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Created May 1, 2020 21:31
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Trying out Deno
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno --allow-run
type AbsDir = string;
type AbsFile = string;
type AbsPath = AbsFile | AbsDir;
type RelFile = string;
type RelDir = string;
type Path = RelFile | AbsFile | RelDir | AbsDir;
async function ls(dir: AbsDir): Promise<RelFile[]> {
const p ={
cmd: ["ls", "-1", "-a", "--color=never", dir],
stdout: "piped",
const { code } = await p.status();
if (code !== 0) {
throw new Error(`ls failed for '${dir}'`);
return p.output()
.then((out) =>
new TextDecoder()
.filter((f) => f && f !== "." && f !== "..")
ls("/home/joe").then((files) => files.forEach((f) => console.log({ f })));
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