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Created October 26, 2018 19:58
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cginclude watcher script for editing unity shaders
#!/usr/bin/env python
# CGInclude Watcher
# Joel Davis (, @joeld42 on Twitter)
# Usage: Run this from a directory where you have shaders.
# Use at your own risk (and use an editor that properly handles
# open files being modified by another program).
# This script scans a directory of Unity .shader files, and
# when shaders include another file in the watched directory
# (typically CGIncludes) it adds a hash to the include line. For
# example:
# #include "CGIncludes/CommonEffect.cginc" // A64C87A
# Whenever the contents of that include file change, the script will
# update the .shaders that use it and modify the hash. This will in
# turn trigger Unity to know it should rebuild the shader even if
# only the include changed.
import os, sys
import re
import hashlib
import time
# This is the name of the path where the include files we are
# editing live. Only includes in this directory are watched.
reIncludeStuff = re.compile( r".*\#include\s+\"(?P<incfile>.*)\"(.*//(?P<hash>[A-z0-9]+))?.*")
# Not used, but you might want to use this if you're using something that
# cares about
def fileNeedsUpdate( shaderFile, includeFile ):
incmtime = os.path.getmtime( includeFile )
srcmtime = os.path.getmtime( shaderFile )
if incmtime < srcmtime:
return True
# file is up to date
return False
# computes a really good hash and then truncates it to a bad one
def sha256sum(filename):
h = hashlib.sha256()
with open(filename, 'rb', buffering=0) as f:
for b in iter(lambda :*1024), b''):
return h.hexdigest()[:8] # Use truncated hash
# Rewrites a shader file, updating the hashes on the includes
def updateIncludeHash( filename, cgincHash ):
fn2 = "/var/tmp/tmp_" + filename
print "Rewriting ", filename, fn2
fp = open( fn2, "wt" )
for line in open(filename).readlines():
m = reIncludeStuff.match( line )
if m:
incfile ="incfile")
if incfile and cgincHash.has_key( incfile ):
suffixPos = line.find( '.cginc' )
if (suffixPos == -1):
print "Can't find suffix?"
line = line[:suffixPos+7]
line = line + " //" + cgincHash[incfile]+"\n"
# Atomic replace
os.rename( fn2, filename )
if __name__=='__main__':
shaderIncludes = {}
cgincHash = {}
# find .shader files
for f in os.listdir('.'):
fn, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
if ext =='.shader':
# scan shader and look for includes
for line in open(f).readlines():
m = reIncludeStuff.match( line )
if (m):
includeFile ="incfile")
hashVal ="hash")
if hashVal == None:
hashVal = "ABCDE" # No stored hash, use a dummy value
# Only care about stuff in CGIncludes
if includeFile.startswith( WATCH_INCLUDE_PATH ):
#print includeFile
if not shaderIncludes.has_key( f ):
shaderIncludes[f] = []
cgincHash[ includeFile ] = hashVal
shaderIncludes[f].append( includeFile)
shaderFiles = shaderIncludes.keys()
for f in shaderFiles:
print f, shaderIncludes[f]
print cgincHash
# main loop, check for updates
while 1:
needsUpdate = set()
for inc in cgincHash.keys():
newhash = sha256sum( inc )
if newhash != cgincHash[inc]:
cgincHash[inc] = newhash
for f in shaderFiles:
if inc in shaderIncludes[f]:
needsUpdate.add( f )
if len(needsUpdate):
for fn in list(needsUpdate):
updateIncludeHash( fn, cgincHash )
print "up to date..."
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