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Last active November 21, 2018 23:32
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  • Save joelkrause/426ce6bb1178274b10ac863241610405 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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VS Code Slick Snippets
"slickinit": {
"prefix": "slick",
"body": [
"\tautoplay: true,",
"\tpauseOnHover: false,",
"\tarrows: true,",
"\twaitForAnimate: false,",
"description": "Initialise Slick Slider with some basic options"
"accessibility": {
"prefix": "accessibility",
"body": ["accessibility: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set Accessibility option"
"adaptiveHeight": {
"prefix": "adaptiveHeight",
"body": ["adaptiveHeight: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set adaptiveHeight option"
"autoplay": {
"prefix": "autoplay",
"body": ["autoplay: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set Autoplay option"
"autoplaySpeed": {
"prefix": "autoplaySpeed",
"body": ["autoplaySpeed: 1000,"],
"description": "Set autoplaySpeed speed"
"arrows": {
"prefix": "arrows",
"body": ["arrows: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set arrows option"
"asNavFor": {
"prefix": "asNavFor",
"body": ["asNavFor: '.slick-nav',"],
"description": "Set a secondary slider to chat with another slick slider"
"appendArrows": {
"prefix": "appendArrows",
"body": ["appendArrows: '$('.class')',"],
"description": "Append arrows to another div in the page"
"appendDots": {
"prefix": "appendDots",
"body": ["appendDots: '$('.class')',"],
"description": "Append dots to another div in the page"
"prevArrow": {
"prefix": "prevArrow",
"body": ["prevArrow: '<button type=\"button\" class=\"slick-prev\">Previous</button>',"],
"description": "Set previous arrow element"
"nextArrow": {
"prefix": "nextArrow",
"body": ["nextArrow: '<button type=\"button\" class=\"slick-next\">Next</button>',"],
"description": "Set next arrow element"
"centerMode": {
"prefix": "centerMode",
"body": ["centerMode: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set centerMode option"
"centerPadding": {
"prefix": "centerPadding",
"body": ["centerPadding: '50px',"],
"description": "Set centerPadding option",
"cssEase": {
"prefix": "cssEase",
"body": ["cssEase: ease,"],
"description": "Sett css ease",
"dots": {
"prefix": "dots",
"body": ["dots: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set dots option"
"dotsClass": {
"prefix": "dotsClass",
"body": ["dotsClass: '$('.class')',"],
"description": "Set dots class"
"draggable": {
"prefix": "draggable",
"body": ["draggable: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set draggable option"
"fade": {
"prefix": "fade",
"body": ["fade: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set fade option"
"focusOnSelect": {
"prefix": "focusOnSelect",
"body": ["focusOnSelect: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set focusOnSelect option - handy for thumb nav"
"infinite": {
"prefix": "infinite",
"body": ["infinite: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set infinite option"
"initialSlide": {
"prefix": "initialSlide",
"body": ["initialSlide: 0,"],
"description": "Set starting slide"
"lazyLoad": {
"prefix": "lazyLoad",
"body": ["lazyLoad: ${1|ondemand,progressive|},"],
"description": "Set lazy loading technique. Accepts 'ondemand' or 'progressive'"
"mobileFirst": {
"prefix": "mobileFirst",
"body": ["mobileFirst: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Set mobile first option"
"pauseOnFocus": {
"prefix": "pauseOnFocus",
"body": ["pauseOnFocus: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Pause on focus"
"pauseOnHover": {
"prefix": "pauseOnHover",
"body": ["pauseOnHover: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Pause on hover"
"pauseOnDotsHover": {
"prefix": "pauseOnDotsHover",
"body": ["pauseOnDotsHover: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Pause on dots hover"
"slidesToShow": {
"prefix": "slidesToShow",
"body": ["slidesToShow: 0,"],
"description": "Set amount of slides to show"
"slidesToScroll": {
"prefix": "slidesToScroll",
"body": ["slidesToScroll: 0,"],
"description": "Set amount of slides to scroll"
"speed": {
"prefix": "speed",
"body": ["speed: 1000,"],
"description": "Slide/Fade animation speed"
"swipe": {
"prefix": "swipe",
"body": ["swipe: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Enable swipe"
"swipeToSlide": {
"prefix": "swipeToSlide",
"body": ["swipeToSlide: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Allow users to drag or swipe directly to a slide irrespective of slidesToScroll"
"touchMove": {
"prefix": "touchMove",
"body": ["touchMove: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Enable slide motion with touch"
"useCSS": {
"prefix": "useCSS",
"body": ["useCSS: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Enable/disable CSS Animations"
"useTransform": {
"prefix": "useTransform",
"body": ["useTransform: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Enable/disable CSS Transforms"
"variableWidth": {
"prefix": "variableWidth",
"body": ["variableWidth: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Variable width slides"
"vertical": {
"prefix": "vertical",
"body": ["vertical: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Slide vertically"
"verticalSwiping": {
"prefix": "verticalSwiping",
"body": ["verticalSwiping: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Swipe vertically"
"rtl": {
"prefix": "rtl",
"body": ["rtl: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Enable/disable rtl"
"waitForAnimate": {
"prefix": "waitForAnimate",
"body": ["waitForAnimate: ${1|true,false|},"],
"description": "Ignores requests to advance the slide while animating"
"zIndex": {
"prefix": "zIndex",
"body": ["zIndex: 1,"],
"description": "Set the zIndex values for slides, useful for IE9 and lower"
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