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Created January 30, 2015 01:11
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Osil test log
julia> Pkg.test("JuMP")
INFO: Computing test dependencies for JuMP...
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove
INFO: Testing JuMP
[print] JuMPContainer{Variable}
- bound printing
- index set printing
- category printing
- issue testing
105 facts verified.
[print] JuMPContainer{Number}
WARNING: deprecated syntax "[a=>b, ...]" at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/Clp/src/ClpSolverInterface.jl:52.
Use "Dict(a=>b, ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "[a=>b, ...]" at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/Clp/src/ClpSolverInterface.jl:64.
Use "Dict(a=>b, ...)" instead.
WARNING: Dict{K,V}(ks::AbstractArray{K},vs::AbstractArray{V}) is deprecated, use Dict{K,V}(zip(ks,vs)) instead.
in depwarn at ./deprecated.jl:40
in call at deprecated.jl:29
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in reload_path at ./loading.jl:152
in _require at ./loading.jl:67
in require at ./loading.jl:52
in model at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/MathProgBase/src/defaultsolvers.jl:46
in solveLP at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:213
in solve at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:41
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/print.jl:169
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
6 facts verified.
[print] SOS constraints
6 facts verified.
[print] Model
7 facts verified.
[print] changing variable categories
2 facts verified.
[print] expressions
9 facts verified.
[print] Variable
32 facts verified.
[variable] constructors
3 facts verified.
[variable] get and set bounds
14 facts verified.
[variable] get and set category
2 facts verified.
[variable] repeated elements in index set (issue #199)
1 fact verified.
[expr] Test expression construction
- AffExpr
- QuadExpr
6 facts verified.
[expr] Test getValue(expr)
2 facts verified.
[expr] Test expression iterators
4 facts verified.
[expr] Test in(::Variable, ::AffExpr)
4 facts verified.
[operator] Testing basic operator overloads
- Number--???
- Variable--???
- AffExpr--???
- QuadExpr--???
136 facts verified.
[operator] Higher-level operators
- sum
- dot
17 facts verified.
[macros] Check Julia expression parsing
13 facts verified.
[macros] Check @addConstraint basics
8 facts verified.
[macros] Checking @defVar with reverse direction bounds
2 facts verified.
[macros] sum{}
3 facts verified.
[macros] Problem modification
4 facts verified.
[macros] Using pre-built affine is OK in macro
3 facts verified.
[macros] Test ranges in @defVar
10 facts verified.
[macros] Unicode comparisons
9 facts verified.
[macros] Three argument @addConstraint
3 facts verified.
[macros] @addConstraints
4 facts verified.
[macros] @addNLConstraints
5 facts verified.
[macros] @setObjective with quadratic
1 fact verified.
[macros] @addConstraint with quadratic
7 facts verified.
[macros] Triangular indexing, iteration
158 facts verified.
[macros] Multidimensional indexing
1 fact verified.
[macros] @defExpr
2 facts verified.
[fuzzer] Check macros for expression construction
WARNING: deprecated syntax "(Uint=>Bool)[]" at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/GLPK/src/GLPK_checks.jl:19.
Use "Dict{Uint,Bool}()" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "[a=>b, ...]" at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/GLPKMathProgInterface/src/GLPKInterfaceMIP.jl:376.
Use "Dict(a=>b, ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "{a=>b, ...}" at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/Ipopt/src/Ipopt.jl:73.
Use "Dict{Any,Any}(a=>b, ...)" instead.
[model] Check error cases
WARNING: Variable errVar's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable x's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
6 facts verified.
[model] Test printing a model
Warning, MPS does not support maximization sense. Flipping objective coefficients.
62 facts verified.
[model] Test solving a MILP
- With solver Gurobi.GurobiSolver
- With solver CPLEX.CplexSolver
- With solver Mosek.MosekMathProgSolverInterface.MosekSolver
- With solver Cbc.CbcMathProgSolverInterface.CbcSolver
- With solver GLPKMathProgInterface.GLPKInterfaceMIP.GLPKSolverMIP
- With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
WARNING: Maximization problems are currently known to be buggy with OSSolverService and MINLP solvers, see Formulate your problem as a minimization for more reliable results.
