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Created March 22, 2020 19:50
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Frontend Introduction


  • What is react
    • How would you do things without it - grandiose Sarajevo
      • Have elements on page
      • Target those elements and add event listeners
      • Disadvantages is very bulky, and you might want to do things conditionally depending on the status of different page interactions
        • To do this in vanilla you end up with loads of handler functions
    • Enter react
      • React allows you to create components that help isolate responsibilities and functionality
      • Does so by building a template to display similar to ERB
      • State allows you to keep track of user interaction for that component
  • Structure of a react component
    • Two types, functional and class based
      • Functional are simple components generally without state
        • *react hooks can be used to create and handle state
      • Class components denser, have state, inherit methods from react framework
    • constructor
    • React methods
      • Component did mount
        • Fetch requests
      • Render
    • props
    • State
    • JSX & conditional rendering
    • propTypes are just a type checking enforcement
    • As components are ideally single responsibility, there’s often a lot nesting, especially in
  • Some useful knowledge
    • Importing/exporting
    • Deconstruction
    • Spread operation
    • event
      • Elements have built in methods
    • Prototype chain
    • asynchronus
    • Class syntax
      • Constructor similar to initializer
      • State goes in there
      • Super inherits parent methods
      • Other methods go outside the constructor
    • This - Similar to self, generally refers to the class it’s present in, but this can vary depending on where it is used
  • Other FE concepts
    • How is styling working in this app
      • Anything that renders HTML can hook into style sheets
      • They’re using SASS, syntactically awesome style sheets, another way of writing css
    • Testing?
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