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Last active June 20, 2024 03:56
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  • Save joegasper/6ec54d4e90cc25b06ff71c5d3b740209 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Connect to the SharePoint site
Connect-PnPOnline -Url "YourSiteURL" -Credentials
# Specify the name of your Document Library
$DocLib = 'Documents'
# Retrieve all items from the Document Library in batches
$ListItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $DocLib -PageSize 2000 -ScriptBlock {
# Loop through each item and collect necessary details
foreach ($Item in $ListItems) {
if ($Item.FieldValues["Modified"] -lt (Get-Date).AddYears(-7)) {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
FileName = $Item.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"]
FileID = $Item.FieldValues["UniqueId"]
FileType = $Item.FieldValues["File_x0020_Type"]
RelativeURL = $Item.FieldValues["FileRef"]
CreatedByUPN = $Item.FieldValues["Author"].Email
CreatedTime = $Item.FieldValues["Created"]
LastModifiedTime = $Item.FieldValues["Modified"]
ModifiedByUPN = $Item.FieldValues["Editor"].Email
FileSize_KB = [Math]::Round(($Item.FieldValues["File_x0020_Size"] / 1024), 2)
# Import the required module
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph
# Connect to Microsoft Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Files.ReadWrite.All"
$Ddrive = Get-MgUserDefaultDrive -UserId ''
# Get all files in the OneDrive account that are older than 5 years
$files = Get-MgDriveListItem -DriveId $Ddrive.Id | Where-Object { $_.ContentType.Name -ne 'Folder' -and $_.LastModifiedDateTime -lt (Get-Date).AddYears(-5) }
# Loop through all pages
do {
# Process each item in the current page
foreach ($file in $files) {
Write-Output ("FileName: " + $
Write-Output ("FileID: " + $
Write-Output ("FileType: " + $file.file.mimeType)
Write-Output ("RelativeURL: " + $file.parentReference.path)
Write-Output ("CreatedByEmail: " + $
Write-Output ("ModifiedByEmail: " + $
Write-Output ("CreatedTime: " + $file.createdDateTime)
Write-Output ("LastModifiedTime: " + $file.lastModifiedDateTime)
Write-Output ("FileSize_KB: " + $file.size / 1024)
# Get the next page
$files = $files | Get-MgNext
} while ($files)
# Loop through each file
foreach ($file in $files) {
# Print the file's properties
Write-Output ("FileName: " + $
Write-Output ("FileID: " + $
Write-Output ("FileType: " + $file.file.mimeType)
Write-Output ("RelativeURL: " + $file.parentReference.path)
Write-Output ("CreatedByEmail: " + $
Write-Output ("ModifiedByEmail: " + $
Write-Output ("CreatedTime: " + $file.createdDateTime)
Write-Output ("LastModifiedTime: " + $file.lastModifiedDateTime)
Write-Output ("FileSize_KB: " + $file.size / 1024)
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