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Created July 12, 2013 20:54
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Connecting to an Amazon RDS with MySQLWorkbench
Last couple of week I was looking for an easier approch to manage the Databases created on Amazon RDS instances. I had to run through a tedious set of steps in carrying out routine stuff like introducing new updates, taking daily backups and moving it to an Amazon S3 bucket, etc… Before getting into touch with MySQL Workbench had to run through several intermediate hops (Connect to one of the EC2 instance via SSH and connect to the RDS instance from there, ;-( ) even to run a small query on the tables.
Let me eleborate the step I followed in setting up the connect with the DB created on a Amazon RDS instance.
Step 1: Launch MySQL Workbench
Launch MySQL Workbench and select New Server Instance found under Server Administration section form the Welcome screen as shown in Figure 1.
MySQl Workbench Welcome Screen
Figure 1: MySQl Workbench Welcome Screen
Step 2: Specify Host Machine of the Database server
Next form the Create New Server Instance Profile wizard, provide the Public DNS of the Amazon EC2 instance under Remote Host as shown in Figure 2 (this EC2 instance will be as the intermediate point to access DB that resides inside the Amazon RDS instance). To find the Public DNS specific to the EC2 instance can be done as illustrated in Figure 3. Click Next button to procced.
Specify Host Machine
Figure 2: Specify Host Machine of the Database screen
Amazon EC2 Instance
Figure 3: Amazon EC2 admin console screen
Step 3: Creating the DB connection
Fill in the values as described below which illustrated in Figure 4.
Connection Name – Provide a name to identify your connection
Connection Method – Select Standard TCP/IP over SSH from the drop down list instead of Standard(TCP/IP). Then on the appearing two tabbed pane, fill the following values found under Parameters tab.
SSH Hostname – Provide the Public DNS of the Amazon EC2 instace (refer Figure 3) which will be used as the intermediate server instance used to create the connection with the DB instance.
SSH Username – Provide the user of the Amazon EC2 instance (refer Figure 3) which will be used as the intermediate server instance used to create the connection with the DB instance.
SSH Key File – Provide the Private Key (xxx.pem) used to connect Amazon EC2 instace via SSH
MySQL Hostname – Provide the Endpoint of the DB instance created in Amazon RDS(refer Figure 5).
Username – Provide the Master Username of the DB instance created in Amazon RDS(refer Figure 5).
Password – Click on Store in Keychain.. button and type the password provided while creating the DB instance in Amazon RDS.
Click Next button to procced.
Database Connection
Figure 4: Database Connection screen
Amazon RDS DB Instance
Figure 5: Amazon RDS DB Instance
Step 4: Testing the Database Connection
In this step it validates the parameters provided in the previous step and upon success it returns Database connection tested successfully(refer Figure 6). Upon this message the Next button get activate to procceds to Management and OS.
Test DB Connection
Figure 6: Testing the Database Connection
Step 5: Management and OS
Select SSH login based management option and select the appropriate parameters for Operating System, MySQL Installation Type (refer Figure 7).
Management and OS
Figure 7: Specify remote management type and target operating system
Step 6: Setting up remote SSH Configuration
Provide the following parameters
Host Name – Provide the Public DNS of the Amazon EC2 instace (refer Figure 3) which will be used as the intermediate server instance used to create the connection with the DB instance.
User Name – Provide the user of the Amazon EC2 instance (refer Figure 3) which will be used as the intermediate server instance used to create the connection with the DB instance.
Select Authenticate Using SSH Key and provide the SSH Private Key Path – Provide the Private Key (xxx.pem) used to connect Amazon EC2 instace via SSH
Remote SSH Configuration
Figure 8: Remote SSH Configuration
Step 7: Test Host Machine Settings
In this step it validates the parameters provided in the previous step and upon success it returns Testing host machine setting is done(refer Figure 9). Upon this message the Next button get activate and clicking Next buttin it popup Review Settings dialog box (refer Figure 10).
Test Host Machine Settings
Figure 9: Test Host Machine Settings
Review Settings
Figure 10: Review Settings
Step 8: Creating the Instance Profile
Provide a name for the Profile got created.
Creating the Instance Profile
Figure 11: Creating the Instance Profile
Step 9: Done
Figure 12: Workbench Home screen with the new profile
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