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Last active August 7, 2019 16:44
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(ns user)
(defn reached-top-of-staircase?
"Tests to make sure the steps get us to the top of the stairway."
[{:keys [stairway-height]} step-vec]
(= stairway-height (apply + step-vec)))
(defn compute-max-steps
"The idea here is that the maximum number of steps we could take is the
stairway height divided by the smallest step. "
[{:keys [stairway-height step-options]} ]
(->> step-options
(filter #(< 0 %))
(apply min)
(quot stairway-height)))
(defn smallest-possible-steps
"This would be the smallest possible vector of step options."
[{:keys [stairway-height step-options] :as all}]
(into [] (repeat
(compute-max-steps all)
(apply min step-options))))
(defn largest-possible-steps
"This would be the largest possible vector of step options."
[{:keys [stairway-height step-options] :as all}]
(into [] (repeat
(compute-max-steps all)
(apply max step-options))))
(defn inc-digit
"Takes a number, and increments it to the next of the step options.
If it is already the largest in the step options, it will return nil.
[{:keys [step-options]} d]
(let [cur-index (first (keep-indexed #(if (= d %2) %1) step-options))
next-index (inc cur-index)]
(get step-options next-index nil)))
(defn inc-vector
Takes this: 0,0,0
Returns this: 0,0,1
At some point, it adjusts the base to increment: 0,1,0
Only uses digits from step-options. "
[{:keys [stairway-height step-options] :as all} v]
(if (= v (largest-possible-steps all))
nil ; this would mean we are at the end of posibilities
(let [v-len (count v) ; length of the current vector
inc-value (inc-digit all (last v)) ; this would be the next "value" to increment to.
min-digit (apply min step-options)] ; if we go up a base number, this
; would be the min digit.
(if inc-value ;; returns nil if it can't increment and needs to increment base.
(assoc v (dec v-len) inc-value) ;;
(conj (inc-vector all
(into [] (drop-last v))) ; we wan we want to
; increment, drop last value, replace with "min digit"
(defn generate-all-possibilities
"Generates all possibilities.
For instance:
(generate-all-possibilities {:step-options [0 1 2 ] :stairway-height 3})
[[0 0 1] [0 0 2] [0 1 0] [0 1 1] [0 1 2] [0 2 0]
[0 2 1] [0 2 2] [1 0 0] [1 0 1] [1 0 2] [1 1 0]
[1 1 1] [1 1 2] [1 2 0] [1 2 1] [1 2 2] [2 0 0]
[2 0 1] [2 0 2] [2 1 0] [2 1 1] [2 1 2] [2 2 0]
[2 2 1] [2 2 2] [2 2 2]] "
[{:keys [stairway-height step-options] :as all}]
(loop [cur-vector (smallest-possible-steps all) ;; init to smallest possible steps.
all-possibilities []]
(if (= cur-vector (largest-possible-steps all))
(conj all-possibilities cur-vector) ;; we are done.
(let [result (inc-vector all cur-vector)]
(recur result (conj all-possibilities result))))))
(defn clean-step-options
"Just take step options, make sure zero is one of the elements, and order it
asc. Basically a data cleansing step."
(-> step-options
(conj 0) ;; make sure we have a zero.
set ;; dedup
sort ;; sort
(defn num-ways
"Given a tuple of step-options (how many steps i can take at a time) and a
stairway hieght, return all combinations of the steps i could take to reach
the top. "
[step-options stairway-height]
(let [all {:step-options (clean-step-options step-options)
:stairway-height stairway-height}]
(->> (generate-all-possibilities all)
(filter (partial reached-top-of-staircase? all)) ; filter anything that doesn't get us to the top of the stairs.
(map #(remove zero? %)) ; cleanup.
(num-ways [0, 1, 2, 3] 5)
;=> ((1 3 1) (3 1 1) (1 1 3) (1 1 1 1 1))
(->> (num-ways [0 11 12 9 23] 23)
(sort-by count))
;=> ((23) (11 12) (12 11))
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