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Created April 20, 2020 12:33
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Sails Typings to work with Model, Controllers, ModelDefinition and so on...
// declare var ;
declare namespace Sails {
enum SortOption {
type SortOptions = keyof typeof SortOption;
interface Criteria {
or?: Criteria[];
[key: string]:
| CriteriaModifierItem
| string
| number
| boolean
| Date
| Criteria[]
| undefined;
interface CriteriaWithQueryOptions {
where: Criteria;
limit?: number;
skip?: number;
sort?: string | { [key: string]: SortOptions }[];
interface CriteriaModifierItem {
"<"?: any;
"<="?: any;
">"?: any;
">="?: any;
"!="?: any;
nin?: any[];
in?: any[];
contains?: string;
interface QueryPromise<T> extends Promise<QueryPromise<T> | any> {
* Execute a Waterline query instance using promises. *
* @url
* @param filter
* @param callback
filter: { name?: string },
callback: (err: Error | undefined) => any
): any;
catch(callback: (err: Error | undefined) => any): any;
* Decrypt any auto-encrypted attributes in the records returned for this particular query.
* @url
decrypt(): this;
* Execute a Waterline query instance.
* @url
* @param callback
exec(callback: (err: Error | undefined, result: any) => any): any;
* Capture and intercept the specified error, automatically modifying and re-throwing it, or specifying a new error to be thrown instead. (Still throws.)
* @url
* @param filter
* @param handler
filter: string | { code: string },
handler: Function | string
): this;
intercept(handler: Function | string): this;
* Set the maximum number of records to retrieve when executing a query instance.
* @url
* @param maximum
limit(maximum: number): this;
* Provide additional options to Waterline when executing a query instance.
* @url
* @param options = `{
* fetch: false,
* cascade: false,
* skipAllLifecycleCallbacks: false,
* skipRecordVerification: false,
* skipExpandingDefaultSelectClause: false,
* decrypt: false,
* encryptWith: false
* }`
meta(options: {
fetch?: boolean;
cascade?: boolean;
skipAllLifecycleCallbacks?: boolean;
skipRecordVerification?: boolean;
skipExpandingDefaultSelectClause?: boolean;
decrypt?: boolean;
encryptWith?: string;
}): this;
* Modify a query instance so that, when executed, it will populate child records for the specified collection, optionally filtering by subcriteria. Populate may be called more than once on the same query, as long as each call is for a different association.
* @url
* @param association
* @param subcriteria
populate(association: string, subcriteria?: Criteria): this;
* Indicate the number of records to skip before returning the results from executing a query instance.
* @note If the “skip” value is greater than the number of records matching the query criteria, the query will return an empty array. The .find() method returns a chainable object if you don't supply a callback. This method can be chained to .find() to further filter your results.
* @url
* @param numRecordsToSkip
skip(numRecordsToSkip: number): this;
* Set the order in which retrieved records should be returned when executing a query instance.
* @url
* @param sortClaus
sort(sortClaus: string | { [key: string]: SortOptions }[]): this;
* Execute a Waterline query instance using promises.
* @url
* @param callback
then(callback: (result: any) => any): Promise<any>;
* Tolerate (swallow) the specified error, and return a new result value (or undefined) instead. (Don't throw.)
* @url
* @param filter
* @param handler
tolerate(filter: string | { code: string }, handler: Function): this;
tolerate(filter: string | { code: string }): this;
tolerate(handler: Function): this;
* Begin executing a Waterline query instance and return a promise.
* @url
toPromise(): Promise<any>;
* Specify an existing database connection to use for this query.
* @url
* @param connection
usingConnection(connection: any): this;
* Specify a where clause for filtering a query.
* @url
* @param whereClause
where(whereClause: Criteria): this;
interface MetaOptions {}
interface ModelFetchPromise<T> extends QueryPromise<T> {
* Tell Waterline (and the underlying database adapter) to send back records that were updated/destroyed/created when performing an .update(), .create(), .createEach() or .destroy() query. Otherwise, no data will be returned (or if you are using callbacks, the second argument to the .exec() callback will be undefined).
