
case history.past of
(_ :: previous :: rest) ->
{ history | current <- previous
, past <- rest
(previous :: rest) ->
{ history | current <- previous
, past <- rest
[] ->
resetHistory history
retrievePast : StateHistory a -> StateHistory a
retrievePast history =
let newHistory = if List.isEmpty history.past
then resetHistory history
else runUndo history
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