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Created July 8, 2022 18:07
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Export all conda environments as yml files to a specified directory
import subprocess as sub
import re
import os
#modified from
# create list of current environments
sub.check_call(" ".join(['conda','env','list','>','envs.txt']),shell=True)
# load and parse environment names
envs = {}
with open("envs.txt", 'r') as f:
lines =
lines = [l.replace("*","") for l in lines] #get rid of asterix which denotes active environment
for line in lines[2:]:
line_match = re.findall(r'(\w*)\s+(C:.*)',line)
if line_match:
name,directory = line_match[0]
if not name:
local_name = directory.split("\\")[-1]
print(f"Environment {local_name} is not installed in default conda environment directory.")
print(f"The environment name will be appended with '_not_in_default_path'")
envs[f"{local_name}_not_in_default_path"] = directory
envs[name] = directory
# write environment packages out
directory = "directory_location" #change to your preferred directory location
for env_name, direcotry in envs.items():
print("Backing up...",env_name)
if "_not_in_default_path" in env_name:
cmd = f"conda env export --no-build --p {directory} > {env_name}.yml"
cmd = f"conda env export --no-build --name {env_name} > {env_name}.yml"
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