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Created September 14, 2016 01:27
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""" Certain methods are not available via REST API, so we have to recreate!"""
import requests
from lxml.etree import Element, SubElement, tostring
class LeadConverter(object):
def __init__(self, session_id, lead_id, **kwargs):
""" Provides functionality for converting a Lead to a new or existing
Account and create a new Contact or update an existing Contact.
lead_id (REQUIRED): The 15 or 18-character ID of the Lead record to be
converted. All Salesforce Lead records begin with '00Q'
converted_status (REQUIRED): A Salesforce admin-defined Status value
that is set upon conversion. Unfortunately there is no method for us
to know what the valid converted_status values are, so we resort to
trial and error. When we find one that works, we must update the
TableMetaData object for this user (where name="Lead", of course)
account_id: Optional; if specified, converts the Lead to a Contact
associated with this Account.
contact_id: Optional; if specified, converts the Lead into an existing
Contact record, preventing the creation of a duplicate.
self.session_id = session_id
self.lead_id = lead_id
self.converted_status = kwargs.get('converted_status', 'Qualified')
self.account_id = kwargs.get('account_id', False)
self.contact_id = kwargs.get('contact_id', False)
self.do_not_create_opportunity = str(kwargs.get('do_not_create_opportunity', False))
self.opportunity_name = kwargs.get('opportunity_name', False)
self.owner_id = kwargs.get('owner_id', False)
self.send_notification_email = str(kwargs.get('send_notification_email', False))
def build_xml(self):
schema_ns = ''
urn_ns = ''
S_PRE = '{' + schema_ns + '}'
envelope = Element(
S_PRE + 'Envelope',
nsmap={'soapenv': schema_ns, 'urn': urn_ns}
header = SubElement(envelope, '{%s}Header' % schema_ns)
s_header = SubElement(header, '{%s}SessionHeader' % urn_ns)
sid = SubElement(s_header, '{%s}sessionId' % urn_ns).text=self.session_id
body = SubElement(envelope, '{%s}Body' % schema_ns)
convert_lead = SubElement(body, '{%s}convertLead' % urn_ns)
lead_converts = SubElement(convert_lead, '{%s}leadConverts' % urn_ns)
lead_id = SubElement(
'{%s}leadId' % urn_ns
do_not_create_opportunity = SubElement(
'{%s}doNotCreateOpportunity' % urn_ns
send_notification_email = SubElement(
'{%s}sendNotificationEmail' % urn_ns
if self.account_id:
account_id = SubElement(
'{%s}accountId' % urn_ns
if self.contact_id:
contact_id = SubElement(
'{%s}contactId' % urn_ns
if self.converted_status:
converted_status = SubElement(
'{%s}convertedStatus' % urn_ns
xml_meta = """<?xml version="1.1" encoding="utf-8"?>"""
return xml_meta + tostring(envelope, encoding='utf-8')
def post(self):
xml = self.build_xml()
headers = {'Content-Type':'text/xml', 'SOAPAction':'convertLead'}
url = ''
out =, data=xml, headers=headers)
return out
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