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Created September 19, 2020 13:08
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Python Create Project Automation
Name: Python Create Project Automation.
Author: Joel Butcher
Date: 18/09/2020
This Python script is designed to run as a cli tool, accepting the project name as the only argment.
The script will, navigate to your desired projects path, create a new project folder and a README markdown document.
It will then create a new repo using your Github access token and commit the project + to the remote origin.
Note: This file requires you to install the PiGithub Python dependency.
If desired, this Python script can be embedded into a bash command for additional automation. To do so, simply specify
the bash argument '$1' as the first argument to the script.
e.g. `python $1`
import sys
import os
import errno
from github import Github
projectName = sys.argv[1]
githubUsername = 'YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME'
def getGithub():
return Github(githubToken)
def findOrCreateRepo(githubUser):
repo = findRepo(githubUser)
# If the repo already exists, clone it,
# otherwise, create a new repo with an initial commit
if repo != False:
# If the clone repo is empty, create an initial commit
if [f for f in os.listdir(path + projectName) if not f.startswith('.')] == []:
print('Could not find existing repo, creating a new one...')
repo = createRepo(githubUser)
return repo
def findRepo(githubUser):
repo = False
# First, fetch all the repo's for the users
# to see if one already exists on the account.
print('Searching for existing repo %s' %(projectName,))
for githubRepo in githubUser.get_repos():
if ( == projectName):
repo = githubRepo
return repo
def createRepo(githubUser):
print('Created repo %s/%s' %(githubUsername, projectName,))
repo = githubUser.get_repo(projectName)
return repo
def cloneRepo(repo):
# Change directory to the specified path
# Clone repo in current working directory - repo.clone_url
os.system('git clone' %(githubUsername, projectName,))
print('Successfully cloned repo %s/%s' %(githubUsername, projectName,))
def newInitialCommit(repo):
# Create new
f = open('', 'w')
f.write('# %s' % (projectName))
# Commit and push
fileContents = open('', 'r').read()
repo.create_file('', 'Initial commit', fileContents)
print('Successfully pushed initial commit')
def create():
g = getGithub()
# First, let's check Github for an existing project that matches the entered name
# If one doesn't exist, we'll create it and push an initial commit
# If one does exist, we'll clone it, and only push an itial commit
# if the cloned project is empty.
repo = findOrCreateRepo(g.get_user())
# If the repo could not be found or created, exit with error message
if repo == False:
exit('Could not find or create repository %s/%s' %(githubUsername, projectName))
# Change directory to the new project folder
os.chdir(path + projectName)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if os.path.exists(path + projectName):
os.chdir(path + projectName)
exit("Project already exists, please use a different name.")
# Project doesnt exist, let's create a new one
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