Optimization Services Solver
Main Authors: Horand Gassmann, Jun Ma, and Kipp Martin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License
OS Version: 2.8.5
Build Date: Jan 29 2015
Results written to file /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/.osil/results.osrl
/Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/.osil/results.osrl:2: namespace warning : xmlns: URI is not absolute
<osrl xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
solve(modA) => :Optimal
MethodError: `startswith` has no method matching startswith(::Void, ::ASCIIString)
Closest candidates are:
startswith(::Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String), ::Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String))
startswith(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString)
in read_osrl_file! at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/src/OptimizationServices.jl:398
in optimize! at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/src/OptimizationServices.jl:444
in solveMIP at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:335
in solve at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:36
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:149
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got 0
modA.objVal => roughly(1.0 + 4.833334,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable x's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
getValue(x) => roughly(1.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable y's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
getValue(y) => roughly(1.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable z's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
getValue(z) => roughly(4.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[3] => roughly(0.5,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[4] => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[5] => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[6] => roughly(6.0,1.0e-6)
Out of 54 total facts:
Verified: 45
Failed: 8
Errored: 1
[model] Test solving an LP (Min)
- With solver Gurobi.GurobiSolver
- With solver CPLEX.CplexSolver
- With solver Mosek.MosekMathProgSolverInterface.MosekSolver
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver Mosek.MosekMathProgSolverInterface.MosekSolver :: got 1.0714285714285714
getDual(z) => roughly(-1.0714286,1.0e-6)
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver Mosek.MosekMathProgSolverInterface.MosekSolver :: got -1.0
(getDual(r))[4] => roughly(1.0,1.0e-6)
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver Mosek.MosekMathProgSolverInterface.MosekSolver :: got -1.0
(getDual(r))[5] => roughly(1.0,1.0e-6)
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver Mosek.MosekMathProgSolverInterface.MosekSolver :: got 0.03759398496240601
(getDual(r))[6] => roughly(-0.03759398,1.0e-6)
- With solver Clp.ClpMathProgSolverInterface.ClpSolver
- With solver GLPKMathProgInterface.GLPKInterfaceLP.GLPKSolverLP
- With solver Ipopt.IpoptSolver
This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
For more information visit
- With solver ECOS.ECOSSolver
- With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
Optimization Services Solver
Main Authors: Horand Gassmann, Jun Ma, and Kipp Martin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License
OS Version: 2.8.5
Build Date: Jan 29 2015
Results written to file /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/.osil/results.osrl
/Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/.osil/results.osrl:2: namespace warning : xmlns: URI is not absolute
<osrl xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
solve(modA) => :Optimal
MethodError: `startswith` has no method matching startswith(::Void, ::ASCIIString)
Closest candidates are:
startswith(::Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String), ::Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String))
startswith(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString)
in read_osrl_file! at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/src/OptimizationServices.jl:398
in optimize! at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/src/OptimizationServices.jl:444
in solveLP at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:228
in solve at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:36
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got 0
getObjectiveValue(modA) => roughly(-5.8446115,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable x's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
getValue(x) => roughly(0.9774436,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable y's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
getValue(y) => roughly(1.0225563,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable z's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
getValue(z) => roughly(4.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[3] => roughly(0.5112781,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[4] => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[5] => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[6] => roughly(6.0,1.0e-6)
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
getDual(x) => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
getDual(y) => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
getDual(z) => roughly(-1.0714286,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(r))[3] => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(r))[4] => roughly(1.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(r))[5] => roughly(1.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(r))[6] => roughly(-0.03759398,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(cons))[1] => roughly(0.333333,1.0e-6)
Dual solution not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:604
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(cons))[2] => roughly(-1.0,1.0e-6)
Dual solution not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:604
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(cons))[3] => roughly(-0.0714286,1.0e-6)
Dual solution not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:604
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:177
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Out of 152 total facts:
Verified: 129
Failed: 12
Errored: 11
[model] Test solving an LP (Max)
- With solver Gurobi.GurobiSolver
- With solver CPLEX.CplexSolver
- With solver Mosek.MosekMathProgSolverInterface.MosekSolver
- With solver Clp.ClpMathProgSolverInterface.ClpSolver
- With solver GLPKMathProgInterface.GLPKInterfaceLP.GLPKSolverLP
- With solver Ipopt.IpoptSolver
- With solver ECOS.ECOSSolver
- With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
WARNING: Maximization problems are currently known to be buggy with OSSolverService and MINLP solvers, see Formulate your problem as a minimization for more reliable results.
