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Created October 31, 2023 02:14
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Microsoft 365 Group memberships for a user or summary report using ActiveDirectory module
Microsoft 365 Group memberships for a user or summary report
Output a list of a user's modern group memberships (Teams, Engage, Planner, Groups) or summary report
Get-M365GroupsForUser -UserName pvenkman | sort DisplayName | select DisplayName,Description
Get-M365GroupsForUser -UserName pvenkman -Report | where Owners -like "*rsantz*"
Get-M365GroupsForUser -UserName pvenkman | select DisplayName,Created,Description | Export-Csv -Path .\Grps.csv -NoTypeInformation
Get-M365GroupsForUser -UserName pvenkman -Report | Format-Table
Get-M365GroupsForUser -UserName pvenkman -Report | Export-Csv -Path .\GrpsReport.csv -NoTypeInformation
function Get-M365GroupsForUser
class InfoObject {
InfoObject($DisplayName, $ShortName, $GroupId, $Created, $NumMembers, $Owners, $Description) {
$this.DisplayName = $DisplayName
$this.ShortName = $ShortName
$this.GroupId = $GroupId
$this.Created = $Created
$this.NumMembers = $NumMembers
$this.Owners = $Owners
$this.Description = $Description
$Groups = ((Get-ADUser -Properties MemberOf -Identity $UserName).MemberOf).Where{$_ -match 'CN=Group_'}
foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
if ($Report.IsPresent) {
$OwnersNames = @()
$RptGrp = Get-ADGroup $Group -Properties DisplayName,mailNickname,Name,Created,msExchGroupMemberCount,msExchCoManagedByLink,Description
if ($RptGrp.msExchCoManagedByLink) {
$OwnersFQ = $RptGrp.msExchCoManagedByLink
$OwnersNames = foreach ($OwnerListed in $OwnersFQ) {
(Get-ADUser -Identity $OwnerListed).Name
$col1 = $RptGrp.DisplayName
$col2 = $RptGrp.MailNickName
$col3 = $RptGrp.Name.Replace('Group_','')
$col4 = $RptGrp.Created
$col5 = $RptGrp.msExchGroupMemberCount
$col6 = $OwnersNames -join ';'
$col7 = $RptGrp.Description
[InfoObject]::new($col1, $col2, $col3, $col4, $col5, $col6, $col7)
} else {
Get-ADGroup $Group -Properties *
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