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Created August 29, 2009 19:59
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Feature: Wiki Documents
In order to manage wiki content
As a user
I want see, create and edit wiki documents
Scenario: View document page
Given there is a document titled "TestDocument"
When I visit the "TestDocument" document page
Then I should see "TestDocument"
Scenario: Create a document without correct information
Given I am on the new document page
When I press "Add Page"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Document body can't be blank"
Scenario: Create a document
Given I am on the new document page
When I fill in the following:
| 'Title' | 'MyDocument' |
| 'Body' | 'Here is some content.' |
When I press "Add Page"
Then I should be on /documents/MyDocument
And I should see "MyDocument"
And I should see "Document successfully added"
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