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Fast Applicative sorting
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
module AS2 where
import Data.Type.Equality
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Data.Proxy
-- | Natural numbers
data Nat = Z | S Nat
-- | A sorted vector
data SVec :: Nat -> * -> * where
Nil :: SVec 'Z a
Cons :: a -> SVec n a -> SVec ('S n) a
-- Convenience function for turning vectors into proxies
prox :: SVec n a -> Proxy n
prox _ = Proxy
type family (:+) m n where
'Z :+ n = n
('S m) :+ n = 'S (m :+ n)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Several basic proofs about natural number arithmetic. We use rewrite
-- rules to assert that these will actually terminate when run, which
-- saves a *lot* of time.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
plusSucc :: SVec m a -> proxy n q -> (m :+ 'S n) :~: ('S (m :+ n))
plusSucc Nil _ = Refl
plusSucc (Cons _ xs) p = case plusSucc xs p of Refl -> Refl
{-# NOINLINE plusSucc #-}
-- This rule declares that plusSucc m n will terminate, which makes
-- merging *much* more efficient.
"plusSucc" forall v p . plusSucc v p = unsafeCoerce (Refl :: 'Z :~: 'Z)
plusZero :: SVec m a -> (m :+ 'Z) :~: m
plusZero Nil = Refl
plusZero (Cons _ xs) = case plusZero xs of Refl -> Refl
{-# NOINLINE plusZero #-}
-- This rule declares that plusZero m will terminate.
"plusZero" forall v . plusZero v = unsafeCoerce (Refl :: 'Z :~: 'Z)
plusAssoc :: SVec m a -> proxy n -> proxy o -> (m :+ (n :+ o)) :~: ((m :+ n) :+ o)
plusAssoc Nil _ _ = Refl
plusAssoc (Cons _ m) n p = case plusAssoc m n p of Refl -> Refl
{-# NOINLINE plusAssoc #-}
"plusAssoc" forall v p q. plusAssoc v p q = unsafeCoerce (Refl :: 'Z :~: 'Z)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Merge two sorted vectors into one.
merge :: Ord x => SVec m x -> SVec n x -> SVec (m :+ n) x
merge Nil ys = ys
merge xs Nil = case plusZero xs of Refl -> xs
merge xss@(Cons x xs) yss@(Cons y ys)
| x <= y = Cons x (merge xs yss)
| otherwise = case plusSucc xss ys of Refl -> Cons y (merge xss ys)
-- This is where the fun happens. We make an Applicative out of a sorted vector
-- of length m along with a function that consumes any sorted vector of length
-- at least m and returns a result and the remainder of the vector.
data Sort x a where
Sort :: (forall n. Proxy n -> SVec (m :+ n) x -> (a, SVec n x)) -> SVec m x -> Sort x a
-- The proxy argument isn't strictly necessary, but it makes the type easier
-- to work with.
instance Functor (Sort x) where
fmap f (Sort g xs) = Sort (\p v -> case g p v of (a, r) -> (f a, r)) xs
instance Ord x => Applicative (Sort x) where
pure a = Sort (\_ xs -> (a, xs)) Nil
-- (<*>) merges the vectors and produces a compound function that
-- uses the first part of the vector to produce one result and
-- the next to produce the other, then applies the first to the second.
(<*>) :: forall a b . Sort x (a -> b) -> Sort x a -> Sort x b
Sort f (xs :: SVec m x) <*> Sort g (ys :: SVec n x) =
Sort h (merge xs ys)
h :: forall o . Proxy o -> SVec ((m :+ n) :+ o) x -> (b, SVec o x)
h p v = case plusAssoc xs (prox ys) p of
Refl -> case f (Proxy :: Proxy (n :+ o)) v of { (a, v') ->
case g (Proxy :: Proxy o) v' of { (b, v'') ->
(a b, v'')}}
liftSort :: x -> Sort x x
liftSort a = Sort (\_ (Cons x xs) -> (x, xs)) (Cons a Nil)
runSort :: forall x a . Sort x a -> a
runSort (Sort f xs) = case plusZero xs of
Refl -> fst $ f (Proxy :: Proxy 'Z) xs
-- | Sort an arbitrary Traversable container. For a list-like instance,
-- this will perform an insertion sort. For a tree-like instance, it will
-- perform a merge sort.
sortTraversable :: (Ord a, Traversable t) => t a -> t a
sortTraversable = runSort . traverse liftSort
sortTraversal :: ((a -> Sort a a) -> t -> Sort a t) -> t -> t
sortTraversal trav = runSort . trav liftSort
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