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Last active December 11, 2015 16:34
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Save joelkuiper/0b970745cda78de007a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(defn selectize
[options settings]
(let [id
(fn [] (.-selectize (aget (js/$ (str "#" id)) 0)))
(fn [this]
(let [[_ options _ _ ] (reagent/argv this)]
(js/$ (str "#" id))
(clj->js (assoc settings :options (vec (:options options)))))
(.setValue (get-selectize) (clj->js (:defaults options)))))]
{:component-did-mount selectize!
:component-will-unmount #(.destroy (get-selectize))
:render (fn [] [:input {:id id}])})))
{:defaults []
:options []} ;; options and default selected
{:plugins ["remove_button"] ;; all other selectize settings
:onChange update!}
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