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Created February 11, 2019 16:29
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can i remove the atom?
(def airplanes {:planes
[{:make "Cessna",
:year "1977",
:model {:#text "MoonDart", :at-color "blue"},
:owner ["mitch" "glen" "paulie"],
[{:#text "sample text - landed the plane and it was windy.",
:at-type "landing",
:at-weather "windy",
:at-whitespace_attribute "whitespace-> "}
{:#text "sample\ntext - landed the plane and it was sunny.",
(pprint airplanes)
:at-type "landing",
:at-weather "sunny"}]}
{:make "Cessna",
:year "1933",
:model {:#text "Skyhawk", :at-color "blue"},
:owner "jim",
:action {:#text "text!", :at-type "takeoff", :at-weather "windy"}}
{:make "whitespace->>",
:year "1833",
:model {:#text "puppy", :at-color "blue"},
:owner "hal",
{:#text "more with whitespace->>",
:at-type "takeoff",
:at-weather "blowy"}}]}})
;; how do i get rid of the atom? do i _have_ to use core.async? I was hoping to somehow use the `acc` as an accumulator. ?
(def output (atom []))
(defn recur-test[{:keys [acc val md5-list json-key]
:or {acc []
md5-list []
json-key []}
:as args}]
(if-let [new-md5 (md5 (json/generate-string val))]
(map? val) (do
(swap! output
conj {:md5-list (conj md5-list new-md5)
:json-key json-key
:val val})
(doseq [[k,v] val]
(recur-test (merge args
{:md5-list (conj md5-list new-md5)
:json-key (conj json-key k)
:val v}
(vector? val) (do
#_(printf "V -> %s\n" val)
(doseq [v val] (recur-test (assoc args :val v)))
;; if it's anything eles it should be contained in the maps above?
:else () #_(pprint {:json-key json-key
:md5-list md5-list'
:val val})
(recur-test {:val airplanes} )
(clojure.pprint/print-table @output)
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