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Created August 10, 2020 19:24
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Study Hall covering breakpoints and OO.

Study Hall Topics

Resources / URLs / Endpoints

URL: "resource" : "/recipes/brownies"

REST "resource" (subject)

  • "brownies" : resource recipe
  • "recipes" : resource of all my recipes

HTTP methods ("verbs") -> (verb)

GET /recipes => list of my resources of recipes

combo of verb+subject resource + method

different endpoint:

GET /recipes POST /recipes (creates a resource in recipes) PUT /recipes/brownies (update brownie resource)


  • doesn't change anything
  • only safe method => GET
  • all else => unsafe


  • doing it multiple times same as once
<form method="POST">
  <input name="book-title">
         => GET /books?book-title=the+bell+jar
         => POST /books


  • "is-a" : "joel is a human", "a human is a mammal"

  • "has-a" : "an invoice has a client [eg i bill apple]"

  • "has-many" : "my company has many open invoices"

company -> invoices <- client

  • /joelco/invoices/500 { clientcode: "apple" }

  • /joelco/clients/apple {name: ..., address: ....}

Sessions, Cookies, and db.session


entirely unrelated to browser sessions

  • it just wraps a database transaction
  • you have to .commit to keep work or .rollback to clean fouled transactions


A way we can maintain "state" over HTTP: have browser remember & re-present


An abstraction over using cookies directly — uses them under the hood

Browser stores one (or more) cookies that hold the session data

Flask handles sending/validating authenticity of sessions

A magic dictionary because, even though the session object you import is global, it is magically about this browser


  • breaking or reinforcing your mental model
  • why and how to read error messages
  • stacktrace/backtrace/traceback
  • what debuggers can answer for us:
    • where am and how did I get here?
    • what was I called with?
    • why was I called with that?
    • what am I going to return?
    • what are my variables?
    • how would my program work differently if x was equal to 32?
    • watch code run!

Some commands I’ll show:

pip install ipdb   # a prettier/nicer pdb for python
export PYTHONBREAKPOINT=ipdb.set_trace
flask run --without-threads --no-reload

Object Orientation

Big ideas in OO:

  • abstraction
  • encapsulation
  • polymorphism

Different areas:

  • “data oo”
  • “specialized subclass/machine”
    • we will briefly visit this while learning how to absolutely crush your siblings in hangman

Unit Testing in Python

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