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Last active April 23, 2024 08:27
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Amazon EC2 Basic Linux Commands for New Servers
/*****************CONNECTING TO THE EC2************************/
// Open Terminal, cd into the directory where you have your .pem
// You may need to change the permissions of the .pem to 600
chmod 600 pemfile.pem
// SSH into your instance
ssh -i pemfile.pem ec2-user@<AssociatedIp OR PublicDNS>
// Allow RSA additions, keychain, etc.
// Go Root Permissions
sudo su
/**********************Install Apache************************/
// Use yum to install Apache (preloaded on EC2)
yum install httpd
//Start apache
service httpd start
/**********************Install PHP***************************/
yum install php php-mysql
// Restart Apache
service httpd restart
// You should now be able to nvaigate to your servers' default
// apache page by navigating to http://<IP or Public DNS>
// To test your PHP install do the following:
cd /var/www/html
// Create a test.php file
vi test.php
Type i to start the insert mode
Type <?php phpinfo() ?>
Hit esc to exit insert mode
Type :wq to write the file and quit vi
// You should now be able to navigate to your IP/test.php
/**********************Install MySQL***********************/
yum install mysql-server
// Start MySQL
service mysqld start
// Create a database
mysqladmin -uroot create <DB Name>
//Secure the MySQL install
// Answer the wizard questions as follows:
// Enter current password for root: Press return for none
// Change Root Password: Y
// New Password: Enter your new password
// Remove anonymous user: Y
// Disallow root login remotely: Y
// Remove test database and access to it: Y
// Reload privilege tables now: Y
// REF:
/**********************Install PHPMyAdmin*******************/
//EC2 instances come with yum installer which includes EPEL
// (EPEL : Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux )
// however by default the packages are disabled, to enable
// them edit the epel.repo in etc/yum.repos.d
// simply enable the first block
sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
//Then you will have package access to PHPMyAdmin
sudo yum install phpmyadmin
//phpMyAdmin is installed in /usr/share/phpMyAdmin which is
// not naively accessible from the web, you can either create
// a symbolic link in your html directory, or create a virtual
// host (that points to your symbolic link) - here we will create
// the symbolic link:
ln -s /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/ /var/www/html/<Folder Name>
//Name <Folder Name> whatever you want the relative directory to be
// now you can point a vhost to this folder, or just nav directly to it
//If you try to navigate to this folder now you may get a 403
// in this case, you will need to find the phpMyAdmin.conf file
sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
//NOTE: You may need to verify the spelling/casing of the file name
//Comment out the #Order Allow,Deny AND #Deny from all for the
// phpMyAdmin directory
//NOTE: You must have already installed mySQL and setup a root password to login!
//To remove phpMyAdmin:
yum erase phpmyadmin
/*****************CONNECTING TO THE EC2************************/
// Open Terminal, cd into the directory where you have your .pem
// You may need to change the permissions of the .pem to 600
chmod 600 pemfile.pem
// SSH into your instance
ssh -i pemfile.pem ec2-user@<AssociatedIp OR PublicDNS>
// Allow RSA additions, keychain, etc.
// Go Root Permissions
sudo su
/*****************SETTING UP BLOCK STORAGE*********************/
// Create and associate an EBS, then check to see if it is mounted
df -h
// Device is normally maounted in dev as xvda, xvdb, xvdc and so on.
// If not shown as mounted, check available devices
// If it is not mounted
fdisk -l
// Get the correct directory by looking at the disk sizes, it may
// have a name like /dev/xvda, b, c, etc.
// You MAY need to format and create a file structure
sudo mkfs -t ext3 <Device Name>
// <Device Name> is the "/dev/xvdb" string
// Then create a directory to mount to
sudo mkdir <Directory Name>
// Mount the EBS to the directory you created
sudo mount <Device Name> <Directory Name>
// NOTE: You will need to repeat this process each restart unless
// you add the device to the fstab or create a script that
// automatically mounts the volume on startup
// REF:
/*****************OWN THE EBS DIRECTORY*********************/
// Navigate to root and set ownership of the EBS to the ec2-user
chown -R ec2-user /<Mounted Directory>
// -R owns all subfolders
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