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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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The Staqueue, Coding for Interviews Issue #20
;; Building a functional queue using two stacks
;; We'll use vectors for our stacks, 'push' == conj
(def ^:private push conj)
;; We'll need be able to fill one stack from another
(defn ^:private refill
[s1 s2]
(if (empty? s1)
(recur (pop s1) (push s2 (peek s1)))))
;; A functional queue needs three operations:
;; - enqueue, add an item to the back of the queue
;; - dequeue, remove an item from the front of the queue
;; - front, see what's at the front of the queue
(defprotocol Queue
(enqueue ^Queue [this x])
(dequeue ^Queue [this])
(front [this]))
;; Here's a functional queue implemented with two stacks
(defrecord StackBasedQueue [s1 s2]
(enqueue [this x]
(update-in this [:s1] push x))
(dequeue [this]
(cond (seq s2) (StackBasedQueue. s1 (pop s2))
(seq s1) (StackBasedQueue. [] (pop (refill s1 s2)))
:else this))
(front [this]
(peek (if (empty? s2) (refill s1 s2) s2))))
(defn squeue []
"Creates an empty stack-based queue"
(->StackBasedQueue [] []))
;; Let's give our queue a try
;;=> #queue.StackBasedQueue{:s1 [], :s2 []}
;; Add an item to a queue
(enqueue (squeue) :a)
;;=> #queue.StackBasedQueue{:s1 [:a], :s2 []}
;; Add a few items to a shopping list
(def shopping
(-> (squeue) (enqueue :eggs) (enqueue :bread) (enqueue :milk)))
;;=> #'queue/shopping
;; What's the state of our stacks?
;;=> #user.StackBasedQueue{:s1 [:eggs :bread :milk], :s2 []}
;; enqueue stack has all of our items, dequeue stack hasn't yet been used
;; Which item is at the front of the queue?
(front shopping)
;;=> :eggs
;; Say we bought eggs, lets remove them from the queue
(def shopping
(dequeue shopping))
;; Which item is at the front of the queue now?
(front shopping)
;;=> :bread
;; What's the state of our stacks now?
;;=> #user.StackBasedQueue{:s1 [], :s2 [:milk :bread]}
;; enqueue stack is empty since items were transferred to the dequeue stack
;; Now for some timing
;; Let's build a queue of 10,000 integers
(def q1 (reduce enqueue (squeue) (range 10000)))
;; The first dequeue is expensive since we need to fill the dequeue stack
(dotimes [_ 5]
(time (dotimes [_ 100]
(dequeue q1))))
;;"Elapsed time: 377.974372 msecs"
;;"Elapsed time: 177.143243 msecs"
;;"Elapsed time: 176.567245 msecs"
;;"Elapsed time: 174.074123 msecs"
;;"Elapsed time: 172.318019 msecs"
(def q2 (dequeue q1))
;; The second dequeue is cheap (pop straight off the dequeue stack)
(dotimes [_ 5]
(time (dotimes [_ 100]
(dequeue q2))))
;;"Elapsed time: 0.118309 msecs"
;;"Elapsed time: 0.02452 msecs"
;;"Elapsed time: 0.018881 msecs"
;;"Elapsed time: 0.018625 msecs"
;;"Elapsed time: 0.018744 msecs"
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