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Created December 11, 2015 13:59
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public class Setup
private enum Signal
SIGBUS = 10,
private static string Library = "";
private static extern int sigaction(Setup.Signal sig, IntPtr act, IntPtr oact);
[DllImport(Constants.ObjectiveCLibrary, EntryPoint = "objc_msgSend")]
private static extern void void_objc_msgSend(IntPtr receiver, IntPtr selector);
public static void EnableCrashReporting(Action crashReportingDelegate, string library)
Library = library;
IntPtr sigbus = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(512);
IntPtr sigsev = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(512);
//store handlers
Setup.sigaction(Setup.Signal.SIGBUS, IntPtr.Zero, sigbus);
Setup.sigaction(Setup.Signal.SIGSEGV, IntPtr.Zero, sigsev);
//setup crash reporting
//restore handlers
Setup.sigaction(Setup.Signal.SIGBUS, sigbus, IntPtr.Zero);
Setup.sigaction(Setup.Signal.SIGSEGV, sigsev, IntPtr.Zero);
public static void ThrowExceptionAsNative(Exception exception)
public static void ThrowExceptionAsNative(object exception)
public static void CaptureManagedInfo(object exception)
Crashlytics.SharedInstance.SetObjectValue(new NSString(Constants.Version), "monotouch version");
Exception ex = exception as Exception;
if (ex != null)
Crashlytics.SharedInstance.SetObjectValue(new NSString(ex.StackTrace), "unhandled exception stack trace");
Crashlytics.SharedInstance.SetObjectValue(new NSString(ex.Message), "unhandled exception message");
Crashlytics.SharedInstance.SetObjectValue(new NSString(ex.GetType().FullName), "unhandled exception");
public static void CaptureStackFrames(object exception)
var frames = new List<CLSStackFrame>();
Exception ex = exception as Exception;
Action<StackTrace> frameWalker = (st) =>
for (int i = 0; i < st.FrameCount; i++)
StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(i);
frames.Add(new CLSStackFrame()
FileName = sf.GetFileName() ?? sf.GetMethod().DeclaringType.Name + ".cs",
LineNumber = (uint)sf.GetFileLineNumber(),
Library = Library,
Symbol = sf.GetMethod().ToString()
if (ex != null)
//get traces from excetion dispath info - their are not included in StackTrace on mono
StackTrace[] traces = null;
var fi = typeof(Exception).GetField("captured_traces", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (fi != null)
traces = fi.GetValue(ex) as StackTrace[];
if (traces != null)
foreach (var st in traces)
frameWalker(new StackTrace(ex, true));
Crashlytics.SharedInstance.RecordCustomExceptionName(ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message, frames.Cast<NSObject>().ToArray());
private static void ConvertToNativeExceptionAndRaise(object e)
string name = "Managed Exception";
string reason = e.ToString();
Exception ex = e as Exception;
if (ex != null)
string file = "Unknown file";
string line = "???";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason))
string buf = reason;
buf = buf.Replace(ex.Message, "");
buf = buf.Replace(ex.GetType().FullName, "");
var pos = buf.IndexOf(" in ");
var pos2 = buf.IndexOf(".cs", pos);
file = buf.Substring(pos + 4, pos2 + 3 - (pos + 4));
file = Path.GetFileName(file);
int i = pos2 + 4;
string line2 = "";
char tmp = reason[i];
while ("0123456789".Contains(buf[i].ToString()) && i < buf.Length)
line2 += buf[i++];
line = line2;
name = string.Format("{0}: {1} - {2} line {3}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message, file, line);
name = name.Replace("%", "%%");
reason = reason.Replace("%", "%%");
NSException nsex = new NSException(name, reason, null);
Selector selector = new Selector("raise");
void_objc_msgSend(nsex.Handle, selector.Handle);
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