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Coding like no tomorrow!

Joel Garcia Jr joelgarciajr84

Coding like no tomorrow!
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I know that are a lot of frameworks which promise to solve this with the "monorepo" concept, but I want to demonstrate how to achieve this without be locked-in in a framework or automation. It's is possible to reach it with a good decoupled code and Docker.

I created and published a repo to demonstrate my vision about a single repository with multiple projects.

Follow the flow:


Git clone this repo

"patient_data": {
"id": 964649461164164,
"name": "Marsellus Wallace",
"age": 55
"date_range": {
"from": "2020-10-20",
"to": "2020-10-22"
joelgarciajr84 / presto.ts
Created February 7, 2021 01:00
Implementing lib presto-ts
import { Presto, PrestoQueryParams, PrestoResponse } from "presto-ts";
const prestoStatusUpdate = (prestoNotification: PrestoResponse): PrestoResponse => {
return prestoNotification;
const errorPresto = (error: Error) => {
Stage Task Command
1 npm install newman -g
2 npm install -g newman-reporter-junitfull
3 Command Line **newman run e2e_collection.json --reporters cli,junit --reporter-junit-export junitReport.xml**
4 Publish Test Results **/*.xml
"Envelope": {
"Body": {
"consultarDebitosResponse": {
"consultarDebitosReturn": {
"_href": "#id0"
"_xmlns:ns1": "",
"_soapenv:encodingStyle": "",
"__prefix": "ns1"
exports.go = function(req, res){
let js2xmlparser = require("js2xmlparser");
let parser = require('xml2json');
let request = require('request');
let codfat = req.body.codfat; //Codigo da fatura
console.log("BUSCANDO LINHA DIGITAVEL PARA FATURA ->> " + codfat);
let options = {