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Last active September 14, 2020 05:21
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infinite recusion. Likely to do with line 73 and 39.
ppkgs_files = (builtins.fetchTarball {
# Descriptive name to make the store path easier to identify
name = "nixos-unstable-2020-07-03";
# Commit hash for nixos-unstable as of 2018-09-12
url =
# Hash obtained using `nix-prefetch-url --unpack <url>`
sha256 = "0azkaa2q4pp62icfs56s1hsmzpyzqafaw24v365n7qv9xffbk044";
buildVm = conf: (import "${ppkgs_files}/nixos" { configuration = conf; }).vm;
ppkgs = import "${ppkgs_files}" { };
myOverlay = self: super:
let writeJson = d: super.writeText "app-config.json" (builtins.toJSON d);
in rec {
inherit writeJson;
buildScheduledTask =
{ name, scriptContents, timeoutSec ? "3600", restartSec ? "10" }:
service = {
description = name;
startAt = "*:10";
script = "${runScript}/bin/runner";
serviceConfig = {
RuntimeMaxSec = timeoutSec;
RestartSec = restartSec;
runScript = super.writeShellScriptBin "runner" scriptContents;
nixosService = {
systemd = { services = { "${name}" = service; }; };
in {
service = nixosService;
scriptContents = runScript;
serviceContents = writeJson nixosService;
in {
infiniteMachine = buildVm ({ config, pkgs, ... }:
xx = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "runStuff" ''
set +e
echo ${pkgs.writeText "app-config.json" (builtins.toJSON { ok = 42; })}
echo ${pkgs.writeJson yz.serviceContents}
yz = pkgs.buildScheduledTask {
name = "testService2";
scriptContents = "echo doStuff";
in ({
environment.systemPackages = [ xx ];
nixpkgs.overlays = [ myOverlay ];
} // yz.service));
okMachine = buildVm ({ config, pkgs, ... }:
xx = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "runStuff" ''
set +e
echo ${pkgs.writeText "app-config.json" (builtins.toJSON { ok = 42; })}
echo ${pkgs.writeJson yz.serviceContents}
yz = pkgs.buildScheduledTask {
name = "testService2";
scriptContents = "echo doStuff";
in {
environment.systemPackages = [ xx ];
nixpkgs.overlays = [ myOverlay ];
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nix-build vms.nix -A okMachine is fine, nix-build vms.nix -A infiniteMachine crashes with an infinite recursion error.

The issue seems to be the merging (//) of the results of a function that build a service that comes from an overlay.

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