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Last active August 2, 2017 19:48
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A (not quite working) groovy script to generate a sane version string from a git repository
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
class GitVersion {
static String initialVersion = "0.0.1"
String repoDir
Boolean isGitRepository
Boolean hasCommit
Boolean isClean
String lastTag
String lastVersion
String lastLabel
String nextMajorVersion
String nextMinorVersion
String nextPatchVersion
String branch
String commitHash
String shortCommitHash
Integer commitsSinceLastTag
Integer commitsSinceDevelop
GitVersion(repoDir) {
this.repoDir = repoDir
this.isGitRepository = this.initIsGitRepository()
if (!this.isGitRepository) {
throw new Exception("not a git repository")
this.hasCommit = this.initHasCommit()
if (!this.hasCommit) {
throw new Exception("repository has no commits")
this.isClean = this.initIsClean()
this.lastTag = this.initLastTag()
this.lastVersion = this.initLastVersion()
this.lastLabel = this.initLastLabel()
if (this.lastVersion == "") {
this.nextMajorVersion = this.nextMajorVersionFrom(GitVersion.initialVersion)
this.nextMinorVersion = this.nextMinorVersionFrom(GitVersion.initialVersion)
this.nextPatchVersion = this.nextPatchVersionFrom(GitVersion.initialVersion)
} else {
this.nextMajorVersion = this.nextMajorVersionFrom(this.lastVersion)
this.nextMinorVersion = this.nextMinorVersionFrom(this.lastVersion)
this.nextPatchVersion = this.nextPatchVersionFrom(this.lastVersion)
this.branch = this.initBranch()
this.commitHash = this.initCommitHash()
this.shortCommitHash = this.commitHash[0..Math.min(this.commitHash.length()-1,7)]
this.commitsSinceLastTag = this.commitsSince(this.lastTag)
this.commitsSinceDevelop = this.commitsSince("develop")
Boolean initIsGitRepository() {
def cmd = "git status".execute()
return cmd.exitValue() == 0
Boolean initHasCommit() {
return this.initCommitHash() != "HEAD"
Boolean initIsClean() {
return "git status --porcelain".execute().text == ""
String initLastTag() {
return "git rev-list --tags --no-walk --max-count=1".execute().text.trim()
String initLastVersion() {
def lastVersionLabel = "git describe --abbrev=0".execute().text.trim()
if (lastVersionLabel == "") {
return ""
return lastVersionLabel.tokenize("-")[0]
String initLastLabel() {
def lastVersionLabel = "git describe --abbrev=0".execute().text.trim()
if (lastVersionLabel == "") {
return ""
def lvSplit = lastVersionLabel.tokenize("-")
if (lvSplit.size() > 1) {
return lvSplit[1..-1].join("-")
} else {
return ""
String nextMajorVersionFrom(fromVersion) {
def (major, minor, patch) = fromVersion.tokenize(".")*.toInteger()
return "${major+1}.0.0"
String nextMinorVersionFrom(fromVersion) {
def (major, minor, patch) = fromVersion.tokenize(".")*.toInteger()
return "${major}.${minor+1}.0"
String nextPatchVersionFrom(fromVersion) {
def (major, minor, patch) = fromVersion.tokenize(".")*.toInteger()
return "${major}.${minor}.${patch+1}"
String initBranch() {
def branch = "git symbolic-ref HEAD".execute().text.replace("refs/heads/", "").trim()
if (branch == "") {
branch = "undefined"
return branch
String initCommitHash() {
def commitHash = "git rev-parse HEAD".execute().text.trim()
if (commitHash == "") {
commitHash = "undefined"
return commitHash
Integer commitsSince(rev) {
if (rev == "") {
return -1
def commitsSince = "git rev-list ${rev}..HEAD --count".execute().text.trim()
if (commitsSince == "") {
return -1
return commitsSince.toInteger()
String masterVersion() {
if (this.lastTag == "") {
return GitVersion.initialVersion
return this.lastVersion
String masterLabel() {
def labelSegments = [this.lastLabel]
if (this.commitsSinceLastTag < 0) {
labelSegments += this.shortCommitHash
} else if (this.commitsSinceLastTag > 0) {
labelSegments += "untagged+${this.commitsSinceLastTag}"
return this.joinLabelSegments(labelSegments)
String developVersion() {
return this.nextMinorVersion
String developLabel() {
def labelSegments = []
if (this.commitsSinceLastTag < 0) {
labelSegments += this.shortCommitHash
} else if (this.commitsSinceLastTag > 0) {
if (lastLabel.startsWith("alpha")) {
labelSegments += "${lastLabel}+${this.commitsSinceLastTag}"
} else {
labelSegments += "alpha0+${this.commitsSinceLastTag}"
return this.joinLabelSegments(labelSegments)
String releaseCandidateVersion() {
return branch - "release/"
String releaseCandidateLabel() {
def labelSegments = []
if (this.commitsSinceLastTag < 0) {
labelSegments += this.shortCommitHash
} else if (this.commitsSinceLastTag > 0) {
if (lastLabel.startsWith("beta")) {
labelSegments += "${lastLabel}+${this.commitsSinceLastTag}"
} else {
labelSegments += "beta0+${this.commitsSinceLastTag}"
return this.joinLabelSegments(labelSegments)
String hotfixVersion() {
return branch - "hotfix/"
String hotfixLabel() {
return this.releaseCandidateLabel()
String featureVersion() {
String featureLabel() {
def feature = (this.branch - "feature/").toLowerCase().replace("-", "_")
return this.joinLabelSegments(["feature-${feature}", this.shortCommitHash])
String joinLabelSegments(segments) {
if (segments.size() == 0) {
return ""
return "-${segments.join("-")}"
void printInfo() {
println "Is Git Repository: ${this.isGitRepository}"
println "Has commit: ${this.hasCommit}"
println "Last version: ${this.lastVersion}"
println "Last label: ${this.lastLabel}"
println "Next major version: ${this.nextMajorVersion}"
println "Next minor version: ${this.nextMinorVersion}"
println "Next patch version: ${this.nextPatchVersion}"
println "Branch: ${this.branch}"
println "Commit hash: ${this.commitHash}"
println "Is Clean: ${this.isClean}"
println "Last tag: ${this.lastTag}"
println "Commits since last tag: ${this.commitsSinceLastTag}"
println "Commits since develop: ${this.commitsSinceDevelop}"
String computedVersionLabel() {
def version = ""
def label = ""
if (commitsSinceLastTag == 0) {
version = this.lastVersion
label = this.joinLabelSegments([this.lastLabel])
} else if (branch == "master") {
version = this.masterVersion()
label = this.masterLabel()
} else if (branch == "develop") {
version = this.developVersion()
label = this.developLabel()
} else if (branch.startsWith("release/")) {
version = this.releaseCandidateVersion()
label = this.releaseCandidateLabel()
} else if (branch.startsWith("hotfix/")) {
version = this.hotfixVersion()
label = this.hotfixLabel()
} else if (branch.startsWith("feature/")) {
version = this.featureVersion()
label = this.featureLabel()
} else {
throw new Exception("unsupported branch name!")
if (!isClean) {
label += "-dirty"
return "${version}${label}"
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