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Last active May 25, 2020 14:59
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Trie for auto-complete (or: how to implement auto-complete in 4 lines of Clojure)
(def t
"trie containing the 100,000 most common english words"
(with-open [r ( "/tmp/words-100000")]
(reduce #(assoc-in %1 %2 (sorted-map \0 nil)) (sorted-map) (line-seq r))))
(defn search [p m]
"return a sorted sequence of all words in the trie m that start with the given prefix p"
(let [n (get-in m p)
next (mapcat #(search (str p (key %)) m) (dissoc n \0))]
(if (contains? n \0) (cons p next) next)))
(time (search "trie" t))
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