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Created May 6, 2014 19:59
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A Pen by jakob-e.
<h1 class="responsive-fonts">
<span>Responsive Fonts</span>
<figure class="responsive-fonts">
<img src="" />
<figcaption>Please Resize<br>Responsively</figcaption>
<fieldset class="responsive-fonts">
<label>base-width:<input type="text" id="bw" value="960"/></label>
<label>min-width:<input type="text" id="min" value="320"/></label>
<label>max-width:<input type="text" id="max" value="1200"/></label>
<label>selectors:<input type="text" id="elm" value=".responsive-fonts"/></label>
<label><button>Generate CSS</button></label>
<h2>Beta version warning!!!</h2>
<p>Responsive font sizing is based on a set of SCSS generated media queries – setting a percentual font-size in relation to the viewport width. </p>
&lt;header class="responsive-fonts"&gt;
&lt;h1&gt;Responsive Font&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;h1 class="responsive-fonts"&gt;
&lt;span&gt;Responsive Font&lt;/span&gt;
1) Set viewport breakpoints (pixels)
$base-width:960; // Design 1:1
$min-width:320; // Lowest scaling point
$max-width:1600; // Highest scaling point
2) Create media queries
@include ResponsiveFonts();
3) Style your font
Note! if adding the class to a text element
you must add an inline element eg. span
h1.responsive-fonts span { font-size:2em; }
<p>Note! CSS output 4-10 KB - a little more than most js versions... if you dont count loading jQuery ;)</p>
<p>Note! ie8 needs respond.js </p>
<p>Note! if applied to the HTML tag everything (em,rem,%) becomes responsive</p>
<p>Note! if applied to the BODY tag everything (em,%) becomes responsive</p>
<p>Note! to avoid @include order problems add html or body before the target element<br>
@include ResponsiveFonts('body .responsive-fonts');
<div class="responsive-fonts em"><span>font-size:2em </span></div>
<div class="responsive-fonts pct"><span>font-size:200% </span></div>
<div class="responsive-fonts rem"><span>font-size:2rem </span></div>
<div class="responsive-fonts px"><span>font-size:32px </span></div>
<strong>// SCSS Mixin v.1.0 - beta</strong>
// =========================================
// ResponsiveFonts
// =========================================
// Config
$base-width:960 !default; // Width @ 100% layout or 1:1
$min-width:320 !default; // Minimum width
$max-width:2560 !default; // Maximum width
// Tip!
// Setting a percentual min/max can be done like this:
// $min-width:$base-width * 0.5; // 50%;
// $max-width:$base-width * 1.5; // 150%;
// only run once
$ResponsiveFonts-init:false !default;
@mixin ResponsiveFonts($args...){
// loop start counter
// loop end counter
// ratio (pixel per percent of base-width)
// It is a bit like the <a href="" target="_blank">vw unit</a>
// list to hold passed selectors
@for $i from 1 through length($args){
@for $i from $s through $e {
// font-size percentage
// media query type min/max
// media query width
$w:round(if($i==$s,($r*$i)+($r - 1)*1px+$r*1px,$r*$i*1px));
// build media query
@media (#{$t}-width:$w){
#{$l}{ font-size:$p;}
// Include examples
// Note! only the first will work
@include ResponsiveFonts(); // default
@include ResponsiveFonts(html); // Scale all em, rem and %
@include ResponsiveFonts(body); // Scale all em and % (rems are relative to body)
@include ResponsiveFonts('.rf'); // I'm lazy don't want .responsive-fonts
@include ResponsiveFonts('.foo','.bar'); // Other selectors just add
Thank you for visiting
and please comment :)
Jakob E
<li class="done">Add min width</li>
<li class="done">Add max width</li>
<li class="done">Create the damn mixin</li>
<li class="done">Allow selector list html, body, class, id, article,...</li>
<li class="done">Update the damn mixin</li>
<li class="done">Be nice – make a js version for the non-SCSS'ers</li>
<li>Write LESS mixin</li>
<li>Move project to <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
<li>Character limits - learn about <a href="" target="_blank">flowtype</a> - thanks Nick <br>- maybe adding a min/max scale could solve this</li>
<li>Nice things up</li>
<li>Add config control min>max etc.</li>
<li>Allow various units em, rem, cm,...</li>
<li>Update the damn mixin again</li>
<li>Begin work on baseline</li>
<li>Make framework</li>
<li>Buy bigger boat </li>
<li>2013.09.22 - Markup example updated</li>
<li>2013.09.19 - Generator missing "}" bug fixed</li>
<li>2013.09.19 - CSS generator added</li>
<li>2013.09.19 - SCSS @mixin beta 1.0</li>
<li>2013.09.19 - Just playing</li>

Responsive Font Sizing

Responsive CSS font sizing generator including SCSS @mixin.

In short it creates a list of media queries creating relation between page width and font size – making em and percent based fonts scalable .