* @url
fetch(): T | T[];
interface ModelFetchOnePromise<T> extends QueryPromise<T> {
* Tell Waterline (and the underlying database adapter) to send back records that were updated/destroyed/created when performing an .update(), .create(), .createEach() or .destroy() query. Otherwise, no data will be returned (or if you are using callbacks, the second argument to the .exec() callback will be undefined).
* @url
fetch(): T;
interface ModelFetchMultiplePromise<T> extends QueryPromise<T> {
* Tell Waterline (and the underlying database adapter) to send back records that were updated/destroyed/created when performing an .update(), .create(), .createEach() or .destroy() query. Otherwise, no data will be returned (or if you are using callbacks, the second argument to the .exec() callback will be undefined).
* @url
fetch(): T[];
interface ModelSetPromise<T> extends QueryPromise<T> {
set(valuesToSet: any): T;
interface ModelStreamPromise<T> extends QueryPromise<T> {
eachRecord(callback: (record: DatabaseRecord) => void): this;
eachBatch(callback: (records: DatabaseRecord[]) => void): this;
interface ModelMemberPromise<T> extends QueryPromise<T> {
members(childIds: number[] | string[]): this;
type DatabaseRecord = {
id?: number | string;
[key: string]: any;
type DatabaseRecordToCreate = {
id?: number | string;
[key: string]: any;
interface Model {
* Add one or more existing child records to the specified collection (e.g. the comments of BlogPost #4).
* @url
* @param parentId
* @param association
parentId: string | number,
association: string,
childIds?: string[] | number[]
): ModelMemberPromise<any>;
* Archive ("soft-delete") records that match the specified criteria, saving them as new records in the built-in Archive model, then destroying the originals.
* @url
* @param criteria
criteria: Criteria
): ModelFetchPromise<DatabaseRecord | DatabaseRecord[]>;
* Archive ("soft-delete") the record that matches the specified criteria, saving it (if it exists) as a new record in the built-in Archive model, then destroying the original.
* @param criteria
archiveOne(criteria: Criteria): Promise<DatabaseRecord>;
* Get the aggregate mean of the specified attribute across all matching records.
* @url
* @param numericAttrName
* @param criteria
avg(numericAttrName: string, criteria: Criteria): number;
* Get the total number of records matching the specified criteria.
* @url
* @param criteria
count(criteria: Criteria): number;
* Create a record in the database.
* @info .fetch() to get record
* @url
* @param initialValues
create(initialValues: {}): ModelFetchOnePromise<DatabaseRecord>;
* Create a set of records in the database.
* @info .fetch() to get records
* @url
* @param initialValues
initialValues: {}[]
): ModelFetchPromise<DatabaseRecord[] | [] | undefined>;
* Destroy records in your database that match the given criteria.
* @info .fetch() to get records
* @url
* @param criteria
criteria: Criteria
): ModelFetchPromise<DatabaseRecord[] | [] | undefined>;
* Destroy the record in your database that matches the given criteria, if it exists.
* @url
* @param criteria
destroyOne(criteria: Criteria): Promise<DatabaseRecord>;
* Find records in your database that match the given criteria.
* @url
* @param criteria
criteria?: Criteria | CriteriaWithQueryOptions,
populate?: any
): QueryPromise<DatabaseRecord[] | undefined>;
criteria?: Criteria | CriteriaWithQueryOptions
): QueryPromise<DatabaseRecord[] | undefined>;
* Attempt to find a particular record in your database that matches the given criteria.
* @url;
* @example var record = await Something.findOne(criteria);
* @param criteria
findOne(criteria: Criteria): QueryPromise<DatabaseRecord>;
* Find the record matching the specified criteria. If no such record exists, create one using the provided initial values.