Optimization Services Solver
Main Authors: Horand Gassmann, Jun Ma, and Kipp Martin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License
OS Version: 2.8.5
Build Date: Jan 29 2015
Results written to file /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/.osil/results.osrl
/Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/.osil/results.osrl:2: namespace warning : xmlns: URI is not absolute
<osrl xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
solve(modA) => :Optimal
MethodError: `startswith` has no method matching startswith(::Void, ::ASCIIString)
Closest candidates are:
startswith(::Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String), ::Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String))
startswith(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString)
in read_osrl_file! at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/src/OptimizationServices.jl:398
in optimize! at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/src/OptimizationServices.jl:444
in solveLP at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:228
in solve at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:36
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got 0
getObjectiveValue(modA) => roughly(5.8446115,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable x's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
getValue(x) => roughly(0.9774436,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable y's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
getValue(y) => roughly(1.0225563,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable z's value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
getValue(z) => roughly(4.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[3] => roughly(0.5112781,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[4] => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[5] => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
WARNING: Variable r[3]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[4]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[5]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
WARNING: Variable r[6]'s value not defined. Check that the model was properly solved.
Failure :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver :: got NaN
(getValue(r))[6] => roughly(6.0,1.0e-6)
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
getDual(x) => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
getDual(y) => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
getDual(z) => roughly(1.0714286,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(r))[3] => roughly(0.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(r))[4] => roughly(-1.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(r))[5] => roughly(-1.0,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(r))[6] => roughly(0.03759398,1.0e-6)
Variable bound duals (reduced costs) not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:263
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(cons))[1] => roughly(-0.333333,1.0e-6)
Dual solution not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:604
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(cons))[2] => roughly(1.0,1.0e-6)
Dual solution not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:604
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Error :: (line:337) :: With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
(getDual(cons))[3] => roughly(0.0714286,1.0e-6)
Dual solution not available. Check that the model was properly solved and no integer variables are present.
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMP.jl:604
in map at abstractarray.jl:1362
in getDual at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/JuMPDict.jl:125
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:142
in do_fact at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:172
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:142
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:219
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
Out of 152 total facts:
Verified: 133
Failed: 8
Errored: 11
[model] Test binary variable handling
- With solver Gurobi.GurobiSolver
- With solver CPLEX.CplexSolver
- With solver Mosek.MosekMathProgSolverInterface.MosekSolver
- With solver Cbc.CbcMathProgSolverInterface.CbcSolver
- With solver GLPKMathProgInterface.GLPKInterfaceMIP.GLPKSolverMIP
- With solver OptimizationServices.OsilSolver
WARNING: Maximization problems are currently known to be buggy with OSSolverService and MINLP solvers, see Formulate your problem as a minimization for more reliable results.
Optimization Services Solver
Main Authors: Horand Gassmann, Jun Ma, and Kipp Martin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License
OS Version: 2.8.5
Build Date: Jan 29 2015
Results written to file /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/.osil/results.osrl
/Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/.osil/results.osrl:2: namespace warning : xmlns: URI is not absolute
<osrl xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: MethodError: `startswith` has no method matching startswith(::Void, ::ASCIIString)
Closest candidates are:
startswith(::Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String), ::Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String))
startswith(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString)
in read_osrl_file! at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/src/OptimizationServices.jl:398
in optimize! at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/OptimizationServices/src/OptimizationServices.jl:444
in solveMIP at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:335
in solve at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:36
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:268
in context at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:312
in anonymous at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl:263
in facts at /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/FactCheck/src/FactCheck.jl:286
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
in include at ./boot.jl:249
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:128
in process_options at ./client.jl:319
in _start at ./client.jl:403
while loading /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/model.jl, in expression starting on line 261
while loading /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/runtests.jl, in expression starting on line 29
================================[ ERROR: JuMP ]=================================
failed process: Process(`/usr/local/julia/usr/bin/julia --check-bounds=yes --code-coverage=none --color=yes /Users/huchette/.julia/v0.4/JuMP/test/runtests.jl`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove
ERROR: JuMP had test errors
in error at error.jl:19
in test at pkg/entry.jl:717
in anonymous at pkg/dir.jl:28
in cd at ./file.jl:20
in cd at pkg/dir.jl:28
in test at pkg.jl:68
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