No js needed... If you don't care about ie8 ;)

Thanks for visiting Jakob E

A Pen by jakob-e on CodePen.


var css='',
s=Math.floor(min*100/bw), // loop start counter
e=Math.ceil(max*100/bw), // loop end counter
r=bw/100; // ratio (pixel in percent of basewidth)
for(var i=s;i<e;++i){
var p=Math.round((i/bw)*r*10000)/100,
css+='@media ('+t+'-width:'+w+'){'+elm+'{font-size:'+p+'%;}}\n';
@import "compass/css3";
@import url(,500,600,700);
@import url(;
@import url(,400);
// =========================================
// ResponsiveFonts
// =========================================
// Config
$base-width:960 !default; // Width @ 100% layout or 1:1
$min-width:320 !default; // Minimum width
$max-width:1200 !default; // Maximum width
$ResponsiveFonts-init:false !default; // only run once
@mixin ResponsiveFonts($args...){
$s:floor($min-width*100/$base-width); // loop start counter
$e:ceil($max-width*100/$base-width); // loop end counter
$r:$base-width/100; // ratio (pixel in percent of basewidth)
$l:(); // list to hold passed selectors
@for $i from 1 through length($args){
@for $i from $s through $e {
$p:percentage($i/$base-width)*$r; // font-size percentage
$t:if($i==$s,max,min); // media query type min/max
$w:round(if($i==$s,($r*$i)+($r - 1)*1px,$r*$i*1px)); // media query width
@media (#{$t}-width:$w){ // build mediaquery
#{$l}{ font-size:$p;} // percentual font-size
%clearfix {&:after {content:'';display: table;clear: both;}}
%rounded {
-webkit-border-radius: 0.8em;
border-radius: 0.8em;
background-clip: padding-box;
*, *:before, *:after {
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none; outline:none
article,header,figure,img {display:block; }
html { font-size:100%; line-height:100%;}
pre { margin:1em 0;}
.responsive-fonts { font-size:100%;}
.responsive-fonts span { font:400 4.9em 'Raleway', sans-serif;}
html{ background:$yellow-1;}
article { padding:3% 6%; margin:0 auto; min-width:$min-width * 1px; max-width:$max-width * 1px; }
figure { position:relative; margin:3rem 0 0; }
figcaption{ position:absolute; top:32%; font:3em 'Bangers', cursive; }
img { width:100%; }
pre { white-space:pre-wrap;}
h1 { text-transform:uppercase; }
h2 { font:500 1.618rem/2.291 'Raleway', sans-serif; margin-bottom:2.291rem - 1.618rem;}
h3 { font:400 1.416rem/1.618 'Raleway', sans-serif; margin-bottom:1.618rem - 1.416rem;}
p,dt,dd,li{ font:300 1rem 'Lato', sans-serif; line-height:1.416rem; margin-bottom:1.416 - 1rem;}
dl { margin:1.618em; @extend %clearfix; }
dt, dd { float:left; }
dt { clear:left; width:100px; font-weight:400; }
ul {list-style:none;}
li {padding-left:1rem;}
.em span { font-size:2em; }
.rem span { font-size:2rem; }
.pct span { font-size:200%; }
.px span { font-size:32px; }
.done { text-decoration:line-through; }
// Add media queries
// Note! only the first @include will be effective
$base-width:960; // Width @ 100% layout or 1:1
$min-width:320; // Minimum width
$max-width:1200; // Maximum width
@include ResponsiveFonts('html'); // default
//@include ResponsiveFonts(html); // Scale all em, rem and %
//@include ResponsiveFonts(body); // Scale all em and % (rems are relative to body)
//@include ResponsiveFonts('.rfs');// I'm lazy don't want .responsive-font-size
//@include ResponsiveFonts('.foo','.bar'); // Other selectors just add
// CSS GEnerator
fieldset,pre { @extend %clearfix; border:0; padding:3% 5%; background:$yellow-2; @extend %rounded; }
label,a,button { font:400 1em 'Lato', sans-serif; line-height:1.416rem; margin-bottom:1.416 - 1rem;}
label { text-indent:5%; width:100%; float:left; clear:left; margin:0.2rem;}
input,textarea { font-size:100%; padding:1%; width:75%; float:left; margin-right:-100%; margin-left:20%; }
textarea {font-size:0.5em}
a { color:#333;
&:hover { background:#333; color:$yellow-1;}
//a { display:block; padding:0.2rem; font-size:1.416rem; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; display:none; }
textarea { resize: none; }
button { width:75%; background:#231f20; color:#fff; padding:0.8em; float:left; border:1px solid #e3a600; margin:1% 0 0; margin-right:-100%; margin-left:20%;}
@media (max-width:640px){
label { font-size:1.5em; text-indent:0;}
input,button,textarea { width:100%; margin:1% 0 0;}
::-webkit-selection { background:#fff0b2; }
::-moz-selection { background:#fff0b2; }
::selection { background:#fff0b2; }
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