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Last active February 16, 2024 12:22
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PowerShell function to update Azure File Sync (AFS) Storage Agent on computer(s).
Updates the Azure Files Storage Sync Agent on specified computers.
This cmdlet updates the Azure Files Storage Sync Agent on the specified computers by retrieving the installation directory from the registry, importing the update agent module DLL, and running the update process.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the computer name on which the Azure Files Storage Sync Agent will be updated.
Update-AfsStorageSyncAgent -ComputerName 'Computer1', 'Computer2', 'Computer3'
Updates the Azure Storage Sync Agent on Computer1, Computer2, and Computer3.
'Computer1', 'Computer2', 'Computer3' | Foreach-Object -Parallel {. C:\Scripts\Update-AfsStorageSyncAgent.ps1; Update-AfsStorageSyncAgent -ComputerName $_} -ThrottleLimit 5
Updates the Azure File Share Storage Sync Agent on Computer1, Computer2, and Computer3 in parallel (requires PowerShell 7).
Requires PowerShell remoting to be enabled and configured on the target computers.
function Update-AfsStorageSyncAgent {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
begin {
# Initialization code here
Write-Host 'Starting the Azure File Sync Agent update process...'
# The script block to run remotely
$scriptBlock = {
# Get the InstallDir value from the registry
$installDir = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Azure\StorageSync\Agent' -Name 'InstallDir' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).InstallDir
# Proceed if the agent has been installed
if ($installDir) {
# Change the directory to the InstallDir path
Set-Location -Path $installDir
# Set the path to the AFS updater module
$AgentUpdaterModulePath = Join-Path -Path $installDir -ChildPath 'Kailani.Afs.Updater.Cmdlets.dll'
# Import the module and run the cmdlet to search and install latest update
Import-Module $AgentUpdaterModulePath
# Check if there is an update available and install
if ( (Get-StorageSyncAgentUpdate).UpdateNeeded ) {
# Run the cmdlet to search and install latest update
Write-Host "$env:COMPUTERNAME : Starting the agent updater action."
Install-StorageSyncAgentUpdate -Force
process {
# Run through a foreach to also support multiple items in the function parameter
foreach ($Name in $ComputerName) {
# Execute the script block on the current computer in the pipeline
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Name -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
end {
# Cleanup code here
Write-Host "Completed the Azure File Sync Storage Agent update process."
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