* @url
* @example
* var newOrExistingRecord = await Something.findOrCreate(criteria, initialValues);
* @info or, if you need to know whether a new record was created,
* @example
* Something.findOrCreate(criteria, initialValues)
* .exec(function(err, newOrExistingRecord, wasCreated) {
* // code
* }}
* @param criteria
* @param initialValues
criteria: Criteria,
initialValues: {}
): QueryPromise<DatabaseRecord[] | undefined>;
* Access the datastore for a particular model.
* @url
getDatastore(): DataStore;
* Remove one or more members (e.g. a comment) from the specified collection (e.g. the comments of BlogPost #4).
* @url
* @example
* await Something.removeFromCollection(parentId, association)
* .members(childIds);
* @param parentId
* @param association
parentId: number | string,
association: string
): ModelMemberPromise<any>;
* Replace all members of the specified collection (e.g. the comments of BlogPost #4).
* @url
* @param parentId
* @param association
parentId: number | string,
association: string
): ModelMemberPromise<any>;
* Stream records from your database to be consumed one at a time or in batches, without first having to buffer the entire result set in memory.
* @url
* @param criteria
stream(criteria: Criteria): ModelSetPromise<any>;
* Get the aggregate sum of the specified attribute across all matching records.
* @url
* @param numericAttrName
* @param criteria
sum(numericAttrName: string, criteria?: Criteria): number;
* Update all records matching criteria.
* @url
* @param criteria
update(criteria: Criteria): ModelSetPromise<DatabaseRecord[]>;
* Update the record that matches the given criteria, if such a record exists.
* @url
* @param criteria
updateOne(criteria: Criteria): ModelSetPromise<DatabaseRecord>;
* Verify that a value would be valid for a given attribute, then return it, loosely coerced.
* @url
* @param atrrName
* @param value
validate(atrrName: string, value: any): void;
// enable other private methods.
[key: string]: any;
interface DataStore {
* The generic, stateless, low-level driver for this datastore (if supported by the adapter).
* @url
driver: any;
* The live connection manager for this datastore.
* @url
manager: any;
* Lease a new connection from the datastore for use in running multiple queries on the same connection (i.e. so that the logic provided in during can reuse the db connection).
* @url
* @param during A procedural parameter that Sails will call automatically when a connection has been obtained and made ready for you. It will receive the arguments specified in the "During" usage table below.
* @param db Your newly-leased database connection. (See .usingConnection() for more information on what to do with this.)
leaseConnection(during: (db: any) => any): any;
* Execute a raw SQL query using this datastore.
* @url
sendNativeQuery(sql: string, valuesToEscape?: any[]): Promise<any>;
* Fetch a preconfigured, deferred object hooked up to the sails-mysql or sails-postgresql adapter (and consequently the appropriate driver).
* @url Fetch a preconfigured, deferred object hooked up to the sails-mysql or sails-postgresql adapter (and consequently the appropriate driver).
* @param during
transaction(during: (db: any) => any): any;
interface Controller {
[key: string]: (
req: Sails.Request,
res: Sails.Response, any
) => void;
type LoggingMethods = {
error: (...args: any[]) => void;
warn: (...args: any[]) => void;
debug: (...args: any[]) => void;
info: (...args: any[]) => void;
verbose: (...args: any[]) => void;
silly: (...args: any[]) => void;
[key: string]: (...args: any[]) => void;
(...args: any[]): void;
type DirectLoggingMethod = (args: any) => void;
interface GlobalSailsApplication {
models: {
[key: string]: Model;
log: LoggingMethods;
[key: string]: any;
declare var sails: Sails.GlobalSailsApplication;
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ksaitor commented Jun 29, 2021

Tried this, but declare var sails: Sails.GlobalSailsApplication doesnt seem to declare sails globally. I've got to re-diclare it in every file for it to work. What am i doing wrong?

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