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Created September 15, 2017 03:13
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Function Get-F5SyncStatus{
Retrieve the sync status details for the specific BIG-IP device
param (
#Test that the F5 session is in a valid format
$SyncStatus = $F5Session.BaseURL -replace "/ltm/", "/cm/sync-status"
$JSON = Invoke-F5RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $SyncStatus -F5Session $F5Session
$JSON = Resolve-NestedStats -F5Session $F5Session -JSONData $JSON
If available (v12+), retrieve the nested description values and return as a single value.
The nested stats are still available in the returned object, but this means that one doesn't need to dig into
'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/cm/syncStatus/0/details'.nestedStats.entries.'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/cm/syncStatus/0/details/2'.nestedStats.entries.details.description, etc.
to retrieve this information.
If ($JSON.entries.'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/cm/syncStatus/0/details'.nestedStats.entries){
$Description = ''
$Nested_Stats = $JSON.entries.'https://localhost/mgmt/tm/cm/syncStatus/0/details'.nestedStats.entries
$Nested_Stats | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select Name | %{
#For each entry, retrieve the value / details
$Description += $($Nested_Stats.$($_.Name).nestedStats.entries.details.description).toString() + "`r`n"
#Add composite description value to JSON
$JSON.entries | Add-Member -Name sync_description -MemberType NoteProperty $Description -Force
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