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Created January 11, 2014 07:07
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@Class ScreenSize

This is a Javascript MediaQuery Helper

Here is Sass Variables and mixin to go with the Class

// ---- BREAKPOINTS -------------------------------------->
$breakpoint-xs: 0;
$breakpoint-sm: 34em;
$breakpoint-md: 48em;
$breakpoint-lg: 62em;
$breakpoint-xl: 75em;

$breakpoints: (
  xs: $breakpoint-xs,
  sm: $breakpoint-sm,
  md: $breakpoint-md,
  lg: $breakpoint-lg,
  xl: $breakpoint-xl,
) !default;

@mixin breakpoint($label:xs) {
  $media: map-get($breakpoints, $label);
  @media (min-width:$media) {

@each $label, $query in $breakpoints {
  @include breakpoint($label) {
     // Do something on each breakpoint

@include breakpoint(md) {
  // DO something on medium screen

@method onChange

Example Return value

    * @Prototype(): onChange
    * @return {Object} Query
   Query = {
     media: {Object} {max: "47em" min: "34em" name: "sm"}
     screen: {Object} window.Screen

Example Usage

   * @Prototype(): onChange
   * @usage
  class MyViewModel {
    static inject = [ScreenSize];

      screenSize.onChange(query => {
        // Do something with the Query

@method from | to | fromTo

Exactly what you would expect. Simply pass the Query Name as Parameters.
Returns Value{Boolean} on whether the screen is the specified size or not.

   * @Prototype():  from | to | fromTo
   * @params {String} [xs | sm | md | lg | xl]
   * @usage;
  class MyViewModel {
    static inject = [ScreenSize];
      if (screenSize.from('md')) {
        // Do something when Screen Size is larger than 'md';

      if ('md')) {
       // Do something when Screen Size smaller than 'md'; 

      if (ScreenSize.fromTo('sm', 'md')) {
       // Do something when Screen Size is between medium or small;
 * @class ScreenSize
export class ScreenSize {

  queries = [
    {name: 'xs', min: '0px', max: '33em'},
    {name: 'sm', min: '34em', max: '47em'},
    {name: 'md', min: '48em', max: '61em'},
    {name: 'lg', min: '62em', max: '74em'},
    {name: 'xl', min: '75em', max: '1000em'}
  indexOF = {xs: 0, sm: 1, md: 2, lg: 3, xl: 4};
  screen = {};
  eventListeners = [];
  constructor(channel) {
    this.currentScreen = this.checkSize();

  onChange(cb) {
    if (!this.listener) {

  checkSize() {
    let current = this.currentScreen;
    for (let q in this.queries) {
      if (this.queries[q + 1]) {
        this.screen[q] = this.fromTo(this.queries[q].name, this.queries[q + 1].name);
      } else {
        this.screen[q] = this.from(this.queries[q].name);
      if (this.screen[q]) {
        current = q;

    if (current !== this.currentScreen) {
      this.currentScreen = current;
      return this.currentScreen;
    return false;

  createQuery(min, max) {
    let query = '';
    if (min) {
      let minIndex = this.indexOF[min];
      min = this.queries[minIndex].min;
      query += `(min-width: ${min})`;
    query = max ? (query + ' and ') : query;

    if (max) {
      let maxIndex = this.indexOF[max];
      maxIndex = maxIndex - 1;

      max = this.queries[maxIndex].max;
      query += `(max-width: ${max})`;
    return query;

  from(min) {
    let match = window.matchMedia(this.createQuery(min));
    return match && match.matches;

  to(max) {
    let match = window.matchMedia(this.createQuery(null, max));
    return match && match.matches;

  fromTo(min, max) {
    let match = window.matchMedia(this.createQuery(min, max));
    return match && match.matches;

  createListener() {
    let self = this;
    window.addEventListener('resize', debounce(update, 200));

    function update() {
      let current = self.checkSize();
      if (current) {
        let media = self.queries[current];
        let screen = window.screen;
        self.eventListeners.forEach(cb => cb({media, screen}));

function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
  let timeout;
  return function() {
    let context = this;
    let args = arguments;
    let later = function() {
      timeout = null;
      if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
    let callNow = immediate && !timeout;
    timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
    if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);

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