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Created April 18, 2024 22:50
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# Blind Auction. Adapted to Vyper from [Solidity by Example](
#pragma version ^0.3.10
struct Bid:
blindedBid: bytes32
deposit: uint256
# Note: because Vyper does not allow for dynamic arrays, we have limited the
# number of bids that can be placed by one address to 128 in this example
MAX_BIDS: constant(int128) = 128
# Event for logging that auction has ended
event AuctionEnded:
highestBidder: address
highestBid: uint256
# Auction parameters
beneficiary: public(address)
biddingEnd: public(uint256)
revealEnd: public(uint256)
# Set to true at the end of auction, disallowing any new bids
ended: public(bool)
# Final auction state
highestBid: public(uint256)
highestBidder: public(address)
# State of the bids
bids: HashMap[address, Bid[128]]
bidCounts: HashMap[address, int128]
# Allowed withdrawals of previous bids
pendingReturns: HashMap[address, uint256]
# Create a blinded auction with `_biddingTime` seconds bidding time and
# `_revealTime` seconds reveal time on behalf of the beneficiary address
# `_beneficiary`.
def __init__(_beneficiary: address, _biddingTime: uint256, _revealTime: uint256):
self.beneficiary = _beneficiary
self.biddingEnd = block.timestamp + _biddingTime
self.revealEnd = self.biddingEnd + _revealTime
# Place a blinded bid with:
# _blindedBid = keccak256(concat(
# convert(value, bytes32),
# convert(fake, bytes32),
# secret)
# )
# The sent ether is only refunded if the bid is correctly revealed in the
# revealing phase. The bid is valid if the ether sent together with the bid is
# at least "value" and "fake" is not true. Setting "fake" to true and sending
# not the exact amount are ways to hide the real bid but still make the
# required deposit. The same address can place multiple bids.
def bid(_blindedBid: bytes32):
# Check if bidding period is still open
assert block.timestamp < self.biddingEnd
# Check that payer hasn't already placed maximum number of bids
numBids: int128 = self.bidCounts[msg.sender]
assert numBids < MAX_BIDS
# Add bid to mapping of all bids
self.bids[msg.sender][numBids] = Bid({
blindedBid: _blindedBid,
deposit: msg.value
self.bidCounts[msg.sender] += 1
# Returns a boolean value, `True` if bid placed successfully, `False` otherwise.
def placeBid(bidder: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
# If bid is less than highest bid, bid fails
if (_value <= self.highestBid):
return False
# Refund the previously highest bidder
if (self.highestBidder != empty(address)):
self.pendingReturns[self.highestBidder] += self.highestBid
# Place bid successfully and update auction state
self.highestBid = _value
self.highestBidder = bidder
return True
# Reveal your blinded bids. You will get a refund for all correctly blinded
# invalid bids and for all bids except for the totally highest.
def reveal(_numBids: int128, _values: uint256[128], _fakes: bool[128], _secrets: bytes32[128]):
# Check that bidding period is over
assert block.timestamp > self.biddingEnd
# Check that reveal end has not passed
assert block.timestamp < self.revealEnd
# Check that number of bids being revealed matches log for sender
assert _numBids == self.bidCounts[msg.sender]
# Calculate refund for sender
refund: uint256 = 0
for i in range(MAX_BIDS):
# Note that loop may break sooner than 128 iterations if i >= _numBids
if (i >= _numBids):
# Get bid to check
bidToCheck: Bid = (self.bids[msg.sender])[i]
# Check against encoded packet
value: uint256 = _values[i]
fake: bool = _fakes[i]
secret: bytes32 = _secrets[i]
blindedBid: bytes32 = keccak256(concat(
convert(value, bytes32),
convert(fake, bytes32),
# Bid was not actually revealed
# Do not refund deposit
assert blindedBid == bidToCheck.blindedBid
# Add deposit to refund if bid was indeed revealed
refund += bidToCheck.deposit
if (not fake and bidToCheck.deposit >= value):
if (self.placeBid(msg.sender, value)):
refund -= value
# Make it impossible for the sender to re-claim the same deposit
zeroBytes32: bytes32 = empty(bytes32)
bidToCheck.blindedBid = zeroBytes32
# Send refund if non-zero
if (refund != 0):
send(msg.sender, refund)
# Withdraw a bid that was overbid.
def withdraw():
# Check that there is an allowed pending return.
pendingAmount: uint256 = self.pendingReturns[msg.sender]
if (pendingAmount > 0):
# If so, set pending returns to zero to prevent recipient from calling
# this function again as part of the receiving call before `transfer`
# returns (see the remark above about conditions -> effects ->
# interaction).
self.pendingReturns[msg.sender] = 0
# Then send return
send(msg.sender, pendingAmount)
# End the auction and send the highest bid to the beneficiary.
def auctionEnd():
# Check that reveal end has passed
assert block.timestamp > self.revealEnd
# Check that auction has not already been marked as ended
assert not self.ended
# Log auction ending and set flag
log AuctionEnded(self.highestBidder, self.highestBid)
self.ended = True
# Transfer funds to beneficiary
send(self.beneficiary, self.highestBid)
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